Saturday, February 26, 2011

Meeting Reminder for March 3 at 7 p.m.

Meeting Time

Just a reminder of the kickoff meeting this coming Thursday March 3rd.  The meeting starts at 7 p.m. at the Clubhouse.  All members and invited members have confirmed their attendance.  This will be the beginning of a lot of maximum fun.

I hope it's dry so I can ride.  I am tired of my cage.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Club Sponsored Spring Run Confirmed for Sure

The OMC sponsored Spring Run will be Friday June 3rd and Saturday June 4th.  We will spend Friday night in Joseph, Oregon at the Indian Lodge Motel.  They have 15 rooms open at this time.  They also have 7 cottages but they are about 5 blocks from the main lodge.

Those who have done this ride before have knowledge that this is a great ride and this lodge is a fun place to stay. 

You must call the Indian Lodge Motel at (541) 432-2651 to make your reservations.  This place is very popular and fills up fast. 

This ride is open to all members and whoever the members wish to invite.  No cages.

More information will be given at the March 3rd Club Kick-off Meeting and on the OMC website.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011



Welcome back, Smooth (Steve)...!  Can't wait to see your new old purple sled.  Hooahh...!

Cut and Colors (Part Two)

Lil Joes 4 Pocket Cut

A few more etiquette items came to mind:

 1.  No patches or pins from other clubs or affiliations should be on your OGRES cut, i.e., H.O.G., A.B.A.T.E., A.M.A., Starz, Temple Riders, etc.  This is an OGRES cut and OGRES don't share well.

2.  P.O.W. patches and Veteran patches are allowed.

If you have a cut picked out and you have your colors, I would wait to sew on any more than the back patch and the chest patch until you attend the March 3rd meeting where all will be discussed.  Keep the area right above the right pocket clear as I have a patch idea for that area to match up with the left OGRES chest patch.

Placement of the official Colors are discussed and illustrated earlier in this blog.  Call me if you have any questions because it's sucks to have holes in your cut if you have to move stuff.

The Sergeant at Arms is bringing food and everyone is welcome to bring something if you wish.

The official OGRES website will be up soon.  I will advise and send links.

Club Sponsored Fall Run is Confirmed for Sure

Challis Hot Springs Breakfast Gazebo

Challis Hot Springs Main House

The OMC sponsored Fall Run will be Friday August 26th and Saturday August 27th.  We will spend Friday night 3 miles outside of Challis, Idaho at Challis Hot Springs Bed and Breakfast.  The hot springs only has eight rooms. Two of the rooms have been reserved.  That leaves six rooms.

The six remaining rooms are first come first served.  Make your own reservations at (208) 879-4442.  Tell Gretchen you are with me.  When the six rooms are gone, you will need to take a tent for the campground or stay in town.  No sleeping on the floor or doubling up in rooms.

The folks at the Hot Springs have been personal friends of mine for years and I want to treat them right because they will treat us right.

Gretchen will fix us breakfast and will do dinner (for a charge) if we ask.  For those not able to get Hot Springs rooms in time, you will need to pay for her breakfast as it comes only with a room normally.

This ride is open to members and whoever they want to invite.  No cages (cars).

More info to follow at the Club Meeting on March 3rd.  I just wanted to give everyone a heads up before the outside public snatches up the remaining rooms.

Peter's Alterations - Colors Sewn To Go

There is only one place I go to have any tailoring whatsoever.  I especially take my leathers to have colors sewn or leathers altered at:

Peter's Alterations
426 North Orchard Street
Boise, Idaho

It is right next to McDonald's between Morris Hill and Clinton.  He does absolutely impeccable work and has decent prices.

It usually takes a week.  He does not take debit or credit cards.  Take some cash with you.

And you can have a Big Mac while you're at it.

Cut and Colors

Just a few tips on Cut and Colors etiquette:

1.  Colors only go on a cut (vest).  Never put colors on jackets.
2.  Your cut should large enough to fit over your jacket.
3.  Cut/Colors are never worn in a cage (vehicle).
4.  Cut/Colors are never worn under a jacket.
5.  You never allow anyone to take your cut.
6.  Never wear your cut if you are doing something nefarious.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Hells Canyon Observation Point

I was just sitting and thinking and came up with ride ideas.  Actually more planning than that has transpired.  Anyhow, the tentative 2011 dates for the three annual OMC sponsored rides:

Spring Run       Friday June 3 and Saturday June 4      Joseph Oregon
Summer Run    Friday July 15 and Saturday July 16    Iron Butt or alternative
Fall Run           Friday Aug. 26 and Saturday Aug. 27     Challis Hot Springs

More at the March 3 meeting.  Maximum fun.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Inaugural OMC Meeting Thursday March 3, 2011 at 7 p.m.

Invitations have been sent to the "first ten".  My hope that is we patch in 7 new members.  Let the fun begin.