Friday, July 31, 2015

OMC Joseph Fall Run 2015

Joseph, Oregon

If you don't have your reservations at the Indian Lodge Motel, I would get them today.  Hopefully, they are not full.

The guest slots are full so if you haven't talked to me about bringing a guest, it's too late.

The ride is on August 28th and 29th.  Details can be found on the OGRES Motorcycle Club website at this link:

As always, call me with any questions or concerns.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

OMC 2015 Summer Run Report

The intrepid OMC members met as planned at the Sinclair Station.  Rip City thought he was at the incorrect rendezvous as he was the Lone Ranger, with his faithful Indian friend, as the rest of us were late.  However, after a short briefing we made our way north.  Present:  Rip City, G-Man, Grim, Big Easy and Duke (caught up with us in Orofino as he had a late start due to important family matters).  Not Present: Krome, Bomber, Smooth and Zeus.

We headed over through Fruitland (short stop to say high to G-Man's son), Payette and Weiser.  As we neared MidVale and Cambridge, the storm clouds began to gather and we began to get rained on intermittently.  We pushed through Cambridge and Council trying to get past the storm and eat where there was dry weather.

We stopped in New Meadows where we had a very nice meal, except for a grouchy Grim, at the Granite Cafe.  Why we haven't eaten there before, instead of the A & W, defies all logic and reason. We then grabbed some fuel and put on some rain gear due to the rain we had already experienced and the ominous clouds to the north that marked our path.

Rip City and Big Easy

The weather was hot with more intermittent rain until we hit White Bird Hill.  The further up the hill, the more the heavens dumped rain and some sleet on us.  We pushed through and made it to Grangeville, where we stopped under the canopy at the Conoco at the edge of town.  There we caught our breath and put on the remainder of what rain gear we possessed.

From there to Orofino, we experienced either scorching heat or pouring rain on an alternating basis.  It was great to get to Orofino to the wonderful Best Western and get in the pool and Jacuzzi.  Ah, what a relief that was.  Duke arrived about an hour or so after we arrived.  After hearing about his journey to Orofino, it was clear he had a much worse time than we did and White Bird Hill had not gotten any better for him.

We ate at the marvelous restaurant next door where Duke enjoyed making us all uncomfortable with his compliments directed at our Kenyan waitress.  It was worth every minute as Duke picked up the tab and I enjoyed Huckleberry ice cream pie-like on a chocolate crust.  Yummy.  We went back to the hotel and enjoyed a lively conversation on the beautiful deck next the the Clearwater River and a nice water feature a few feet away.  When it appear Rip City was nodding asleep, as we sat, it was clear it was time to go hit the rack.

The next morning we departed and headed through Kamiah and began our journey over Lolo Pass.  We stopped somewhere for an early morning ice cream and Scarecrow was surprised it wasn't as shady and nice as when he normally stopped there in the afternoon.  Duh.  It was a great ride and we stopped at a Grove of trees whose name I forget.  Big Easy was stung by a wasp just as we pulled in and we took some nostalgic photos in the grove.  I expected Heavenly Personages to appear but they did not.  Probably a good thing.

We rode on and lost Big Easy and Scarecrow, now and then, around the Idaho Border and Stites respectively.  No doubt we have some quirky personalities on the OMC and I am the only one that is normal.  We made it safely down the mountain to Lolo and stopped in Florence at a decommissioned gas station turned restaurant.  All the convenience store shelves were emptied but still there forcing all the tables together to make room for the bar.  We sat en masse with the local colorful citizenry who luckily had left their banjos at home.  Rip City got a glass of ice and then made some weird concoction of a drink and I was relieved when it did not change him into a creature that craved human blood or the like.

Big Easy, Duke, Grim and Rip City in Darby, Montana (G-Man taking the picture)

We rode on and stopped in the great little town of Darby, Montana.  My only regret is that we didn't get there earlier.  We went in an antique shop only to find it was connected to seven shops all in the same building.  Handmade knives were next to beautifully crafted jewelry.  Sterling silver reproduction badges and buffalo nice leather adornments were plentiful.  Reproduction strong boxes, locks and other great stuff were everywhere.  And there was a candy shop where I found my favorite milk chocolate haystacks.  I didn't get to see the entire group of shops as the boss lady came out of the back and ran us out the door.  We crossed the street to grab drinks at the convenience store but were waylaid at the custom hat store.  Rip City tried on several hats including the hat that the owner had made for Val Kilmer in his role as Doc Holiday on Tombstone.  Then Rip City tried on a hat that looked so right on him it was astounding.  It made him look like the Virginian and was a perfect match for his features.  Only $979 and he passed it up ?!?!  It was one of the cheaper hats in the store.

We pressed onto Salmon and eventually arrived at the Stagecoach in Salmon.  If it was the best hotel in town, I would have hated to see the worst.  But it was a bed and shower and there were probably a total of 26 Harleys, 1 Indian and one Can-Am in the parking lot.  We went over to the Shady Nook and found a round table in a square corner.  We had a very nice meal and entertained two table loads of folks right next to us as we were sitting in close proximity.  We then headed to the hotel and talked with fellow bikers.  Sorry, Rip City, for stealing your thunder as I waxed poetic about the details coolness of Cherokee instead of allowing you to do so.

Rip City in Front of the Bridge Street Grill in Lower Stanley

We headed out bright and early after waiting for Duke to have breakfast and Big Easy to finally air up his tires.  We headed down to Challis and stopped for a quick break.  Then it was smooth sailing to Stanley as their was either no traffic or troublesome traffic turned off the main road as if by magic.  We stopped for lunch at the Bridge Street Grill in Lower Stanley.  It was a very nice change and I met some Iron Warriors I had slaved with prior to my leaving the Force.  We then headed down towards Lowman.

We followed a bunch of riders down almost to Lowman.  The group was comprised of about 4 Gold Wing trikes, one Harley trike and some two wheeled Gold Wings.  They were going our pace and for a while it looked like we has us A Convoy.  They turned off at the Sourdough Lodge and we continued on towards Lowman and then turned to Garden Valley.  Then, of course, we met the stereotypical Subaru cage driver from Elmore County.  The driver would purposely drive 35 mph where we couldn't pass and then speed to 65 mph where we could pass.  We suffered with this miscreant until we stopped to get gas in Garden Valley.  I had ice cream.

We then rode on through Banks, Horseshoe Bend and ended our ride at the Chevron at Beacon Light. It was a great ride and I hated for it to be over.  Big Easy suggested going to the Coast for chowder and I would have gone for sure.

This story may not be true....but what good is truth if it's boring.  See all y'all at at the OMC Fall Run.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Change in Start Time and Location Tomorrow

Due to chip and seal highway construction on Highway 55, we will meet at the gas station at Highway 44 and I-84 at 8:30 a.m. for safety briefing.  We will leave shortly thereafter.  We will be going up to New Meadows through Cambridge instead of Cascade.  Call Grim if you have any questions and, if you haven't already bailed on this run, please respond to this message acknowledging the change.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

OMC Summer Run This Coming Thursday


We will be leaving from the Chevron at Highway 55 and Beacon Light at 8 a.m. sharp this coming Thursday, June 23rd.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

OMC July Meeting Report

Simpler Times

OMC members present:  Rip City, G-Man, Big Easy, Bomber, Grim and Smooth.  Absent:  Krome, Zeus and Duke.

Attending members met at the Clubhouse at the appointed time.  We rode over to Rudys and enjoyed a great meal served by the cutest waitress in the house.  We made a point to say mean things about all the missing members and came up with a new nick-name for Krome.  It will be unveiled at a later date.

Just for the record, Smooth came clear down off of the top of Tamarack Mountain just to make the meeting.  'Nuff said.


We then jumped on our bikes and rode over the TCBY and enjoyed a frosty yogurt while talking about rides awaiting our presence down the road and nailing down the summer ride.  There was also a very sharp example of motorcycle parking and such.

See you next at the Summer Run.  If you haven't made your reservations in Orofino and Salmon, you may want to get your ass(ets) in gear.