Saturday, March 21, 2020

Latest Elvis Sighting

The upgrades to Elvis are almost complete. The following have been installed by Carl and Sue at Boise Cycle:

HD Screaming Eagle Smart Tune Pro Automatic Tuning Module coupled with HD Screaming Eagle Pro Street Tuner

HD Screaming Eagle Ventilator Extreme Air Cleaner

Vance & Hines Power Duals Header

Vance & Hines Raider 450 Mufflers

Grim ran out of money for the Progressive 944 rear shocks and LED headlight but everyone needs something to look forward to.

Grim can't wait for the riding season and the OMC Runs.

Peace out.....

Friday, March 6, 2020

OGRES MC March 2020 Mandatory Meeting Report

G-Man, Gundy, Rip City, Smooth, Grim and Duke

OGRES MC members met at the appointed place and time. Present: Duke, Smooth, Grim, Rip City, Gundy, G-Man and Krome. Absent: Slick and Bomber.

After greetings and pleasantries, Grim handed out the individualized, customized, stream-lined, super bitchin' OMC member handbooks. The new handbook is filled with upgrades galore including the new Spring Run for 2020. 

Electronic copies of the OMC members handbook will be emailed very shortly including the Events calendar.

The new Spring Run was discussed in detail and it was finally made clear that the ride will be ridden in a counter clockwise fashion beginning at the Sinclair just west of Middleton. Until we actually arrive in John Day, it will remain a mystery if G-Man will order a Tuna Melt or a Fergus Burger for dinner.

The new updated Meetings and Events calendar is on the website along with the contact information of the hotel in John Day. Their rates go up as their occupancy goes up so make reservations right away.

Grim ashamedly admitted he had "spaced" the firearms training and will get it set up immediately.

There will be an auxiliary 4 day ride the first week of August. The exact dates are yet to be determined but it looks to be an excellent ride. More info along with hotel contact information will be sent in the next week.

The OGRES MC members then voted to go next door to the Sockeye for dinner. We woke up Rip City so he could accompany us. Krome had to leave, at this time, to go to some baloney meeting in Meridian. 

We had a great time at the Sockeye talking about many subjects along with talking trash about the absent members. There were stories, lies and some time was spent looking at our respective thumbs.

The next meeting will be in May and more discussion will be had concerning the riding season's activities.

Grim has a lot more time this summer and will organizing many voluntary but very fun Saturday rides.

Stay tuned...

2020 OMC Spring Run

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

OMC Member Motorcycle Showcase - Rip City's Ride

Rip City and his 2014 Indian Chieftain

Rip City bought the first Indian Motorcycle from the Indian dealer here in Boise when they opened back in 2014. I remember test riding motorcycles with him and this one definitely was the winner.

More member's rides will be showcased in the President's Blog when nicely posed photographs are received by OMC members.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Mandatory Meeting This Coming Thursday, March 5, at 6:30 p.m.

There is a mandatory OGRES Motorcycle Club meeting this coming Thursday, March 5, at 6:30 p.m.  It will be held at the Clubhouse on Fairview Avenue. 

This is an important meeting as the updated OMC by-laws will be covered along with a refresher on "Leading a Run".

We will also be discussing possible replacements for the Spring Run as our main reason for that Run, the Challis Hot Springs Bed and Breakfast, is no longer on the table. The Summer and Fall Runs are set in stone for 2020 and won't be changed.

This is a possible run, of many to consider, to replace Challis:

Be sure to let Grim know if you cannot attend. Food and drink will be provided or we will go next door for dinner.

'Nuff said.