Monday, December 23, 2019

OGRES MC Annual New Years Day Breakfast

The annual OGRES MC New Years Day Breakfast will be held at The Sunrise Cafe, 6767 West Fairview Avenue in Boise. The cross street is Allumbaugh.  

We will convene at 9 a.m. guessed it...New Year's Day.

This event is open to OGRES MC members and and Emeritus members only.

Be there or be square.

Friday, November 8, 2019

OGRES MC November 2019 Meeting Report

2020 Indian Challenger

Members of the OGRES Motorcycle Club met at the Clubhouse at the appointed time. Members present and accounted for: Duke, Rip City, Grim, G-Man, Gundy and Bomber. Emeritus member present: Smooth. Members absent: Slick and Krome.

The new limited edition coins were revealed. All the members seemed to approve of the special anniversary coin. Coins and money quickly changed hands and the Sergeant of Arms collected the cash. Rip City was nice enough to procure two coins for Slick as he was out of state. Nice man.

A short discussion followed concerning the frequency of the official OMC mandatory meetings. It was voted to keep them the same...every other odd month of the year on the first Thursday.
Although two of the meetings will be on the second Thursday of the the month due to holidays and the annual barbecue will be on the first Friday of September. 

The official 2020 OMC Events Calendar will be released shortly as soon as a couple of details are nailed down. 

SPECIAL NOTE: The Valentines Day dinner with spouses will be Friday, February 14th. All will meet at the Clubhouse at 6:30 p.m. G-Man will be making the reservations at the Sockeye Grill.

Grim committed to finding a date near the end of January for firearms training on the condition that members will do their best to be available. This training also will include certification for the Enhance Concealed Carry permit. 

Nominations for new Primary Officers was opened.  No nominations for new Primary Officer were offered. Nominations were closed. Grim remains the President, G-Man the Vice President and Duke remains the Sergeant at Arms.

A draft copy of the OMC 2020 Events calendar was passed out to the members for review. All the dates seem to work for everyone except there was discussion about moving the OMC Spring Run to the second week of June instead of the first week to try for better weather. Further discussion to come. All members present appeared to be able to make the change. 
Absent members need to let Grim know of their availability on June 12th and 13th instead of June 5th and 6th for the Spring Run.

Bomber made a motion that OMC members move the meeting to the Sockeye Grill. It was seconded by Grim and vote was unanimous for relocation of the meeting.

Even with a goofy waiter, and his accomplice, we ordered quickly and received some great food. As usual, everyone's food looked better to Grim than what he ordered. 

It was a fun and pleasant time with the conversation mostly being table wide instead of having two or three conversations. Politics, music and comedy were discussed and public figures ridiculed. 

Absent members were denigrated for their priority decisions and...well, Grim will not go into details to avoid hurt feelings.

Our next event will be the annual New Years breakfast on, you guessed it, New Years Day. The location will be disclosed in a followup correspondence. 

The next mandatory OGRES MC meeting will be held on Thursday, January 9th at the Clubhouse. 

Since we don't meet in December, our annual gift exchange will be held at that meeting. The dollar limit of gifts is $100. This limit is necessary because of G-Man's predilection of throwing money around willy-nilly.


Friday, November 1, 2019

Mandatory OGRES MC Meeting This Coming Thursday, November 7th, 2019

The November 2019 mandatory OGRES MC Club meeting will be on this coming Thursday, November 7th, at 6:30 p.m. Attendance by all OGRES MC members, in good standing, is mandatory unless expressly excused by the President.

The new Limited Edition OMC challenge coins will be available, at the meeting, for purchase by OMC members. They turned out even better than expected. The members only price is $10 each.

We have many important topics to discuss:

OMC sanctioned Spring, Summer and Falls runs

Nominations for Primary Officers

Member votes on several issues

Review of leader and rider etiquette 

Discussion of training opportunities

Dinner will be part of the activity whether it be "take out" or at a restaurant.

Be there or be square...

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

OGRES MC Limited Edition 10th Anniversary Challenge Coins

The Limited Edition 10th Anniversary Challenge Coins will be arriving any day now.  

These coins are an upgrade from our last ones and will be extremely super groovy.

They will be available on a first come...first served basis for OMC members in good standing.

The price is only $10.00 each for members.  They will be $15.00 each for non members. The President will determine if a non member requesting to buy a coin is "coin worthy".

Members are free to trade or gift the coins they have purchased to whomever they want. No permission is needed from the OMC.

Let Grim know how many coins you want to reserve.  Again, they are on a first come (cash).....first served basis.  

Rock on!

Sunday, September 15, 2019

2019 OGRES MC Special Evening with Spouses Report

This very special evening with the spouses was the best one yet.  

OGRES MC members present: Grim, Rip City, Bomber, Gundy, Duke and G-Man.  

OGRES Emeritus present: Smooth.  

OGRES spouses present: Jeannelle, Stephanie, Brenda, Pat, Joy, Pam and Sherry.  

OGRES MC members absent: Krome and Slick.

Grim would have had a contest to see who showed up fashionably late, as usual, but it wouldn't be much of a contest.  G-Man said he was actually early because he was only 15 minutes late.  He did show up with the dessert so he was forgiven.

First order of the day, after salutations, hugs and greetings was to get some group photos taken.  We did not have a dedicated camera person so several photos were needed to record everyone's participation along with getting shots of everyone without eyes open  or mouths agape.

After a blessing on the food was given, short speeches were given by the event's hosts, Bomber and Mrs. B.  Newly OGRES Emeritus  Smooth then gave a short speech followed by Grim.  With the formalities out of the way, we adjourned en masse to the dining area.

We were greeted by the delicious aroma of pork steaks, yummy potatoes and carrots and succulent nutty/fruity salad.  The room grew hushed as hungry folks enjoyed the bountiful repast.  As tummies began to fill, the conversation picked back up.  

Next year Grim is going to sit in the middle of the table so he can hear all the threads of conversation. His location at the end of the table limited his involvement.  There was a discussion about what destination one has when riding scooters.  Also one about "Little Men".  Duke also gave an account of his "health adventure" while back east at the Boy Scout Jamboree.  It was readily clear that Duke's guardian angels had worked overtime during his health crisis.  All the OGRES are very glad to have him back in one piece.

The cheesecake that G-Man had baked (Costco) was delish and was soon gone.

At one point, Grim proposed a parlor game after G-Man had talked about a man who cigarettes were named after.  Each member would state their name and then state the descriptor, or such, that would be on the cover of the book.  They are as follows:

Smooth:          "He's Such a Nice Guy"

Pat:                  "Next Trip?"

Gundy:             "6th of 8"

Joy:                   "Joy Ride"

G-Man:             "I'm On My Way"

Sherry:              "Why Are You Home?"

Grim:                "The Quiet Rebel"

Jeannelle:          "Pondering That"

Bomber:            "Thinkin' 'Bout Things"

Brenda:             "I May Not Always Be 
                          Right But I'm Never          

Rip City:          "Goodbye Please"  

Stepanie:         "Queen of Disclaimers"

Duke:               "The Only Stud on His Bike"

Pam:                 "Love of His Life"  (Pam 
                          had departed so Duke 
                          came up with this one.)

Smooth's attention span and boredom meter then expired so he was out in the garage looking at Bomber's toys.  Part of us followed him out after completing our parlor game prematurely.  

Rip City quickly found another Indian bike that closely resembled the one he has at home.  He was dashingly handsome as he tried it on for size.  

Others began to check out Bomber's rat rod that sat crouched under the lift that held the DeSoto.  Stephanie especially took notice and soon had Bomber behind the wheel to take her for a wild ride.

They were gone for hours but had to come back as the lights on the rat rod had vanished making it a very wild ride in the dark.

Finally, all of the participants had all the fun they could stand and began to fade into the night.  We were unable to figure out how to open the rear hatch on the fancy Cadillac that G-Man had just purchased for Sherry.  So instead, we decided to regale G-Man with all the "adventures" he was in for with his upcoming rotator cuff surgery.  With the proper amount of wet wipes, stool softener and arm restraints, G-Man should come through it just fine.

Special thanks for out to Bomber and Mrs. B for hosting this super groovy event at their crib.  The OGRES are so grateful for their generosity and for the great vibe their home provides.

A great time was had by all and Grim hated for the evening to end. 

Friday, August 30, 2019

OGRES MC Barbecue with Spouses This Coming Friday, September 6, at 6:30 (RSVP Required!)

The Annual OGRES MC Barbecue with spouses is this coming Friday, September 6th, at 6:30 p.m.  The shindig will be at Bomber's home.  Please email me for the address if you need it.

Let Grim know ASAP if you will be or will not be attending so that Bomber can plan for the event.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

OGRES MC 2019 Fall Run Report

Per tradition, the OGRES MC Fall Run began with a hearty breakfast at the Garage Cafe.  Members present: Gundy, Grim, Rip City, Krome and Duke.  Guests Stephen and Joy were also present.  Bomber and G-Man had to make a late start due to some churchly activities and they missed the opening festivities.  Absent: Slick.

Stephen was Duke's driver to allow him to attend breakfast and take a break from his rehabilitation.  It was great to see Duke and we had a great breakfast meeting.

Post breakfast, the OMC pack headed out on the road. We passed through Parma, Nyssa, Arcadia and took the scenic route past Weiser and along 201.  We only had one stretch of construction where we had to follow a pilot vehicle for a couple miles. We made our usual stop at Farewell Bend before continuing on through Huntington.  The aroma of the marijuana fields filled our noses as we rode through the Huntington area.

The usual taste of riding the one stretch on the Interstate was more bitter than usual and the cages more omnipresent.  Finally we took the first Baker City exit and proceeded peacefully through the back roads.  We passed up the usual gas stop in Baker City opting to instead gas up in Haines.  The only problem is there is no gas services in Haines...or in North Powder.  We rolled into Union and stopped there as we knew the Sinclair was present in Union.

Joy, Dino, Gundy, Rip City and Krome

We gassed up and then went inside to get a snack.  The line was backed up out the door.  There was someone holding up the show at the front of the line and it guessed it...Rip City.  The gas pump had completely outsmarted him and he had to figure things out with the clerk.  Figgers.

We climbed back aboard our steeds after discussing how we could ditch Bomber, G-Man and Stephen who were trying to catch up with us.  We decided that stopping in Cove at the Steak House, instead of in Elgin, would be the perfect way.  So we did stop in Cove for lunch and it was tremendous.  Steaks, sandwiches and the like along with Sidewinder potatoes.  Yummy.  

As luck would have it, the aforementioned straggling trio of Bomber, G-Man and Stephen had taken the freeway to Elgin, via LaGrande and were waiting in Elgin.  Curses...foiled again.  We departed Cove only to have Gundy and Joy turn back as she had left her PHONE at the restaurant in Cove.  Grim, Krome and Rip City proceeded to Elgin where we met up with the awaiting trio of Interstate Riders.  We didn't have to wait long for Gundy and Joy and we proceeded up the road after catching up on everyone's events for the day.

It was a smooth and peaceful ride into Enterprise and then on into Joseph where we checked in to our rooms.  Debbie was there to greet us as usual and we piled out gear into our rooms so we could hit the town.  

We hit our usual spots checking out all the cool stuff.  Chocolate haystacks and fresh coffee greeting Grim at the usual spot although they had moved two doors down in an attempt to thwart Grim's visit. We shed tears when we found that the owner of our favorite tin sign shop had retired and closed the store.  One less landmark for the future.  

Rip City made reservations for us at the Stubborn Mule for 6:30, 5:30, 6:30 mountain, you get the idea.   Sigh....

After tearing up the town, we retired to the Indian Lodge Motel for a brief rest before dinner.  We then headed over for dinner to find the dining room to ourselves.  OGRES and guests enjoyed a great meal with excellent service.  Joy and Rip City just weren't sure if there "taint" too much service sometimes.

We headed down to the competition restaurant to get some ice cream but the word had gotten there ahead of us concerning our impending arrival.  After the Krome/Rip City ice cream debacle of 2018, the owners had hurriedly closed up the ice cream shop and barricaded the doors.

We then sauntered over to the grocery store, bought a package of ice cream sandwiches and ate them while walking back to the Lodge.  Everyone must have been tired because the usual lie telling and bragging, before bed, went unfulfilled.  

Joy, Gundy, Stephen, Grim, Bomber, G-Man, Rip City and Krome at the Indian Lodge Motel

All arose in the morning to assemble for breakfast at the Cheyenne Cafe.  Grim strolled into the cafe, making a fashionable late appearance, and the entire Club got up to exit as though they were finished with the meal.  Yep, they got Grim going on that one.  Phew.

We then headed up the road and came upon construction as soon as we turned on the the "curvies".  We had to follow a pilot vehicle for about 7 miles and then it was smooth sailing.  As usual, it was a glorious ride through the curves and hills where not a deer nor cow were seen.  We came up to the lookout for our usual snack and bio break.

Joy, Rip City Krome, Stephen, Gundy, Bomber and G-Man

We walked out to the overlook and someone commented about how the view never gets old.  How true.  We also were able to watch a bald eagle riding the wind currents overhead.  It was a glorious sight. We stayed as long as we could but reckoned we should be pushing off.  We headed down the mountain and stopped at Scotty's to get a drink and shed off our extra clothing as the temperature became inversely related to our altitude.  It turns out it may be our last top at Scotty's as he is going to cater to rafters and fisherman and lose the convenience store items for sale.  Bummer.

We headed back down the road, down past the reservoir and dam.  We made good time getting to Cambridge as we met up with little or no traffic.  We made a quick stop at the Sinclair for gas, more to reconnoiter for lunch, than to refuel.  Gundy's Heritage softail became tired and decided to lie down for a rest.  We were able to get the steel steed back up and coaxed it into proceeding down the road.

Rip City had suggested a cafe in Midvale so we proceeded to the aforementioned site.  I think he wanted to eat there so he could gaze upon his visage on the billboard that towered over the cafe,  Turns out the food and service was fantastic along with the homemade pie.  Yummy.  This will definitely be our stop in the future.

The OGRES and guests then proceeded down the road through Weiser and Payette before headed towards Middleton on Highway 52.  Again the traffic was almost nonexistent and the ride peaceful and without incident.  We arrive in Middleton where we said our farewells and headed our separate ways.  

Gundy, Krome, Rip City, Grim, G-Man and Bomber

Grim actually was able to ride third with Bomber and G-Man into Boise.  It was good practice for Grim riding in formation as he doesn't get to do it very often.  Bomber and G-Man were fortunate to turn off into their neighborhoom as Grim ran into Fair traffic closer to Boise.  Cages galore.

A great time was had by all and G-Man will be very pleased I didn't refer to him as Scarecrow during the whole narrative...oh, wait a minute...

Monday, August 19, 2019

OGRES MC 2019 Fall Run This Coming Thursday August 22 and 23

Joseph, Oregon

The OGRES MC 2019 Fall Run commences this coming Thursday and Friday, August 22nd and 23rd.  We will meet for breakfast at 8 a.m. at the Garage Cafe in Notus, Idaho.

Go to this link for more information:

See you there.

Friday, July 26, 2019

OGRES MC 2019 Summer Run Report by Rip City

The Three Day Ride That Just Kept Giving
By RIP City
OGRES to meet at the Sinclair/Stinker station in Eagle.  Safety meeting lead by Gundy (Ride Captain)
at 8:45am, right on schedule.  Attended by Gundy and his squeeze Joy & RIP City.  Not in attendance:
Grim, G-Man, Krome, Bomber, Slick, and Duke.  During safety meeting Captain Gundy kept looking at RIP City.  Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
Gundy offered the ride prayer.  We knew we were in good hands.  
Goal was to eat in Stanley at Sawtooth Lucy’s.  No problem, Gundy pushed 5 over to get us there quick.  We rode 1,2,3
like fighter jets. Lunch was great at Lucy’s.  Kobe beef mmmmmmm.  Rip tried to pay for the meal but Joy, the bill thief, took away the chance with training she had received 1,000 times from Duke.  66 degrees and warming up.
Next stop was Challis at the S&W Junction for a remove layer break.  We all sat in the shade and realized we were in no hurry to remount our steeds.  Joy found a table, that was made for the club, that she wanted Gundy to make her.
After donuts and drinks we mounted up headed for Salmon.  At 3:30pm  we arrived at the Stagecoach without a hitch.  We checked in and Gundy & Joy washed their bikes, RIP City didn’t even wash himself.  5:30 Rip City was overseeing the swimming pool when G-Man & Bomber showed up. You see the brothers wanted to catch up to us later by going a faster, longer route cause they had stuff to do that was important.  Neither was very sharp when they showed up cause zero sleep since early morning.  

Bomber at Salmon

Sad Rip

Rip City, Joy, Gundy and Bomber

Dinner was planned at 6:30 PM sharp.  Joy let Rip City ride her new ride.  Sweeeeeeeet!
 Shady Nook where we always eat.   Gundy, Joy, Bomber, & Rip City went ahead and ordered meals cause G-Man was on the phone.  The meal was great and yes we had dessert while G-Man was still eating.  Breakfast was to be at the Stagecoach at 8:00am.  Brothers planned on missing breakfast to go see an Amish store before we all were going to eat.  Rip City kept teasing them that Amish cookies are made without sugar, and that hair buns would be cuter than helmets.  
The breakfast was served in a sauna and was not all that good.  Gundy had our safety meeting and emphasized stagger and 2 seconds between and how to pass as a group. Gundy asked Bomber to pray.  We knew we were in good hands again.  We all went to gas up and while there G-Man realized he had not checked out of the Stagecoach.  So of course he went back but before he went he said he would catch up.  We flew down the road towards Darby, Montana.  OGRES really have this part down good. Looking, touching, and mainly not buying cause the prices were sky high.  Sheriff badges, metal buttons, Indian stuff & gay Indian chaps  & candy.  Yes and $1,000 cowboy hats for Rip City.  Joy did buy some cool jewelry.  After refueling Gundy again talked about staying together and some did. 
On to Lolo pass, on the way Gundy swerved into a place to take picture, the club almost had a gang wreck. Gundy kept pressing 5 miles over and we arrived in a beautiful shady place to eat called Lochsa Lodge.

G-Man, Rip City, Gundy and Joy

G "I'll Catch Up with You Guys" Man


Rip City

Pure Joy

G-Man was obsessed to know if the chef he once knew was still the chef.  He asked the waitress but she had not a clue.  Still G-Man kept musing in wonderment, if maybe he was still the guy that would make his food.  OGRES really liked this place as a destination on some ride in the future.  Gundy did some research about prices etc.  Rip City wonders why the waitress was mad at him. Also some dudes from Salt Lake came and sat next to us and told us how beautiful Idaho was.  Then it wasn’t long till they asked the waitress, that was mad a Rip City, if they could move over to the other side of the room.  Rip City wonders why they moved.  We went Dutch again.

G-Man, Bomber, Gundy, Joy and Rip City

Bomber, Rip City, Gundy and Joy

On to Orofino, the mileage said 120 miles but after swerving left and right a thousand times, it just took forever.
Rip City Impaled

Then out of the blue, a rogue bunch of apaches came up from behind and evidently seeing Rip City’s CHEROKE shot arrows at Rip City, with lightning fast reflexes he dodged all the arrows with his super helmet.  But one super arrow found a future home in Rip’s neck.  The Apaches rode on and the OGRES pulled of the road to see the arrow still stuck in Rip’s neck.  Everybody wanted a photo with rips arrow sticking out of his neck.  Finally, after all the selfies were taken Rip pulled it out and mounted it inside his pack.
Well no big deal, we finally arrive in Orofino.  We all checked in and the lady said we couldn’t park where we always park. Bomber begged and she said OK but don’t park in from of the fire hydrant.  After a quick rest, Bomber calls Rip City to say there was a club meeting in the pool. The men were in the pool and Rip stayed in the Jacuzzi.  G-Man again seemed obsessed with the time Easy pulled off his swim trunks the last time we were here.  He asked if we were impressed.  I don’t get what he meant?  

G-Man, Joy, Rip City, Gundy and Bomber

Conversation led to going to visit the Konkoville Motel.  We decided to go at 7:45pm.  We mounted up and immediately got lost.  Gundy led us up to a high peak above the snowline where Rip City said something has happened to my fuel.
You see no body told RIP that when your bike is on a 45 degree angle it appears that you have no fuel. He was right cause on my way down I found my fuel.  Now back through town to Konkoville.  The motel was a great stop to see what it offered and on the way back, the brothers said they wanted to go down the road to see a bridge and that they would catch up. 
8:30 we arrived at the Rivers Edge place to eat.  We again ordered our meals and still no G-Man.  We ate and finally G-Man arrives.  He orders a Shrimp Melt and offers to buy dinner for all if everybody ordered a Shrimp melt.  Naaaaaaaaaa.
After dinner Bomber took 2 cups of after dinner mints and shared one with each of us while he polished off about 50.
We arrived back at the motel.  The brothers quickly went to the motel cookie jar and polished off the rest of cookies. I couldn’t believe my eyes, we had just had supper.  Good Night!!!
Breakfast was at 8:00am mountain time.   Rip was early so he set up a table outside where it was freezing.  Joy joins him,
then Bomber, then Gundy.  Bomber says, “its freezing Rip!” Why don’t you go to the front desk and see if they could start a fire right next to us.  Well RIP gets her done.  In 5 minutes Bomber’s orange juice cup melts by the fire.  Finally I go inside to look for G-Man.  Yup he is having breakfast with the Crash Riders.
Now for the Safety meeting. Gundy gives us the word and asks Rip City to pray.  After the prayer, brothers ride next door to the car show.  The word was they would catch up.  Gundy decided to take a quicker route.  Down the mountain past Kamiah to Highway 162.  One of the best roads in Idaho!!!  Then to Grangeville for a break.  Then to New Meadows to eat.  Joy took us on a dirt trail to a Subway but there were hundreds of people waiting to be served.  We found our old haunt to eat at the Granite Café.  Food was great.  The waitress took a group photo.

Gundy, Joy, Rip City, Bomber and G-Man

Then to Riggins. There we lost some layers and Bomber went and looked at a Super Bee.  We were now in a hurry to get Rip City to a birthday party.  Next stop was a Cougar Mountain Lodge.  As Rip City was crossing the street to the Lodge a cage almost backed over him.  

Joy, Bomber, Rip City and Gundy

Finally the goodbye hugs at the Chevron in Eagle.
A ride to remember!

This is Rip City's unadulterated, uncensored version of the Summer Run.

Monday, July 15, 2019

OGRES MC Summer Run This Coming Thursday, July 18th

The OGRES Motorcycle Club 2019 Summer Run starts this coming Thursday, July 18, at the Stinker Station at State Street and Old Horseshoe Bend Road.  The safety briefing will be held at 8:45 a.m. and the Run starts at 9 a.m. sharp.

Gundy will be the Ride Captain for the Summer Run as Grim will be in Florida working his tail end off in Daytona Beach putting on a Reno/COPS Model training for the Volusia County Sheriffs Office.  More information about the training can be found at this link:

Grim is very unhappy about missing this Run but has a legitimate  excuse.  My sprinkler system is working just fine.

Details of this ride can be found at the OGRES Motorcycle Club website at this link:

Gundy will make assignments as to who is responsible for the Ride Report and for the Official Photographer.  Both assignments are due as soon as possible after the end of the ride.  

Be safe out there.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

July 2019 OGRES MC Meeting Report

The mandatory meeting of the OGRES MC was commenced on time at the Clubhouse.  Present: G-Man, Bomber, Krome and Grim.  Absent: Duke, Gundy, Rip City, Smooth and Slick.  This meeting tied for the lowest attendance at a meeting.

We talked about the upcoming Summer Run on July 18th, 19th and 20th.  Krome regaled us with his motorcycle trip to Canada with his lady.  We talked about a possible run that would include Bend and Sisters, Oregon.

2018 Road Glide, 1946 WL and 2016 Road Glide

We then headed out to Rudy's for some dinner.  It was a nice ride although we lost G-Man for a spell but he caught up.  When we arrived, Bomber discovered his treasured "Kansas City" hat had blown out of this saddle bag.  We were bummed until we noticed G-Man wearing the identical hat?!?!  Turns out G-Man had witnessed the hat fleeing the saddle bag and had stopped and gathered it up.

We had a nice dinner and didn't talk about any of the missing members at all.  It was a nice respite and it was nice to have one conversation instead of three that you have with a larger group.

Krome, Bomber and G-Man

We vamoosed that joint and made another stop at the Fanci Freez.  Neither G-Man or Krome had previously enjoyed a Boston Shake (a shake and a sundae all in one) at the Fanci Freez.  Unheard of?!?!

It was a great evening.  Look forward to seeing everyone on the 18th!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Mandatory OGRES MC Meeting July 11th at 6:30 p.m.

There will be a mandatory OGRES MC Meeting on July 11 for all OMC members in good standing.  The meeting will be start at the Clubhouse on Fairview at 6:30 p.m.

After a short meeting, it is likely we will ride somewhere appropriate for a meal.

Be there or be square.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

OGRES MC 2019 Spring Run Report by Rip City

Rip City, Stephen, G-Man, Duke, Gundy and Joy

OGRES spring ride 2019 to Challis 
“Weather vs the OGRES”
June 7th2019, OGRES to meet and greet and receive instructions from (Ride Captain)  Gundy. Present in order of arrival and on time RIP CITY, Gundy and his squeeze. Arriving after the set time to leave, G-Man, then Duke and a man we shall call the guest.  Highlights of the Gowen meeting.  Duke began to undress out in front of Burger King.  Being exposed we can all see he is decked out with his National BSA chairman BSA uniform which means he is the current head WoodChuck of the World.  Any way the undressing part left us speechless and Gundys squeeze has never been the same since.  Gundy gave us the ride rules & we all promised to obey the OGRES code of the road. Duke offered the prayer.  Thankful he did.
Not present:       Grim, Krome, Slick, Bomber & Smooth;   none were missed or talked about.
As soon as we hit the road it started to spit rain.
First stop was Fairfield.  Some gassed up others didn’t.  All went inside to snack up.  The guest was kind enough to share a wonderful cuisine with us called cinnamon donuts MMmmmmmm.  One thing one guy will not forget is when he walked in on Rip as RIP was in the bathroom, leaving the door unlocked, no surprise.  Everyone else enjoyed snacking up while RIP put on his rain gear.
2ndstop was Picabo because the guest wanted to buy a special Picabo ball cap.
OGRES pressed on, still very little rain.  Gundy our lead kept us going in the right direction at a fast clip.

Rip City, Stephen, G-Man, Duke, Gundy, Joy

3rd stop was Arco.  We were hungry for some real chow now.  We all got a table for six.  Duke ordered a Pirate.  G-Man kept talking about that dam patty melt he had many years ago.  Now things started to unravel….It was cold inside the pickle.  G-Man floored us all by pulling out moldy cash he had in his 100 year old bill fold and actually bought our lunch.  That was the beginning of our light mindedness.  We all began to be merry and lost our otherwise steadiness.  Soon we were all on our phones making fun that “ we could do anything we want now that our Grim leader was not there to rein us in. We ended up as usual asking the manager to take our picture outside on the big green pickle chair.  We were terribly disappointed to find out !NO CHAIR!  Lost, we wandered around aimlessly till the manager said it was being painted.  That stop at Pickles came to an all-out gang wreck as all the OGRES leaned up against the restaurant wall with our phones out mocking that “Grim wasn’t there” while taking pictures of our group.  The next thing that happened was almost a law suit in the making.  Some kids that were in the restaurant were attracted to the shiniest motorcycle parked outside in the OGRES reserved parking lot.  Of course that bike was G-Man’s.  Their Dad asked if his kids could sit on it and have their pictures taken. Our course G-Man was flattered and agreed.  Next G-Man offered to start the engine and started reving it up.  After that picture session we all remarked thank goodness it didn’t fall over or get put in 1stgear with the kids on board.  Ouch could have been a gang law suit.

Duke, Gundy, Joy, G-Man, Rip City and Stephen

Now for the final leg to our destination, Challis. Still no rain.  Gundy maintaining a good clip on our way to our snuggly hotel room.  Oh crap then a sprinkle of a few drops.  Then the temp went down to 35 degrees.   Oh double crap, more rain, getting slicker. Everyone then wished we were the Duke with a Trike.  Now ice began to form on our windshields.  Now ice began to build up on our face shields and sun glasses.  Riders with full face helmets were now grateful. People with bare faces were sorry to be alive.  We wanted keep up our speed to arrive early but had to slow 50%.  25 miles seemed like 100.  Finally we pulled up to the Pioneer Motel grateful to be alive.  Once settled in Duke and the guest and G-Man and Rip City went to get some treats for the night and gas up at the local gas station. While inside a hail storm hit.  A complete white out, half inch hail covered the ground.  Rip got scared and walked outside and cleaned off the hail on his ride and with both feet outrigged himself back to the motel in first gear.  6:00pm was the time for supper.  We all walked next door and took our places.  We asked a group how the food was.  They said rotten.  MMM, when we saw the menu had breakfast all day and night, we thought that would be a safe bet.  We were on a roll.  Then the Duke demanded that he buy the meal for the night and that he only could tip the waitress.  Now no one knows the size of the tip but we all observed the twinkle in her eyes when she gave Duke a squeeze that meant she could now pay off her car.  G-Man was very moody on our way back after dinner. We all agreed it must have been because his motel sleeping companion Bomber would not be able to tuck him in. After a great night’s sleep we gathered for breakfast.  This was our second breakfast in a row.  Good choice. Gundy planned to buy our breakfast. RIP CITY ignored him and bought the meal. Next morning we were gearing up for our departure.  Duke drove into the gathering area and some construction workers got his attention and said you muffler’s  draggin. In a daze Duke said Wha?????. Then frustrated Gundy; the grease monkey crawled under the trike and found that Duke's muffler came completely off the manifold.  The ogres just stood around pointing at the trike.  Gundy needed tools, real tools not a finger nail clipper or a leatherman. Duke remembered the guest had given Duke a 500 piece life time tool set complete with satin white gloves.  
Soon Gundy was completely under the trike groaning to get the muffler reconnected, while the rest just stood around rooting him on. See he is our leader protecting us. Wheeeeu, that could a been another gang wreck.  We were very thankful Duke rides sweep so his stuff doesn’t hit us.  We gathered again for a safety briefing and Duke our Chaplain was again was asked to give the prayer.
Now we were on our way to Stanley.  A mile out of town Duke and the guest was nowhere to be found.  G-Man the runner rode up to the group and said pull over Duke has a red light on.  RIP CITY thinks to himself, “come on Duke getta Indian Trike”.  We all parked as usual at the gas station in Stanley.  Now unknown to the club RIP CITY used the portapotty and you guessed it he did not lock the door.  Some stupid lady opened the door on RIP.  These mountain people have no class.  Stanley to Lowman was blessed by Duke.  We all arrived safely thanks to Chaplain Duke.  Now in Lowman we stayed for lunch.  Deedra was our waitress.  She sure smiled at Duke a lot.   Maybe the Gal from Challis spread the word.  Gundy made it very clear he was buying.  So this time he won.
Now to Garden Valley.  We were happy to arrive to shed the heavy leather and gas up for the final leg.  Eagle Chevron station arrival was quick to arrive.  We all did the customary hugs.  We owe our safe arrival to our ROAD CAPT. and Duke the Chaplain/ Sargent at Arms.
We all look forward to our three day summer ride.

(Disclaimer:  This is Rip City's uncensored, unaltered, unadulterated version of the events.)

Friday, May 31, 2019

One Week Until OGRES MC 2019 Spring Run (Challis)

Main Street in Challis, Idaho

The annual OGRES MC 2019 Spring Run is one week away.  The ride begins at 9 a.m. on Friday June 7th at the Chevron Station at Gowen and I-84.  Pre-ride safety briefing is a 7:40 a.m.

More information can be found about the Run by clicking on this link:

Gundy is the Ride Captain for this Run.  Any logistics changes or issues should be communicated with Gundy as Grim will be in New Hampshire working his tail off.

G-Man will be responsible for writing the after action report and providing timely photos.  Any other members with photos, please send them promptly to Grim.

Any further guests, other than those that have been approved, shall need to be approved through the President.

Keep the rubber side down.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Belated May 2019 OGRES MC Meeting Report

Bomber's International Rat Rod

The OGRES MC May 2019 meeting convened at the Clubhouse at the appointed date and time.  Present:  G-Man, Krome, Smooth, Grim, Rip City, Bomber and Gundy.  Absent:  Duke and Slick.

We checked out Bomber's "new" Rat Rod and the new upgrades on Krome's Road Glide.  

We had a short meeting in the Clubhouse before dinner.  The Spring Run was discussed and Gundy was appointed Ride Captain for the Spring Run as Grim will be in New Hampshire working.  Members were reminded that the ride was on June 7th and 8th...a Friday and Saturday.  The merits of keeping it on a Friday or Saturday or moving it to Thursday and Friday next year were discussed.  Future discussion will be held at a later date.

We discussed motorcycle training and the efficacy of attending an advanced course.  All members thought it would be great if we all attended an advanced class as a Club.  G-Man was assigned to following up on possibilities, as this definitely falls within the job description of the Vice President, and report back to the members.

Also discussed, again, was the desire to have a advance handgun class for the members to attend as a Club.  Grim was assigned to follow up on this training as he has the contacts.  

In the President's opinion, Club activities such as the aforementioned ones. require attendance of 2/3s of the members in attendance.  That means at least 6 members need to commit to make it a "Club Activity".  Otherwise, members can sign up and attend the trainings on their own time and desires.  Or with fewer members.  

Grim was left with the impression that the fun was in doing the trainings as a Club.  Maybe he missed the boat.

Since only half of the members were on motorcycles, we walked over to the Sockeye Grill for a nice meal.  The company was great and Rip City managed to stay awake all the way through his Mac n' Cheese.

A good time was had by all members in attendance especially when trash-talking the missing members.

That is all...

Monday, April 29, 2019

Mandatory OGRES MC Meeting This Coming Thursday at 6:30 p.m.

The Mandatory May OGRES MC Meeting is this coming Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at the Clubhouse on Fairview.

Food and drink will be provided.  Be there or be square.