Friday, January 22, 2016

Grim's FLTRXS Before and After

Carl Davis and Grim

Carl Davis, of Boise Cycle fame, that makes all the magic happen on a Harley-Davidson.  I have not found a better mechanic and friend.  Sue Davis, the better half, is taking the photo.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

No Joseph No Problem Same Weekend New Run

Grim, Bomber, Smooth and Rip City

We will be doing the OMC Fall Run on the same weekend as originally planned, Friday August 26th and Saturday August 27th.  We will, however, be doing a different route because of the conflicts that have risen up in Joseph.

G-Man and I are working on a very cool alternative Run and will update you with the details as soon as the Run is finalized.  We will also advise where the overnight stop will be for reservations to be made.

In the meantime, enjoy the above photos provided by Smooth from last year's OMC Fall Run.

Monday, January 18, 2016

OMC Challis Spring Run Update

There are four rooms left at Challis Hot Springs for the Spring Run.  Already registered: Grim, Bomber/G-Man, Rip City and Walton (guest).

All members are responsible for making their own reservations although they have blocked out the rooms for OGRES.    Be sure to tell them you are an OMC member when you call or they won't give you a room.

First come....first served.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

OMC Website and Events Page Updated with Socials and Such

The OGRES Motorcycle Club Website is now updated and corrected.

The Events page now has all the correct dates and has the Socials and Special events added.

Guidelines and extras are also in view.

Make your reservations now, for the three OMC Runs, to make sure you don't stay up the street at FleaBit Manor or on the pavement by your MC.

Here is a handy link:

Saturday, January 16, 2016

OMC January 2016 Meeting Report

Rip City with 3 Handguns and 2 Knives (May or May Not Have Been Loaded)

The meeting convened at the appointed time at the Clubhouse on Fairview.  Present:  G-Man, Bomber, Grim, Smooth, Rip City, Krome, Big Easy and Duke.  Absent: Zeus.

Smooth showed up in his old school step-side pickup truck that is a target for theft.  Don't look at Grim's house cuz he will have it hidden elsewhere.

The meeting started with the devouring of the much coveted Taco Bell grub generously provided by Duke.  It was unanimously voted that this food arrangement be continued into the future as Taco Bell is a real treat for OGRES.  Krome brought beverages in the cutest little cans and G-Man brought Krispy Kreme.  It was better than a Thanksgiving spread.  Thanks Duke, Krome and G-Man!

Rip City won the "most weapons on your body contest" with three handguns and two knives.  At least two of the three handguns were loaded.  He also won the prize for the most diversity: .45 ACP, 9 mm and .38 special.  A short primer on the proper placement of thumb break straps was given by Grim along with a group discussion on the proper sizing of leg holsters.

Big Easy won, by far, the contest for the largest hogleg with the longest barrel and the biggest caliber.  His 7.5 inch .44 magnum was impressive and Grim wanted to leave with it due to the old school flat-top design.  The silver finish was yummy.

G-Man showed off his new Hogue-gripped 9 mm pistol.  I believe he might be the only one in the Club that has that make and model.  Just kidding.

While munching down the food of the Gods, a discussion was held about Universities in a far off State and their differences of opinion about sportsmanship and accountability.  The discussion was over Grim's head as there is only one University in his universe.  Yep, it's in Moscow, Idaho.

Members were reminded of the upcoming OGRES Night at the Stampede on February 19th.  More information can be found on the President's Blog at this link:

The next order of business was to come to an agreement about the pre-proposed creation of social meetings on the even months of the year.  The following is what was proposed and unanimously voted for:

-  Non-mandatory socials will be held on the even months of the year except for June and August.
-  They will be held on the first Thursday of the even month unless otherwise notified.
-  Socials will begin at 6 p.m. at the Clubhouse on Fairview.
-  The Vice President will be in charge of creating and organizing the agenda of the socials.
-  Members shall RSVP with the Vice President outside of 48 hours of the event for planning.
-  The Vice President will send out a reminder and agenda within a week of the Social.
-  No guests are allowed.

We then discussed the current dues situation of the Club.  It was proposed and unanimously voted that Club dues increase to $50 a year effective immediately.  Dues were then collected and the new OGRES t-shirts were dispersed to the members.  Rip City is modeling the new Salute Apparel t-shirt above in size Women Small.  Rip City is also sporting his new Spec Ops hat made by Salute Apparel.

Members were then encouraged to get their reservations made for the Spring, Summer and Fall Runs.  It was noted that the Orofino reservations might be the most time sensitive.

It was also found that there were some mistakes on the events calendar.  As of this writing, the Events Calendar on the OMCS website is completely up to date with all dates of the Socials, Barbecue and OGRES Night at the Stampede.  This link:

A challenge coin challenge was made with only one member unable to respond to the challenge.  Names will not be mentioned but since the member had already brought Taco Bell for the gang, it all came out in the wash.

Last but not least, door prizes were drawn and prizes passed out.  Rip City won again and I believe he is undefeated having won every drawing.  Makes you wonder.  He should probably buy lottery tickets.

Stayed tuned for news about the upcoming February Social and other sources of Maximum Fun.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

OGRES Night at the Stampede on Friday February 19th, 2016

Mark your calendars for the OGRES Night at the Stampede on February 19th at CenturyLink Arena.

Duke is hosting a luxury suite for the members in good standing and their spouses for a night of basketball and revelry.

The doors open at 6 p.m. and the game starts at 7 p.m.  No guests or prospects are allowed.  Do not wear your cut but OGRES apparel is encouraged.

Tickets will be waiting for you at the foot of the main lobby stairs leading up to the suites.

This is on a Friday so it counts as a date night with your wife.  Double points.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Mandatory OMC Meeting Thursday January 14th at 7 p.m. at Clubhouse

The first mandatory OMC meeting of 2016 will be on this coming Thursday, January 14th, at 7 p.m.  The meeting will be held at the Clubhouse on Fairview.

This meeting is for members in good standing ONLY.  No guests or prospects are invited.

Bring $45 (yes that is forty five dollars) for annual dues and for your custom OGRES t shirt.

Food and drink will be provided so don't eat protein bars and weird stuff like that on the way.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

OGRES Annual New Years Day Brunch 2016

Intrepid Rip City Braving the Cold and Ice

Rip City, Bomber, Grim, Duke and G-Man met up at the Egg Factory in Nampa at the appointed time.  Actually, the Sergeant at Arms arrived 35 minutes early to wait in line for our table as the restaurant was slammed with competing diners.  Rip City was the only one who had the courage to ride his Indian as the rest of us wussed out.

While waiting, we shared Christmas stories and bragged about all the cool presents we had received.  Bomber and G-Man have both joined the Sig 938 Club, within the OMC, and a search for an appropriate patch will have to commence.  Duke and G-Man talked about business and stuff even though it was a holiday but Duke picked up the check so my making fun stops here.  Not.

We had a great brunch which included a short discussion about going to monthly meetings instead of every other month.  The mandatory meetings on the odd months will stay the same.  One suggestion was to make the meetings non-mandatory and come up with a cool ride or restaurant on the even months.  RSVPs would be fielded by the Vice President so enough participants would be confirmed prior to the meetings.  This topic will be discussed further with a vote at the next OMC mandatory meeting on January 14th.

We missed Smooth, Big Easy and Krome but trash-talked them mercilessly to help us deal with their absence.

Next meeting is in a couple of weeks on the 14th of January.  Bring your $45 for dues and very cool new long-sleeved OMC shirt.