Side of the Road Between Baker City and Ontario |
G-Man's Alter Ego....Moonbush |
Smooth's Card Instruction |
The OMC members met at the Chevron at I-84 and Eagle Road. Present were Smooth, Chrome Pickle, Bomber, Grim and belatedly...G-Man. We rode to Caldwell and picked up Rip City and we were on our way. Big Easy caught up with us in Baker City. More about that later.
As we winded our way towards Baker City, Bomber's FLH's charging system began to act up. We made it into Baker City and to the Suzuki Dealer (the closest thing to a MC shop in the area). They put in a new battery and we continued on our way. We stopped in Haines Oregon where we had the best breakfast in recent memory. The rest of the ride the first day was restful, relaxed and we stopped to tell stories (lies) often.
We made it to Joseph before the shops closed and made it to the "old" tin sign shop where G-Man was in heaven along with Chrome Pickle and Smooth. We also stopped at a chocolate shop where G-Man spent a buck on a piece of chocolate about the size of a nickel. So much for me thinkin' G-Man was so tight that when he blinked his feet lifted off the ground. (I bought enough chocolate for everyone.)
We headed out to Wallowa Lake to check out the sights. As we got to the business end of the lake, Bomber's bike began to have charging problems again. Bomber, Rip City and I were able to get the bike back to town, however. We hooked the bike up to a battery tender and hoped for the best in the morning.
Dinner found us across the street to our regular restaurant for a meal. Everyone had a good meal and dessert. Another walk around Main Street and then in for the night at the Indian Lodge Motel with the OCD female owner watching over us. (There may have been a card game where Smooth taught us how to play cards. I am not sure how the game went, but the OMC President's wallet was a little fatter the next day.)
We took off the next morning after a big breakfast at the Cheyenne Cafe. We thought we found a Harley mechanic in Lostine but he turned out to be a little crazy and we didn't stop. We headed straight for the Suzuki dealer in Baker City and almost made it. However, a short electrical transfusion on the edge of town got us the rest of the way into Baker City.
We ate at the Oregon Trail cafe in Baker City while waiting for a new regulator to be fitted on Bomber's bike. There was a mother - daughter waitress duo that was a "hoot" and we dined below the large elk, deer and fish mounted on the wall. They had no Ding Dongs, so pie and ice cream was the order of the day.
Then we hung out at Baker City's very nice downtown park where there may have been some more card playing and definitely some attendance at the museum across the street. We then went and picked up Bomber's bike and headed on our way.
We got about halfway between Baker City and Ontario when we found out the problem with Bomber's bike wasn't the regulator or the battery. Unfortunately, Bomber's bike finished the journey on the back of a flatbed truck.
Bike problem's notwithstanding, all expressed having a great time and it was fun to have the time to talk, laugh, make fun of each other, tell stories (lies) and generally hang out together. It was the best trip I have experienced since I caught the MC Bug.
More photos on the OMC website.
I can't wait for the OMC Summer Run and the next meeting on July 7th.
Message from Bomber and Rip City:
Hey Grim
In spite of the challanges, it was an awesome ride. What a great group of guys that made a stinky situation a lot of fun. My thanks to everyone for hanging in there and coming to the aid of a fellow OGRE. Special thanks ought to go to Rip City and "Chrome" Pickles for being real "scouts" and being prepared with a charger and jumper cables that saved the day more than once and kept us on the road and moving. I would love to have everyone up to my house for a low key BBQ one night soon just to say thanks, if I can get "Presidential" approval for an unofficial OGRES event. Let me know what you think.
Also, attached are the pics I said I would send to you.
Thanks again.
I had a rare experience this weekend. It was refreshing, relaxing, glutonous, restful, fun, funny, cool, reflective, and enjoyable with a group of very compatable men. Thx. So sorry that Drew had to pay all that money to not fix his bike. Looking forward to July meeting.
Rip City (hop sing) yaaaaaaamaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-----
'Nuff Said....