Friday, June 27, 2014

The Test Ride

Rip City and I went to Sawtooth Cycles and checked out the Indian Chieftain Faired Hard Bagger.  We both took the bike on extended test rides.  I gotta say two things:  powerful and smooth.  The counter balanced solid mounted 111 cubic inch motor was extremely impressive along with the smooth but predictable tranny.  The magazine articles I had read led me to believe the bike would feel small for someone of my stature.  Not true.  It fit me better than a stock Street Glide.

I believe I would take off the passenger pegs and pillion, put on a drive's backrest, plug in the stage one baffles and ride it for a while before changing anything else.  It really doesn't need anything else until someone makes a tour pak.

I think maybe I could be a two bike guy and park one of these next to my Street Glide.  Great job applying the old Indian panache to new technology.  Hmmmmm.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Guests: Part Two


Guests are to ride at the back of the pack with their host OMC member.  On the Spring Run, "well meaning" OMC members were waving host OMC members and their guests forward in the pack.

Don't do that.

I know everyone likes the back but don't do that.  At one point, a guest was right behind the lead rider causing a "yo-yo effect" as they weren't comfortable in the curves.  And this lead rider takes the curves slow to try to alleviate too much "yo-yo effect".

I chewed out the offending OMC member who advised me other OMC members waved them forward.

If you are host OMC member, don't let "well meaning" OMC members wave you forward.  The host OMC member has ultimate responsibility for their guest.  OMC hosts are responsible for telling the guest the ride order, and why, as to not make it a OMC member elitist thing.

Look at it this way, would you rather the guest crash behind you...or in front of you possibly "taking you out" also.  Our two guests on the last run had 1 year and 3 months riding experience respectively.  We don't know most guest's respective skill levels.


Just so you know, no more than one guest per Run per OMC member.  No surprises.


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

2014 OMC Spring Run Report

Bomber, Big Easy, Guest, Duke, Grim, G-Man, RIP-Fluffy-Rock-Crispy-#5-Spandex-Rice Burner-Sleep Early-Sheepdog-5 Card Draw-Chamberless .45-Waistband ..38-Thin Skin-CITY, Zeus and Guest

The 2014 OMC Summer Run began at 0930 hrs. due to Grim and Duke attending a Boy Scout event honoring Grim's father.  We left the Chevron and headed east.  It was actually a nice time to start for this Run and will probably be the departure time for the future.  G-Man was 3 minutes early for the beginning of the Run but 13 minutes late for the safety briefing.

Present:  Duke, G-Man, Grim, Bomber, Zeus, Rip City (I'm not repeating the entire nickname shown above) and guest, Big Easy and guest.  Absent: Smooth and Krome.

Big Easy and his guest had decided they were stopping for photos ops at every historical marker along the route.  Interesting activity for a group ride.

It was a nice ride up through the Camas Prairie to the Timmerman Hill rest stop where we rested our butts and such before continuing on.  Bomber shared one of the snacks he always seems to have on board.

G-Man aka Scarecrow zoomed ahead of us and fueled at Picabo while the rest of us stopped for fuel at Carey.  Rip City had told him it was 42 miles to Carey...and Scarecrow believed him...!

We all stopped at Pickles Place in Arco for lunch and we all had manly meals, like bison burgers and such, except Rip City.  Rip City had a delicious meal of grilled tuna, fried pickles and a strawberry shake.  Delightful.

We then headed on to Mackay and on through to the Challis Hot Springs.  Gretchen was there to greet us, although Rip City didn't recognize Gretchen...strange as they are pretty close.  We got checked in and jumped in the pool for a long soak before dinner.  I don't know who won the lie telling contest in the was that close.

Gretchen served up a wonderful meal along with homemade ice cream and fudge syrup.  It would be nice to have that setup on all the Runs.

A card game broke out after dinner while others hit the pool or generally layed about.  All I know is that 7 Card Stud became a favorite with the low spade in the hole splitting the pot.  One memorable hand was when one player had a pair of sixes and a 2 of spades in the hole while another player had a 3 of spades in the hole while betting heavily.  It was very funny...I don't care who you are...unless you were the one with the 3 of spades in the hole who lost everything except his form fitting clothing.

Everyone had a great nights sleep and we were treated to the usual wonderful Gretchen breakfast in the morning.  Bomber made sure to get some muffins for the trip home to tide us over.  We left and went to Challis for gas, checking out the car show on our way out.  Except for Grim who had to go back to the Hot Springs to fetch a forgotten lid.

Stanley, Idaho and the Sawtooth Mountains

We stopped in Stanley for a break and checked out the snow covered Sawtooth Mountain Range.  In my opinion,iIt is the most beautiful, majestic mountain range in the world.  We continued over Banner Summit and into Lowman.

Just as we reached the turnoff to Garden Valley, in Lowman, Big Easy and his guest were waiting for us there.  As we rolled up preparing to make the right turn, a very large deer was running pell mell for myself and Rip City.  Miraculously the deer skidded to a stop upon hearing Rip City's obnoxious motorcycle exhaust pipes and reversed direction scampering back the opposite way.  Phew...!

We then continued on to Garden Valley gassing up at the Chevron.  Then we moseyed into the quaint town of Crouch and decided to try a different restaurant from the Longhorn.  I think it was called The Dirty Shame Saloon - Cafe.   And it was a dirty shame.  After waiting 1 1/2 hours for our food, my surmise that we should have left came true.  I manage to choke my cold rack of ribs down but will never eat there again.  However, Rip City had a "wonderful" pair of burgers.

We then went our merry way to Highway 55 and made our final stop at the Chevron at Highway 55 and Beacon Light.  I told Big Easy and guest how much I had enjoyed riding riding with them on the Run.  Just kidding, I think they rode about 50 miles with us out of the 493 miles travelled.

All in all, a great Run with great people.  Gretchen is retiring in September so this was our last year with her.  I hope her replacements will be up to filling her shoes.

I am proud to be an part of the OGRES MC.  It appeared as though all enjoyed the Run.  Especially those with a few more bucks in their pockets.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Iron Butt Ride June 27 and 28 RSVP Needed

Please let me know by 1200 hrs. on July 21st if you plan on doing this ride.  If we don't get at least 6 riders, the ride will be cancelled.  Please reply with a "yes" or a "hell no".


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Alternate Hostels for Summer Run

Family Condo

Family Motor Home

Brenda Bomber did offer to let us stay at the above accommodations if we so desired.  It was a very generous offer but I think we will stick with the Best Westerns.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Motels for the 2014 OMC Summer Run

Here are the motels for the 2014 Summer Run:

July 24th   Thursday night      Spokane, Washington
       Best Western Plus Peppertree
       3711 S. Geiger Blvd.

July 25th    Friday night          Orofino, Idaho

      Best Western Rivers Edge
      615 Main Street

Each OMC member is responsible for making their own reservations.  All guests shall be cleared with timely notice by the OMC President.