Thursday, November 26, 2020
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
OGRES Motorcycle Club November 2020 Meeting Report
Unknown - Masked OGRES Members |
The OGRES MC November 2020 meeting was held at the appointed time and place. Members present: All were wearing masks so it is unknown who attended. Members absent: Unknown due to masks.
After the opening and reacquainting conversations and diatribes, Grim opened a discussion about the current guest policy. After a brief recap of the history of the OGRES MC, Grim proposed an amended guest policy.
Grim proposed that the OMC sanctioned Summer Run be closed to guests and that OMC members be the only participants of this Run. The vote was unanimous to make this change.
The OMC sanctioned Spring and Fall runs will remain open to guests using the criteria applied in the recent past. Members were asked to review the Prospect/Guest protocols and guidelines, in the OMC By-Laws, when considering guests to be invited. All guests still must be approved by the President on a Run by Run basis.
Members were asked to think about an auxiliary Run to take place the first part of August, of 2021, similar to the time of the Yellowstone Run this year. Grim would like a Run that goes north but all options are open.
More topics were discussed but are covered by the OGRES Secrecy Act and cannot be repeated here.
All members went next door, to the Sockeye Grill, and we found seating. We had to sit four at a table and Grim was glad to be at the Children table and not at the Adult Table. The food and company was great although Grim talked way too much about the NBA. Sorry, guys.
Next OGRES event will be our annual New Years Day breakfast on, you guessed it, New Years Day.
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
OGRES MC Meeting Tomorrow November 5 at 6:30 P.M. at Fairview Clubhouse
The November OGRES MC meeting will be held tomorrow, November 5, at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Fairview Clubhouse.
We will have a business meeting where many important topics will be discussed and decided upon. Bring your OGRES MC Handbook for easy updates.
We will then walk over to Sockeye Grill for dinner. Make sure you bring your COVID approved facial accoutrments for meeting and dining purposes.
See you there...