Saturday, March 30, 2013
First Ride of the Year
Last night Duke asked me what time we were riding tomorrow. I immediately put out an e-mail to the Club to get out the troops to ride.
Rip City just had knee surgery earlier in the day (too much prayin'), Krome was on his Street Glide in Oregon with Sonjia, Smooth had changed his e-mail address and G-Man didn't know of the e-mail until I texted him about another Club matter.
After the dust settled...Duke, Smooth, G-Man and myself left the McDonalds at Linder and Chinden around 11 a.m. We rode through Star, Middleton, Notus, Wilder (Rip City's old stompin' grounds), Homedale and stopped in Marsing for some food. We pulled up to Caba's restaurant alongside a multitude of Harleys. On the sidewalk were members of the Iron Cross Warriors, the Iron Warriors and other sundry bikers. We faced off with the other Clubs and a rumble almost broke out. In fact, an Iron Warrior from Bridgeport, Connecticut almost talked us to death and we barely got out of there because he wouldn't shut up regaling us about the wonders of this and that.
The upshot was that Caba's has closed their restaurant and turned the whole space into a bar that also allows smoking. Not where we wanted to be. We went next door to a new restaurant that said Pizza on the building. Turns out more than pizza is served and we had a meal better than any I have had at Caba's.
We climbed back aboard our bikes and one of the OGRES grew lace panties and headed straight home to make peace with his wife since he had deserted her during the cleaning of the garage. I am not going to mention any name.
Duke, Smooth and I headed to Walter's Ferry on the south side of the river and then rode through Kuna where we stopped for much needed dipped ice cream cones at the Arctic Circle.
Reluctantly, we all headed home after that. No ride is ever long enough.
Yeah, I know.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Iron Butt 2013 June 28 and 29
The details of the ride have been added to the Events section of the OGRES MC website:
Monday, March 18, 2013
Upcoming Attraction
This is the artwork for the proposed OGRES limited edition pin. The artist's rendering show it to be quite shiny but the finish will actually be a very tough looking antique finish very similar to this pin:
The pins will be only $5 a piece. Krome is fronting the money for the pins. Hopefully they will be here by the May meeting on the 2nd.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
OMC March 7 Meeting Report
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Bomber and Babe |
The meeting of the OGRES Motorcycle (and Gun) Club was brought to order (or a semblance thereof) at about 1900 hrs. Present: Big Easy, Bomber, Rip City, Krome, Smooth, G-Man and Grim. Not present: Duke and Zeus.
I was reminded, through experience, that two thin crust Super Supreme pizzas are not enough for the OGRES gatherings. I will bring more next time.
Several members had brought along their personal samples of the "Bane of Barack" and they were inspected by the members for worthiness. G-Man had brought his new black rifle sans sights, ammo, or any accoutrements. It fits his personality that he purchased a fixer upper. A solid foundation however.
G-Man called a motion to talk about motorcycles.
The Club then made a group call to Billingsley Creek Lodge to make accommodations for the Summer Run. Turns out the family who had reserved a bunch of the rooms had vacated their reservation. Many reservations were made by the members but there were a couple of rooms left if you are still bereft of housing for that evening. More information can be found about the Summer Run at the official OMC website:
G-Man called a motion to talk about motorcycles.
A group call was then made to the Indian Lodge Motel in Joseph, Oregon concerning rooms for the Fall Run. Grim had already made a reservation and Krome found out his reservation had not "stuck". Many members made reservations on the spot with G-Man getting a room with two beds for himself and Bomber. (G-Man doesn't like to sleep alone. Okay, really it is because he is so "tight" when he blinks his feet lift off the ground). If you have not made your reservations for the Fall Run, you may want to call. More information about the Fall Run can be found at the official OMC website:
G-Man called a motion to talk about motorcycles.
A call was also put into Gretchen at the Challis Hot Springs reference accommodations for the Spring Run. The seven rooms for the bed/breakfast are reserved for the OGRES. The rooms are being held in Grim's name. You don't need to call your credit card into Gretchen BUT you do need to RSVP with Grim to ensure you have a room. G-Man and Bomber have already (you guessed it) put dibs on the room with two beds. More information about the Spring Run can be found at the official OMC website:
G-Man called a motion to talk about motorcycles.
There was discussion about the challenge coin. A separate post will be coming out soon reference the status of the OMC challenge coin. Grim forgot to make the customary challenge at the meeting. Dang it !
All members are in good standing with dues paid in full. The next meeting is on May 2, 2013. The time and place will be announced in the near future. I am sure we will be riding to the Garage Cafe or a similar eating establishment. More information can be found at the official OMC website at:
You may have noticed the official OMC website was mentioned a couple of times in this report. Several members had mentioned to me they had never been to the website and didn't know how to get to it. Just google Ogres Motorcycle Club and it will come up in the findings. Or click on any of the above links. Your dues are paying for the website so you might as well enjoy the information contained at the website. It also has a photo gallery of all the OGRES adventures.
G-Man showed us a picture of a weathered sign as an example of how an OGRES sign could be made for the Clubhouse. He is going to look into this project sooner. The members would share the cost of having the sign fabricated.
In the words of Damien Blade, "Ride hard or stay home."
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
OMC Meeting Thursday March 7th at 7 p.m.
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Scooterville |
The next OMC Meeting is this coming Thursday March 7th at 7 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Clubhouse on Fairview. Pizza and soda will be served. Patches and such will be available. Hopefully the weather will cooperate so members will be able to ride their scooters.
Yeah, I know. Only one of us has a real scooter. Thankfully.
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