Wednesday, June 6, 2012

OMC 2012 Spring Run Report

Alex, Will, Bomber, Grim, G-Man, Brian, Rip City, Zeus

G-Man and our fave Gretchen

Rip City Playing Strip Poker

Brian, Big Easy, Will, Zeus and Alex

Will, Zeus, Rip City, G-Man, Grim, Brian, Bomber, Big Easy 

Zeus, Rip City, Brian, Bomber, Grim, Will, Alex, G-Man and Big Easy
Very, very, very, very, very Crispy

'57 Chevy Nomad at Challis Car Show

We left promptly at 0800 hrs.  G-Man was last to show up but was 10 minutes early!

Present: Zeus, Rip City, Prospect Brian, Bomber, Grim, Guest Will, Prospect Alex, G-Man and Big Easy.  Absent: Krome Pickle, Duke and Smooth.

One could not have asked for a nicer day for riding a MC down the road.  It was a smooth, cathartic ride until Bomber heard strange noises inexplicably coming from his Ultra.  Thankfully it was just static pouring loudly from his radio.  Everyone settled in nicely after that and we cruised along with little or no traffic and stopped for lunch at Pickles in Arco.  Real men had buffalo burgers and thick french fries.  Others might have had a tuna melt (!?!?) and very (to the fifth power) crispy tater tots.  We then had our annual photo op around the big green chair.

We saddled back up and enjoyed a nice through Mackay and arrived at Challis Hot Springs.  Gretchen was there to greet us and check in.  Most of us hit the pool while some enjoyed a long conversation with Bob.

Gretchen and Anna cooked us a superlative dinner: steaks, twice baked potatoes, a great salad followed by a strawberry-rhubarb cobbler that even rhubarb haters could not resist.  Wow...!  I am still full.

A card game broke out shortly thereafter and, even though the dress code was suspended, four players emerged.  Smooth was sorely missed as I only won $3.75.  Zeus also had about the same gain making Will and Rip City a little lighter in the wallet.  Actually I think Rip City lost his shirt and tried to earn it back by doing pec dances.  Yeah, I know.

Breakfast the next morning was another Gretchen culinary delight.  We then hit the pool before hitting the road.  As we stopped to get ethanol free gas at the Phillips 66 station in town, we spotted a car show right on the main drag.  We had to check it out.  My fave is shown above.

The skies had turned threatening and we hastened down to Stanley and refilled.  Only one life was threatened en route when Rip City "played chicken" with a bad girl on a scooter.

It rained on us as we went over Banner Summit and there was also a huge bicycle event.  Also, I don't recall ever seeing as many rocks on the road.

Crouch was the stop for lunch and we ate barbeque and drank Arnold Palmers.  Lotsa bikers in Crouch and thereabouts due to a motorcycle rally being held in town.

Nice relaxing run with great brotherhood, food and frivolity.  Can't wait until the OMC Summer Run.  I had shoulder surgery yesterday and hope I am healed up in time.

If you haven't made your reservation at Billingsley Creek Lodge, I would make it happen.  It wouldn't hurt to make your reservation at the Indian Lodge Motel, in Joseph, for the OMC Fall Run.