Tuesday, February 27, 2024

OGRES MC 2024 Spouses Valentines Night Out Report


As planned the OMC Valentine's Day with the Spouses began at the Fairview Clubhouse at the appointed hour. 

OMC members present: Bomber, RipCity, Grim, Rowdy, G-Man and Smooth. All members were in the company of their S.S.O.s.

OMC members absent: Slick, Duke and Gundy.

RipCity had brought wonderful hors d'oeuvres and beverages for the pre-dinner social and all seemed to have a nice time in the Clubhouse.

Everyone eventually headed over to the restaurant to have dinner in the lovely train car that has become a huge OMC tradition. We were lucky to have a lovely server who has been with the restaurant as long as can be remembered.

The food was timely and tasty along with the conversation. It was a nice quiet time but also amusing and lively.

A very nice time was had by all.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

OGRES MC Valentines Day Spouses Night Out February 16th


The next OGRES Motorcycle Club event is February 16th at 5:30 p.m. There is a social hour, at the Fairview Clubhouse, at 5:30 p.m. with dinner following. G-Man has reserved the railroad car at the Sockeye Grill for the dinner.

Please respond immediately if you are attending. Conversely, respond immediately if you are not going to attend. That way we know everyone was notified of the event.

This event is only open to OMC members and their spouses. No guests or children, grand or otherwise.

Separate checks, of course.

Please do not delay.