Saturday, September 1, 2018

2018 OGRES MC Fall Run Report: A Pictorial

The Gang

It All Began in Notus at the Garage Cafe

Breakfast at The Garage Cafe in Notus

Farewell Bend, Oregon

A Gaggle of Bikes at Farewell, Bend

Another Cool Bike Shot

Rip City Scouting for Blue Coats in Union, Oregon

Grim Warning of Rocky Roads Ahead

Lee, Rip City and Joy Enjoying a Fresh Beverage

Slick, Lee, Rip City, Joy, Krome, Grim, Bomber, Gundy, Stephen and Duke (G-Man-Photographer)

Indian Lodge Motel, Joseph, Oregon

Grim, G-Man, Slick, Stephen, Duke, Gundy, Bomber, Rip City, Lee, Krome and Gundy

Hell's Canyon Lookout

A Motley Crew

Rip City and Troublemaker

Ice Cream Stop at Scotty's

Lunch in Cambridge

Rip Modeling his Loincloth

May I Borrow Your Phone?

Slick, Rip City, Bomber, Grim, G-man (Lost his Cut), Krome, Duke and Gundy in Middleton

1 comment:

  1. Great final summer ride with Brothers.
    Rip "loin cloth" City πŸ•ΊπŸ½
