Saturday, July 20, 2024

OGRES Motorcycle Club 2024 Summer "Joseph" Run Report

Sunrise at the Start

Highways 44 and Old 30

Logistics and Safety Briefing

 The decision to move the starting time back an hour, from 8 am to 7 am, turned out to be a great move. It was nice watching the sunrise as we waited for everyone to arrive and allowed us to miss much of the afternoon heat.

OMC members present: G-Man, Smooth, Bomber, Rowdy, Gundy, RipCity and Grim. We had one guest. OMC members absent: Duke and Slick.

Grim covered the logistics for the day and our two Road Captains did a good job of covering the safety reminders before we started out. G-Man had checked the route and he warned us of possible fire activity between Vale and Unity.

We headed out and traveled through Notus, Parma and Nyssa. It was smooth sailing with very little traffic. The temperature was very nice and lasted quite a while. We encountered a little construction at the turn to Vale but it was pretty tame.



We stopped in Vale for a quick break for supplies and rest room needs. Shortly, we moved on and it was a nice ride to Unity, where we stopped for a much needed ice cream break. Yes, on OMC runs you can eat ice cream whenever you want.

We climbed back on our bikes and headed up over the twisty Blue mountains. The temperature was perfect and the road was very fun. We only encountered one vehicle and it turned off just as we overtook the pickup.

Baker City

Baker City

Our next stop was in Baker City for gasoline and human snacks. It was clear the temperature was starting to rise. As OMC members were slowly mounting back up, Gundy's bike horn encouraged us to move fast and to get going in the heat. So we hammered on up the road through New Powder and over towards Union. There was fresh chip and seal between the aforementioned towns and riders quickly lengthened the spacing between bikes to avoid fine grit spray. The construction thickened as we got closer to Union and then had to be led, by a pilot truck through the town itself. Luckily, we turned off towards Cove and avoided part of the construction chaos.

We cruised through Cove and over to Elgin to stop for lunch. Traffic remained light or non-existent.

Buckhorns Cafe

Sprinkler Fun

G-Man and Rowdy ?

We stopped at the cafe in Elgin formerly know as Cowboys and Angels. The owner/server was a real gem and we really enjoyed her humor and interactions. The food was good and the company was great except RipCity could barely be seen as he was sitting so far away.

After our meal, we played in the sprinkler to cool off for the ride and went walking with Sasquatch. Although I think G-Man was having an after meal prayer and Rowdy was posing for GQ Magazine.

We mounted back up and headed up the road. Again the traffic was light or non-existent. After a stop in Enterprise for gas, we rolled into Joseph at 2:40 pm.

Since we arrived prior to the official check-in time, our emailed door codes were not in operation yet. The manager was quick to get with us and speed up the process of getting us in our rooms. Some members commented that the staff was ill-prepared and not ready for our arrival. That sentiment could not be further from the truth. We brought any confusion on ourselves by checking in before the 3 pm check-in time and the staff was trying to accommodate our early arrival. 

Black Angel

We dropped our gear and readied our rooms. Some OMC members changed some clothing and headed downtown to check out all the shops and get haystack and nutted chocolates along with lotsa water. Others hung out in their rooms or whatever.

Grim made the reservations at the Stubborn Mule and was chagrined to find out there were 3 twenty person groups already on the reservation list. He then knew the evening meal could be gnarly with so many guests.

Stubborn Mule

OMC members did convene at 6:30 pm for dinner. We had to sit in the dining room instead of the patio. We ordered our food and began a 2 hour vigil before we were served. Phew. RipCity ordered an appetizer to tide us over but it was not enough and too delayed. Our food finally arrived and many found their meals to be overcooked and greatly wanting of taste and quality. 

G-Man Making Their Dinner Cold

Runs in the Family

G-Man has never met a stranger he didn't like and soon was enmeshed in a conversation with the adjacent table. We hoped the couple's dinner was not getting cold.

Note to Grim: Due to our earlier departure and arrival, make dinner reservations for 5:30 pm instead of 6:30 pm. Also possibly make reservations for two 4 person tables instead of one 8 person table. 

As we were leaving the restaurant, the electric power went out the entire length of Main Street. Several of the members had already left for the lake and the rest of us headed for the grocery store for ice cream sandwiches. 

Upon arrival at the grocery store, we found it open but found their ice cream inventory to be, well, rather lousy. We passed on the ice cream and headed back to the Indian Lodge Motel.

We chatted for a bit outside but then retired for the night. The power came back on around 11:30 pm which made it better for some and worse for others.

Morning came early bright and early as breakfast commenced at 6 am to allow for a 6:45 am logistics and safety briefing. Breakfast was great and we had a really nice lady serving us that insisted on giving us a hug when we left.

Bomber and G-Man departed back to take the freeway home as family obligations were calling. The rest of us headed up the mountain towards the Hells Canyon overlook. The traveling to that overlook was especially smooth and refreshing. It was Grim's best experience on that road thus far.

We stopped and enjoyed the lookout and the view for a bit. It was smoky but still beautiful and quiet. We were the only ones there.

We departed and headed down the mountain towards Hells Canyon. This stretch of road was just as cathartic and beautiful previous in the morning. We rolled down past Scotty's gas station and over along the reservoir, dam and power plant. We continued to roll over into Cambridge and into the heat. We made a quick stop for gasoline and then headed to MidVale.

Note to Grim: Skip the stop in Cambridge and go the 8 more miles for the stop in MidVale for lunch. Everyone had plenty of gas.

Lunch at MidVale was nice and fun as usual. The salad bar never disappoints and the peach pie a la mode was scrumptious. RipCity was able to score his ice cream as Gundy took the cherry pie off his plate.

Grim tried his "cool vest" for the first time and is a convert. Again, traffic was light and we passed quickly through Weiser and then on to Payette. It was hot but smooth running over the countryside from Payette on old Highway 30/Sand Hollow. We sped on into the valley and ended up where we began the previous day. Heartfelt hugs and well wished were exchanged and all headed their separate ways. It was about 2:30 pm when we split up.

The earlier starting times were definitely a boon for the trip and will be repeated in the future. New challenges arose due to the schedule but those will be overcome for the future Runs on this route.

Special thanks to RipCity for the great photos.

Monday, July 15, 2024

OGRES Motorcycle Club 2024 Summer "Joseph" Run This Coming Thursday @ 7 AM


Joseph, Oregon

The OGRES Motorcycle Club 2024 Summer "Joseph" Run is this coming Thursday and Friday, July 18th and 19th. More information can be found at this link:

The Summer Run will begin at 7 AM with the Safety Briefing at 6:45 AM. at the appointed location.

The last member to arrive, at the starting point, will be the Ride Leader for the day.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Ogres Motorcycle Club July 2024 Meeting Report


It was a great time and an interesting movie that was the centerpiece of the OMC July 24th meeting. Special thanks to Smooth for handling all the logistics for the event.

Members present: Rowdy, Smooth, G-Man, Gundy, Grim and Duke. Members absent: RipCity, Slick and Bomber.

The OMC Summer Run is the next event. More to follow on that.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

OGRES Motorcycle Club July 2024 Meeting This Coming Thursday at 6:45 p.m.


The OGRES Motorcycle Club July meeting will be held this coming Thursday, July 11.

We will meet at The Village Theatre in Meridian at 6:45 p.m. to watch The BikeRiders movie. The movie starts at 7 p.m.

Smooth will be buying the tickets in advance so we can sit together. 

Let Smooth know as soon as possible, if you are attending or not, to allow him to buy the correct amount of tickets.

Cages are authorized as the security of our motorcycles at The Village is sketchy.

Do NOT wear your cuts to the movie.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

OGRES Motorcycle Club 4th of July Breakfast Ride Report


The OGRES Motorcycle Club 4th of July Breakfast Ride transpired as planned and advertised.

There were five riders: 3 OMC members and 2 guests. If you weren't there, you don't need to know their identities.

As for the route and social stops, if you weren't there, you don't need to know.

This will be an annual ride with a different member planning and leading the ride each year. This member will be chosen in a random manner.

The ride was very pleasant and we had a great time.

Next event is the OMC meeting on July 11th.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Inaugural Informal OMC 4th of July Breakfast & Ride June 29th at 8 a.m.

While the annual OMC New Years Day breakfast is a great time, it is usually too cold for an after breakfast informal ride.

Hence, there will be an inaugural OMC Fourth of July breakfast and ride this coming Saturday June 29th. The informal get-together will start at the Capri Diner at Linder and McMillan in Meridian (1407 W. McMillan Road) at 8 a.m.

The idea is to enable participants to ride, after breakfast, early in the day, while the temperature is cool. The goal is to have the informal get-together concluded by noon or 1 p.m.

This will be an informal ride and guests are welcome. However, if you want to invite a guest that is new to the OMC, that guest shall be approved by the President.

Be there or be a hypotenuse triangle.

Impromptu Saturday Adventure

Horseshoe Bend, Idaho

RipCity and Grim had a great impromptu Saturday adventure a couple of days ago.

We met up at the Chevron at Highway 45 and Lake Harbor Road at 8:30 a.m. After grabbing a few supplies, we headed down Lake Harbor all the way to Marsing. Then we traveled through Homedale, Wilder, Parma, Fruitland, New Plymouth and Emmett. The ride through Black Canyon to Horseshoe Bend was especially grand.

We had lunch in Horseshoe Bend and then took Black Canyon back to Emmett because "too much is never enough".

Then we scooted over to Middleton and then back to Caldwell and finally to RipCity's crib to check out real estate and lawn edgers.

A couple of guys stopped to talk to us in front of RipCity's house. They had developed a cool tour pak device. Grim forwarded an email to all the members to show you this cool deal.

Anyone can post on the group text for these impromptu group rides at any time. RipCity and Grim had a blast.

Riverside Restaurant

Monday, June 17, 2024

Ogres Motorcycle Club 2024 Spring "Hagerman" Run Report

The OGRES Motorcycle Club 2024 Spring Run began at the diner in Star, Idaho. Members present: Gundy, Grim, Smooth, Rowdy, G-Man, Ripcity, and Duke. Members absent: Bomber and Slick.

Everyone was early but Rowdy and G-Man. We waited the required 15 minutes but then went ahead and ordered. The errant duo finally arrived and Rowdy vehemently exclaimed it was his fault and not G-Man's actions. Some members still believe there was a payoff for Rowdy to take the heat.

After breakfast, we queued up and headed down the road through Emmett, Payette and Parma before taking a quick break in Wilder. 

Duke needed to fuel but as he pulled away, trouble lights flashed and came on with the engine light staying lit. Long story short, we stopped at Walter's Ferry and called Carl at Boise Cycle. Duke ended up detouring to get a new battery while the rest of the crew headed down the road as planned.


We cruised through Murphy, Grandview and stopped for lunch in Bruneau. We were lucky to catch the end of the lunch rush and most folks were just leaving. We had an extremely nice server and had our orders in pretty fast. The food was better than expected.

However, for some reason the server ended up wearing RipCity's cut. She must have coveted the neat badges and had dreamed her whole life to be a Vice President. RipCity managed to pry the vest off her body and we managed to ride away after Smooth made some side cash giving folks a ride in his green machine.

We cruised through Hammett, Glenns Ferry, King Hill and Bliss ending up at our hotel for the night in Hagerman.

Some members hit their rooms immediately while other sought and found refreshment at Ziggy's across the street.

At the appointed time, we met for dinner at the great restaurant next door. The food was great as usual and many members had cherry pie a la mode for desert. 

As luck would have it, there were corn hole courts between the restaurant and the hotel. RipCity and Rowdy went undefeated winning 2 out of 2 matches. It was great fun. Afterward, we hung out on the deck talking trash about absent members and told other tall tales until it was time to retire.

The next morning the band headed out to find a breakfast spot. We rode through Bliss and found the Western Cafe in Gooding. It was rather nice to have a short ride prior to breakfast. The food and company were pretty good although the "children's table" was a little loud.

We cruised out of Gooding and headed north. It is a fun road north of Gooding to the Fairfield highway even with running over thousands of brown crickets. We made a short stop at Timmerman Hill and then continued north through Bellevue, Hailey and Ketchum. 

We made a short stop by Baker Creek to check out the Boulder Mountains and then continued to Galena Summit to check out the Sawtooth Mountains and take a few photos.

Our next stop was for gasoline and food in Stanley. We sat at our usual table inside as it was quite windy on the patio. The food and service was okay but our choices for a meal are limited in Stanley.

We departed and rode towards Lowman. The road was very rough over Banner Summit and Grim led too fast to begin with but finally slowed to a better speed for the conditions. It is a fun windy route and we soon arrived in Lowman. The plan was to stop and the lodge but it was closed. 

We continued on to Garden Valley. The stretch of road between Lowman and Garden Valley is always a blast, even with the short stop to get around crews fighting a wild fire.

We stopped in Garden Valley for ice cream and refreshments. We peeled off any extra clothing, at this point, as the temperature had definitely risen.

The traffic between Garden Valley and Boise was extremely light or non-existent. Our schedule of Thursday-Friday rides certain helps allay the traffic issues.

We parted ways at the Chevron at Beacon Light and Highway 55.

It was a great run with only a couple of hiccups. 

Photos by RipCity
Words by Grim

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

OGRES MC 2024 Spring Run This Coming Thursday and Friday, June 13 & 14

Hagerman Valley

 The OGRES MC 2024 is this coming Thursday and Friday, June 13 and 14.

Click on this link for more details:

See you there.

OGRES MC June 2024 Meeting Report


The meeting commenced at the appointed time and place. OMC members present: Rowdy, Smooth, RipCity, Bomber, G-Man and Grim. OMC Members absent: Duke, Gundy and Slick.

The meeting location was reminiscent of the time we spent in the park in Baker City while Bomber's Harley was being repaired. It was a nice change of pace. After a short meeting, we adjourned to Rudy's for a nice meal.

'Nuff said.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

OGRES Motorcycle Club June 2024 Meeting This Coming Thursday at 6:30 PM


The June 2024 meeting of the OGRES Motorcycle Club is this coming Thursday, June 6th, at 6:30 PM.

We will meet at Settlers Park in Meridian on the east side of the park. Exact coordinates will be updated in the next couple days.

The park is located on the northwest corner of Ustick Road and Meridian Road. 

We will have a short business meeting and then ride to a great place for some dinner and entertainment.

See you there.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

OGRES MC May 2024 Meeting Report

The May 2024 meeting of the OGRES Motorcycle Club was called to order at the appointed time and place. 

Members present: Smooth, Duke, Rowdy, G-Man, RipCity, Grim and Bomber. Members absent: Gundy and Slick.

Cold and wet weather changed the OMC's plans somewhat and we stayed at the Sugarberry Clubhouse instead of riding somewhere for dinner. Duke as gracious enough to have our favorite Taco Bell entrees delivered for our culinary delight. RipCity easily won the contest for most Taco Bell inhaled.

G-Man and Duke were the door prize winners. One can never have too much ammo or too many knives.

There was great general conversation about many things. Grim talked way too much about his latest work experiment and for that he greatly apologizes.

Grim brought some knives for the OMC members inspection to spark a discussion about choosing another OMC sanctioned knife. KNAFS offers many customizations including different scales and engravings. It was voted that Grim pursue some alternatives.
The meeting was adjourned until June.

Remember, it is better to be kind than be right.

Words by Grim
Photos by RipCity