Saturday, January 24, 2015

OMC Challis Spring Run Update and Reservation Alert

I spoke with Shannon at the Challis Hot Springs yesterday.  She confirmed they would do the dinner for us on Friday night as they have the past few years.  She was very nice and I think our time there will be as idyllic as in the past.

Confirmed reservations have been made by Duke, Grim, Rip City and his guest, Barry.  That leaves four rooms.  First come, first served.  I would make your reservation now if you are going.

More information about the Run at this link:

'Nuff said.

Friday, January 9, 2015

OMC Meeting Report January 2015

Dream Shop

OGRES members gathered at the Fairview Clubhouse at the appointed time.  Present: Big Easy, Duke, Rip City, G-Man, Krome, Bomber and Grim.  Not present: Zeus and Smooth.

Duke represented, bringing fine cuisine from our favorite Mexican restaurant.  Big Easy brought chips and dip.  Rip City brought Wavy Lays chips, my favorite, and a bottle of bubbly.  Grim brought a cooler of beverages.  Thanks to all for the food.

We talked about the upcoming rides.  It was discussed that everyone should be making their reservations for the three OMC sanctioned rides.

Members were reminded that Challis Hot Springs had changed management and that Sergeant Mike and his family now resided in Lorna and Bob's house, on site, and were managing the place.  Members should make their reservations and Grim will make arrangements, in the meantime, for dinner that night and other extras we have been accustomed to enjoying at the Hot Springs.

All the dates for next year's OMC sanctioned events can be found at this link:

Duke suggested an Iron Butt Ride this year.  After much discussion, it was decided the Iron But Ride would be on Friday June 19th and Saturday June 20th.  This will be a ride not sanctioned by the OMC.

Krome asked about the best rides for guests amongst the three OMC sanctioned rides.  It was discussed that the Summer Run would be the best ride for guests as the hotels used for lodging are much bigger and would allow for the guests.  The Spring and Fall Runs are limited to 8 beds and 11 beds, respectively, and not as conducive for guests.

Door prizes were drawn for and as luck would have it, Rip City drew his own number first.  "head scratch"  G-Man, Duke and Krome were also winners.  There will be an extra special door prize for March.  Only one door prize will be given but it will be a doozy.

Duke shared a joke with the membership.  The funniest part was that Duke was only able to tell and complete the joke between fits of laughter.  Jimmy Fallon would have been proud...or something.

G-Man (Scarecrow) made the mistake of commenting that Grim did not like long rides.  Grim had to remind him AGAIN that he greatly enjoyed long rides if that was the mission of the ride.  Grim does not like long ride days on the three OMC sanctioned rides because a careful balance of riding and socializing is important on the three sanctioned rides.

Otherwise, bring on the long distance rides for Grim anytime.  Freeway or back roads.

Discussion was held about creating a traveling trophy/pin/headgear for the Flake of the Month.  It would be bestowed on the member who had been the biggest flake for the preceding two months between meetings.  The current period for this "distinction" has begun immediately.

There was a suggestion about obtaining some basic first aid training from a creditable source.  G-Man is going to speak with his paramedic son about some of the aforementioned training.

Rip City is going brown.  I guess once you go brown you never........oh, wait a minute.

Big Easy stated he wanted to do another beautiful ride up north again.  He was strongly encouraged to design a ride and we would all go with him.  OMC rides are not limited to the three OMC sanctioned rides.  Bring any rides to the group and we will go.  Grim is retired and will ride all summer when invited.  Most of the members concurred.  Oh, maybe not.  Well, at least some.

The Route 66 ride is on.  The dates are yet to be ironed out.  Right now the first two weeks of August are looking good.

Next meeting is March 5th.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Colors for Cuts

I will be bringing patch sets to the meeting tonight.  They are $65 for the set.

That is all.  See you at the Clubhouse.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Suite Time at the Basketball Game

A great time was had at the third annual OMC Night at the Idaho Stampede basketball game on January 6th.  Attending were: Duke and Pam, Bomber and Brenda, Rip City and Stephanie, G-Man and Grim.  Not in attendance were: Smooth, Big Easy and Krome.

The food was marvelous and plentiful while the company was unmatched.  Jibes and jokes were exchanged and maybe a few compliments.  Great conversation and basketball are a great combination.

And the Idaho beat Oklahoma City in a close game.

Huge thanks to Pam and Duke for hosting this event.  It is always a highlight of the OGRES yearly calendar.  

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Mandatory OMC Meeting Thursday January 8th, 2015, at 7 P.M.

Please bring your $25 OMC membership dues to the mandatory meeting on January 8th at 7 p.m. at the Clubhouse on Fairview.  If you cannot attend, get your dues to Grim as soon as possible.  Grim's address is available to mail the dues, if needed.

Food and drink will be provided so come to the meeting hungry.  There will also be door prizes.

This money is used to pay for the website, food at the meetings and other expenses.  Just a reminder as everyone is great about paying promptly and Grim appreciates it.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

New Updated Info About the OGRES Night at the Stampede

It's that time of year again when the Sergeant-at-Arms hosts all OMC members in good standing to OGRES Night at the Stampede game.  Please bring your wives to this shindig.  No guests or prospects are invited.

The game is on Tuesday January 6, 2015.  Doors open at 6 p.m. and the game starts at 7 p.m. versus Oklahoma City.

Tickets will be left at with the usher by the main stairway in the Grove Hotel lobby located by the south hotel lobby entrance.  Just ask the usher at the foot of the stairs for your Taco Bell tickets.

Then head up the stairs to the second floor.  We will in Suite 208 on the second floor.

Do not wear cuts/colors but other OGRES apparel is cool.

Friday, January 2, 2015

OGRES Night at the Idaho Stampede Game January 6th 6 P.M.

The following members have confirmed that they are attending along with their spouses:

Krome, G-Man, Bomber, Rip City, Duke and Grim.

Duke has not heard from Big Easy and Zeus.

Smooth will be out of the state and unable to attend.

That is all.

New Years Day Ride Report 2015

Rip City and his Indian

Bomber, Smooth, G-Man and Rip City showed up.  Rip City rode in 10 degree weather.  It's a good thing they make form-fitted heated bloomers and such.