Sunday, June 16, 2019

OGRES MC 2019 Spring Run Report by Rip City

Rip City, Stephen, G-Man, Duke, Gundy and Joy

OGRES spring ride 2019 to Challis 
“Weather vs the OGRES”
June 7th2019, OGRES to meet and greet and receive instructions from (Ride Captain)  Gundy. Present in order of arrival and on time RIP CITY, Gundy and his squeeze. Arriving after the set time to leave, G-Man, then Duke and a man we shall call the guest.  Highlights of the Gowen meeting.  Duke began to undress out in front of Burger King.  Being exposed we can all see he is decked out with his National BSA chairman BSA uniform which means he is the current head WoodChuck of the World.  Any way the undressing part left us speechless and Gundys squeeze has never been the same since.  Gundy gave us the ride rules & we all promised to obey the OGRES code of the road. Duke offered the prayer.  Thankful he did.
Not present:       Grim, Krome, Slick, Bomber & Smooth;   none were missed or talked about.
As soon as we hit the road it started to spit rain.
First stop was Fairfield.  Some gassed up others didn’t.  All went inside to snack up.  The guest was kind enough to share a wonderful cuisine with us called cinnamon donuts MMmmmmmm.  One thing one guy will not forget is when he walked in on Rip as RIP was in the bathroom, leaving the door unlocked, no surprise.  Everyone else enjoyed snacking up while RIP put on his rain gear.
2ndstop was Picabo because the guest wanted to buy a special Picabo ball cap.
OGRES pressed on, still very little rain.  Gundy our lead kept us going in the right direction at a fast clip.

Rip City, Stephen, G-Man, Duke, Gundy, Joy

3rd stop was Arco.  We were hungry for some real chow now.  We all got a table for six.  Duke ordered a Pirate.  G-Man kept talking about that dam patty melt he had many years ago.  Now things started to unravel….It was cold inside the pickle.  G-Man floored us all by pulling out moldy cash he had in his 100 year old bill fold and actually bought our lunch.  That was the beginning of our light mindedness.  We all began to be merry and lost our otherwise steadiness.  Soon we were all on our phones making fun that “ we could do anything we want now that our Grim leader was not there to rein us in. We ended up as usual asking the manager to take our picture outside on the big green pickle chair.  We were terribly disappointed to find out !NO CHAIR!  Lost, we wandered around aimlessly till the manager said it was being painted.  That stop at Pickles came to an all-out gang wreck as all the OGRES leaned up against the restaurant wall with our phones out mocking that “Grim wasn’t there” while taking pictures of our group.  The next thing that happened was almost a law suit in the making.  Some kids that were in the restaurant were attracted to the shiniest motorcycle parked outside in the OGRES reserved parking lot.  Of course that bike was G-Man’s.  Their Dad asked if his kids could sit on it and have their pictures taken. Our course G-Man was flattered and agreed.  Next G-Man offered to start the engine and started reving it up.  After that picture session we all remarked thank goodness it didn’t fall over or get put in 1stgear with the kids on board.  Ouch could have been a gang law suit.

Duke, Gundy, Joy, G-Man, Rip City and Stephen

Now for the final leg to our destination, Challis. Still no rain.  Gundy maintaining a good clip on our way to our snuggly hotel room.  Oh crap then a sprinkle of a few drops.  Then the temp went down to 35 degrees.   Oh double crap, more rain, getting slicker. Everyone then wished we were the Duke with a Trike.  Now ice began to form on our windshields.  Now ice began to build up on our face shields and sun glasses.  Riders with full face helmets were now grateful. People with bare faces were sorry to be alive.  We wanted keep up our speed to arrive early but had to slow 50%.  25 miles seemed like 100.  Finally we pulled up to the Pioneer Motel grateful to be alive.  Once settled in Duke and the guest and G-Man and Rip City went to get some treats for the night and gas up at the local gas station. While inside a hail storm hit.  A complete white out, half inch hail covered the ground.  Rip got scared and walked outside and cleaned off the hail on his ride and with both feet outrigged himself back to the motel in first gear.  6:00pm was the time for supper.  We all walked next door and took our places.  We asked a group how the food was.  They said rotten.  MMM, when we saw the menu had breakfast all day and night, we thought that would be a safe bet.  We were on a roll.  Then the Duke demanded that he buy the meal for the night and that he only could tip the waitress.  Now no one knows the size of the tip but we all observed the twinkle in her eyes when she gave Duke a squeeze that meant she could now pay off her car.  G-Man was very moody on our way back after dinner. We all agreed it must have been because his motel sleeping companion Bomber would not be able to tuck him in. After a great night’s sleep we gathered for breakfast.  This was our second breakfast in a row.  Good choice. Gundy planned to buy our breakfast. RIP CITY ignored him and bought the meal. Next morning we were gearing up for our departure.  Duke drove into the gathering area and some construction workers got his attention and said you muffler’s  draggin. In a daze Duke said Wha?????. Then frustrated Gundy; the grease monkey crawled under the trike and found that Duke's muffler came completely off the manifold.  The ogres just stood around pointing at the trike.  Gundy needed tools, real tools not a finger nail clipper or a leatherman. Duke remembered the guest had given Duke a 500 piece life time tool set complete with satin white gloves.  
Soon Gundy was completely under the trike groaning to get the muffler reconnected, while the rest just stood around rooting him on. See he is our leader protecting us. Wheeeeu, that could a been another gang wreck.  We were very thankful Duke rides sweep so his stuff doesn’t hit us.  We gathered again for a safety briefing and Duke our Chaplain was again was asked to give the prayer.
Now we were on our way to Stanley.  A mile out of town Duke and the guest was nowhere to be found.  G-Man the runner rode up to the group and said pull over Duke has a red light on.  RIP CITY thinks to himself, “come on Duke getta Indian Trike”.  We all parked as usual at the gas station in Stanley.  Now unknown to the club RIP CITY used the portapotty and you guessed it he did not lock the door.  Some stupid lady opened the door on RIP.  These mountain people have no class.  Stanley to Lowman was blessed by Duke.  We all arrived safely thanks to Chaplain Duke.  Now in Lowman we stayed for lunch.  Deedra was our waitress.  She sure smiled at Duke a lot.   Maybe the Gal from Challis spread the word.  Gundy made it very clear he was buying.  So this time he won.
Now to Garden Valley.  We were happy to arrive to shed the heavy leather and gas up for the final leg.  Eagle Chevron station arrival was quick to arrive.  We all did the customary hugs.  We owe our safe arrival to our ROAD CAPT. and Duke the Chaplain/ Sargent at Arms.
We all look forward to our three day summer ride.

(Disclaimer:  This is Rip City's uncensored, unaltered, unadulterated version of the events.)