Monday, March 8, 2021

Ordering Your Custom OGRES MC WE Banter Knife


Since this knife is already discounted, there is no upside to ordering in bulk. 

Hence each OMC member will be responsible for order their own custom OGRES Banter knife.

Here is the link and the steps to order:

Click on the box next to "Customize your knife + $14.99.

At "Engraving Location" choose:  Blade (Front)

At "Engraving font choose: Courier

In the "text" box type   OGRES MC   in all capital letters

Finally click on "Add To Cart"

This may be our best OGRES MC exclusive yet.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

OGRES MC March 2021 Meeting Report


Bomber, Rowdy, G-Man, Gundy, Krome, Grim, Smooth, Duke and Rip City

The intrepid members of the OGRES Motorcycle Club met at the Sugarberry Clubhouse on the appointed date and time. Members present: Rip City, Duke, Smooth, Grim, Krome, Gundy, G-Man, Rowdy and Bomber. Member absent: Slick.

Duke, Grim, Rowdy, Krome and G-Man were on their bikes. Gundy was unable to ride due to his recovery and Rip City's Indian is in storage due to his current luxurious living arrangements. 

The Flying Pie pizza arrived just in time as the members were getting restless. It didn't take long for the pizza to disappear. Thanks to Bomber for supplying the drinks and for hosting the meeting.

Members discussed the three upcoming sanctioned OGRES MC rides this summer. Each ride was reviewed especially mentioning the somewhat challenging hostel arrangements. Members were encouraged to call back often for cancellations at the Best Western in Orofino. 

It was voted that all members order WE "Banter" knives as pictured above. This is a very high quality knife with 3 inch blade. It is also very light and compact in the pocket. Grim owns one and it is his favorite EDC. The knife is $125 engraved with OGRES MC. Grim is looking into the details at this time and will send out ordering instructions on this coming Monday.

The meeting was adjourned while Smooth conducted an impromptu sale of motorcycle protective gear.

Grim will endeavor to curb his whining at the next meeting. Grim apologizes.