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2020 Indian Challenger |
Members of the OGRES Motorcycle Club met at the Clubhouse at the appointed time. Members present and accounted for: Duke, Rip City, Grim, G-Man, Gundy and Bomber. Emeritus member present: Smooth. Members absent: Slick and Krome.
The new limited edition coins were revealed. All the members seemed to approve of the special anniversary coin. Coins and money quickly changed hands and the Sergeant of Arms collected the cash. Rip City was nice enough to procure two coins for Slick as he was out of state. Nice man.
A short discussion followed concerning the frequency of the official OMC mandatory meetings. It was voted to keep them the same...every other odd month of the year on the first Thursday.
Although two of the meetings will be on the second Thursday of the the month due to holidays and the annual barbecue will be on the first Friday of September.
The official 2020 OMC Events Calendar will be released shortly as soon as a couple of details are nailed down.
SPECIAL NOTE: The Valentines Day dinner with spouses will be Friday, February 14th. All will meet at the Clubhouse at 6:30 p.m. G-Man will be making the reservations at the Sockeye Grill.
Grim committed to finding a date near the end of January for firearms training on the condition that members will do their best to be available. This training also will include certification for the Enhance Concealed Carry permit.
Nominations for new Primary Officers was opened. No nominations for new Primary Officer were offered. Nominations were closed. Grim remains the President, G-Man the Vice President and Duke remains the Sergeant at Arms.
A draft copy of the OMC 2020 Events calendar was passed out to the members for review. All the dates seem to work for everyone except there was discussion about moving the OMC Spring Run to the second week of June instead of the first week to try for better weather. Further discussion to come. All members present appeared to be able to make the change.
Absent members need to let Grim know of their availability on June 12th and 13th instead of June 5th and 6th for the Spring Run.
Bomber made a motion that OMC members move the meeting to the Sockeye Grill. It was seconded by Grim and vote was unanimous for relocation of the meeting.
Even with a goofy waiter, and his accomplice, we ordered quickly and received some great food. As usual, everyone's food looked better to Grim than what he ordered.
It was a fun and pleasant time with the conversation mostly being table wide instead of having two or three conversations. Politics, music and comedy were discussed and public figures ridiculed.
Absent members were denigrated for their priority decisions and...well, Grim will not go into details to avoid hurt feelings.
Our next event will be the annual New Years breakfast on, you guessed it, New Years Day. The location will be disclosed in a followup correspondence.
The next mandatory OGRES MC meeting will be held on Thursday, January 9th at the Clubhouse.
Since we don't meet in December, our annual gift exchange will be held at that meeting. The dollar limit of gifts is $100. This limit is necessary because of G-Man's predilection of throwing money around willy-nilly.