Sunday, May 5, 2024

OGRES MC May 2024 Meeting Report

The May 2024 meeting of the OGRES Motorcycle Club was called to order at the appointed time and place. 

Members present: Smooth, Duke, Rowdy, G-Man, RipCity, Grim and Bomber. Members absent: Gundy and Slick.

Cold and wet weather changed the OMC's plans somewhat and we stayed at the Sugarberry Clubhouse instead of riding somewhere for dinner. Duke as gracious enough to have our favorite Taco Bell entrees delivered for our culinary delight. RipCity easily won the contest for most Taco Bell inhaled.

G-Man and Duke were the door prize winners. One can never have too much ammo or too many knives.

There was great general conversation about many things. Grim talked way too much about his latest work experiment and for that he greatly apologizes.

Grim brought some knives for the OMC members inspection to spark a discussion about choosing another OMC sanctioned knife. KNAFS offers many customizations including different scales and engravings. It was voted that Grim pursue some alternatives.
The meeting was adjourned until June.

Remember, it is better to be kind than be right.

Words by Grim
Photos by RipCity

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