Monday, August 5, 2024

OGRES Motorcycle Club August 2024 Meeting Report


The OGRES MC August 2024 meeting was held at the appointed time and place. OMC members present: Rowdy, Bomber, Grim, G-Man, Gundy and RipCity. OMC members absent: Duke, Smooth and Slick.

A discussion was held reference the OMC schedule of events for 2025. Different variants were read, perused and discussed. A final draft was adopted, after a vote, and will be emailed very soon to all OMC members so plans for next year can be make with plenty of time to spare.

A door prize drawing was held and Rowdy was the winner.

There were discussions about Runs and variants of Runs. More to come after some research by the Road Captains and the Prez.

We adjourned to the restaurant next door for a nice meal.

It was a very nice evening in total.

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