Wednesday, August 31, 2022

OGRES MC 2022 Barbecue with Spouse Coming Up on September 9th at 6:30 PM


The 2022 Annual OGRES MC Barbecue with the Spouses will be held on Friday September 9th at 6:30 p.m.  

The soiree will be held at Bomber and Brenda's crib...please consult your member roster for the address. 

This will be a pot luck affair with every member bringing a dish(es) to the table. You will be contacted by Grim or Bomber with your assignment.

This should be a lot of fun as the environment and company cannot be beat. 

Let Grim know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you are attending OR if you are not attending. 

Can't wait for this special evening.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

OGRES MC "Joseph" Fall Run Report by VP Rip City via "Relive"

Special thanks goes out to our OGRES MC Vice President and historian, RipCity. He again did a great job of capturing and recording the sights and events of the 2022 OGRES MC Fall Run. 

Check out the following links:

Day One:

Day Two:

Sunday, August 21, 2022

OGRES MC "Joseph". Fall Run Begins This Coming Thursday August 25th


Lake Wallowa

The OGRES Motorcycle Club Fall "Joseph" Run is this coming Thursday August 25th and Friday August 26th. 

Details of the Fall Run are at this link:

See you there if you have a hair...

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Prestigious Award for Stalwart OGRES MC Sergeant at Arms

 Our illustrious OMC Sergeant at Arms will be awarded the Boy Scouts of America's highest honor on August 24, 2022. Duke will received the Silver Buffalo for his prodigious support and huge body of work for that organization.

The OGRES Motorcycle Club would not exist without Duke's involvement and enthusiastic support. 

Congrats Duke !