Wednesday, November 7, 2012

OMC November 1st Meeting Report

"Fear the Beard"

OMC members present: Duke, Rip City, Bomber and Grim.  Alex (prospect) was also present.

OMC members absent: Krome, Smooth, G-Man, Big Easy and Zeus.

The meeting was held at the Duke's headquarters in former radio land.  We opened the meeting by eating specially prepared Doritos tacos.  They were very yummy.  Big thanks to Duke.  By the way, he was the only member to ride his MC to the meeting.  One member (Rip) did not wear his cut and barely wore his britches.

The new official patch was introduced and distributed for a mere $10 per patch.  If you did not attend, bring your $10 per patch to the next meeting.  This patch is also approved for wear on other vests or approved clothing items by members.  It is kind of an "undercover" way to still represent membership in the club without wearing the complete cut.  However, it is mandatory on the each member's official cut.

Special patches were presented by the P to the Duke and Rip City.  G-Man and Krome were not present to receive their special patches.  Maybe if they show up to the meeting in January.

The P brought some special "toys" to the meeting.  A short manual of arms was presented concerning each "toy" and there was some discussion about the upcoming training this spring.  The training will be $80 per person and each person will need to bring 500 rounds and at least three magazines.  The class will be limited to the first six people who commit when we have a date.

The P also sported his black beard dyed for the World Series to help support his beloved Giants.  Sweet joy after having been a die hard fan since 1968.  "Fear the Beard" is from when Brian Wilson was the closer in 2010.  He was recovering from Tommy John surgery this year but was a riot in the dugout.  Sergio Romo filled in for him admirably.

SPECIAL NOTE:  The P screwed up on the date shopping for the November meeting.  It is not fair to those who change their schedules or work their schedules around to be able to attend the mandatory OMC meetings as scheduled.  I screwed up by shopping for an alternate date this month and I apologize.  Bad President.  Please check out the meeting dates on the OMC website.  The dates listed shall be the dates the mandatory meetings will be held.  OMC members are only allowed one (1) unexcused absence.  If you need to be excused, you must notify G-Man, Duke or Grim.  A phone call or e-mail buys a lot of forgiveness.  This is all in the by-laws that have been given to all members and the by-laws are also on the OMC website.  No secrets.

Kudos to Bomber for not missing a single OGRES activity since the inception of the OMC.  You rock!