Monday, June 17, 2024

Ogres Motorcycle Club 2024 Spring "Hagerman" Run Report

The OGRES Motorcycle Club 2024 Spring Run began at the diner in Star, Idaho. Members present: Gundy, Grim, Smooth, Rowdy, G-Man, Ripcity, and Duke. Members absent: Bomber and Slick.

Everyone was early but Rowdy and G-Man. We waited the required 15 minutes but then went ahead and ordered. The errant duo finally arrived and Rowdy vehemently exclaimed it was his fault and not G-Man's actions. Some members still believe there was a payoff for Rowdy to take the heat.

After breakfast, we queued up and headed down the road through Emmett, Payette and Parma before taking a quick break in Wilder. 

Duke needed to fuel but as he pulled away, trouble lights flashed and came on with the engine light staying lit. Long story short, we stopped at Walter's Ferry and called Carl at Boise Cycle. Duke ended up detouring to get a new battery while the rest of the crew headed down the road as planned.


We cruised through Murphy, Grandview and stopped for lunch in Bruneau. We were lucky to catch the end of the lunch rush and most folks were just leaving. We had an extremely nice server and had our orders in pretty fast. The food was better than expected.

However, for some reason the server ended up wearing RipCity's cut. She must have coveted the neat badges and had dreamed her whole life to be a Vice President. RipCity managed to pry the vest off her body and we managed to ride away after Smooth made some side cash giving folks a ride in his green machine.

We cruised through Hammett, Glenns Ferry, King Hill and Bliss ending up at our hotel for the night in Hagerman.

Some members hit their rooms immediately while other sought and found refreshment at Ziggy's across the street.

At the appointed time, we met for dinner at the great restaurant next door. The food was great as usual and many members had cherry pie a la mode for desert. 

As luck would have it, there were corn hole courts between the restaurant and the hotel. RipCity and Rowdy went undefeated winning 2 out of 2 matches. It was great fun. Afterward, we hung out on the deck talking trash about absent members and told other tall tales until it was time to retire.

The next morning the band headed out to find a breakfast spot. We rode through Bliss and found the Western Cafe in Gooding. It was rather nice to have a short ride prior to breakfast. The food and company were pretty good although the "children's table" was a little loud.

We cruised out of Gooding and headed north. It is a fun road north of Gooding to the Fairfield highway even with running over thousands of brown crickets. We made a short stop at Timmerman Hill and then continued north through Bellevue, Hailey and Ketchum. 

We made a short stop by Baker Creek to check out the Boulder Mountains and then continued to Galena Summit to check out the Sawtooth Mountains and take a few photos.

Our next stop was for gasoline and food in Stanley. We sat at our usual table inside as it was quite windy on the patio. The food and service was okay but our choices for a meal are limited in Stanley.

We departed and rode towards Lowman. The road was very rough over Banner Summit and Grim led too fast to begin with but finally slowed to a better speed for the conditions. It is a fun windy route and we soon arrived in Lowman. The plan was to stop and the lodge but it was closed. 

We continued on to Garden Valley. The stretch of road between Lowman and Garden Valley is always a blast, even with the short stop to get around crews fighting a wild fire.

We stopped in Garden Valley for ice cream and refreshments. We peeled off any extra clothing, at this point, as the temperature had definitely risen.

The traffic between Garden Valley and Boise was extremely light or non-existent. Our schedule of Thursday-Friday rides certain helps allay the traffic issues.

We parted ways at the Chevron at Beacon Light and Highway 55.

It was a great run with only a couple of hiccups. 

Photos by RipCity
Words by Grim

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