Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Heads Up for Guidelines for Creating Replacement OGRES Motorcycle Runs IMPORTANT


The upcoming OGRES Motorcycle Club 2024 October meeting will be a group exercise in designing 2, 3, or 4 day rides to possible replace the default OMC Fall Run and the OMC Summer Run.

Members will be split up into 2 or 3 teams and will work on possible routes. The following guidelines shall be followed with little or no deviations:

-The Run will be no longer than 300 miles per day.

-The Run will not exclude an OMC member, from participating, by it's very design.

-The Run will have little or no freeway (no more than 60 minutes).

-The Run will minimize crossover with other Runs already on the books.

-The Run can be two, three or four days with the caveat being the above second  guideline.

-Any Run proposal shall be in the above pictured format. 

There must be one map for each day showing the miles and elapsed time. If it is a 2 day run, there should be 2 maps. If it is a 3 day Run, there should be 3 maps. Et cetera. Should be real simple. This allows all the detail to be seen including the beginning and end of each day.

The Run proposal will be accompanied by a narrative as shown above with overnight stops described. Hotels and restaurants should be researched and proposed for the overnight stays.

Any Run proposal that is not in this format will not be considered by the Primary Officers. No one likes to sift through a confusing and ill-prepared proposal.

Grim will lead any Run that has final approval unless someone else wants to lead the Run. 

If you have any questions, please call Grim. Grim does not want to waste anyone's time or efforts. That is the main reason for this blog post.

Please bring all your ideas, maps, enthusiasm and vigor to this meeting. Everyone has a lot to bring to the table. 

Grim will be in St. Louis, Missouri facilitating a Reno/COPS model training that week so the Vice President will be in charge of the 2024 October meeting. More information at this link:


This exercise will be finalized at the 2024 November meeting when Grim will be present again.

Kudos to all that persevered to the end of this President's Blog post. You are rewarded with this photo from the 140 mile motorcycle ride Grim enjoyed today.

Walter's Ferry

Sunday, September 8, 2024

OGRES Motorcycle Club 2024 Fall Barbecue President's Report

OMC Murderers Row

Never a Dull Moment

Biker Belles

Full Tummies

Thanks To All for the Food Contributions

Too Much Fun

Special Thanks to Our Hosts

Door Prize Winner

Door Prize Winner


Photos by RipCity and assistants

Monday, September 2, 2024

OGRES Motorcycle Club Annual Barbecue with Spouses This Coming Friday, September 6, at 6 PM


The OGRES Motorcycle Club Annual Fall Barbecue is this coming Friday, September 6, at 6 p.m.

The gala will be held at Bomber's crib and valet parking is available.

Assignments were made at the OMC 2024 Fall Run and an email was dispatched detailing those assignments.

If you did not receive an assignment and feel slighted, feel free to bring whatever you desire for OMC consumption.

If your spouse is not able to attend, do not feel shy about showing up solo. In fact, your attendance is expected either way.

Please contact Grim if you have any questions about this soiree.