Saturday, December 3, 2011

Upcoming Meeting on January 5th, 2012...

OMC Fall Run

We will be discussing Group Riding Principles and Best Practices at the January 5th, 2012 OMC Meeting.   The meeting will be at 7 p.m. at the Clubhouse.

Bring any relevant materials or knowledge you have on the subject.  We all ride pretty well as a group but a review never can hurt.

Please bring your $25  dues to this meeting also.  I will also bring OMC patch sets for purchase ($55).

We will also look at hats, t-shirts and pins.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Meeting TImes Posted on Website

Challis Hot Springs

The 2012 OMC Meeting schedule has been posted on the website for your convenience.  They are the first Thursday of every odd month except for March.  As you can see, that meeting will be on the second Thursday due to scheduling conflicts.

OMC Meetings for 2012

January 5 (Yearly Dues Day: $25)
March 8 (2nd Thursday)
May 3
July 5
September 6 (Barbeque)
November 1

Friday, November 4, 2011

OMC November Meeting Report

OMC Cool Stuff

The meeting was held at the Clubhouse at 7 p.m.  Present: Big Easy, Rip City, Grim, Bomber, G-Man and Duke.  Absent: Zeus, Krome Pickle and Smooth.

Two t-shirts and a ball cap were displayed for the members to see if there was any interest.  There was in fact great interest.  More discussion will be held at the January 5th meeting when hopefully everyone is present.  If we buy ten shirts and/or hats there is quite a price break plus a 10% discount.  The vendor is Shadows Embroidery on Wright road by the Airport.  The set-up fees have already been paid.

An official pin was also discussed and a sample displayed.  More at the January meeting.

Shawn Fickes was the invited speaker after the business meeting.  He displayed memorabilia and a map from his participation in the Hoka Hey Challenge.  He came in 19th.  It was a very cool experience and was well worth having him there.  The interaction definitely got my competitive juices flowing.  Okay, I know it doesn't take much.


Bomber and Mrs. B

Allegedly Bomber and Mrs. B. were leaving for a Halloween Party.  Uh huh...

Yeah, I know...

Monday, October 31, 2011

OMC Patches Now Available

Patch sets are now available.  These sets are for current members or for new members.  The three patch set for current members is $55.  Yeah, I got a screamin' deal on them.  Much less than I thought this time.
They are available for purchase now.  I will have them at the OMC Meeting Thursday November 3rd, 7 p.m. at the Clubhouse.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Mandatory OMC Meeting November 3rd


The next mandatory OMC Meeting is on November 3rd at 7 p.m.  Pizza and such will be furnished so come to the meeting hungry.  The meeting will be held at the Clubhouse.

There will be samples of cool OMC gear for you to look at.  T-shirts and hats, at least.

I am ordering more patch sets and I am hoping they will be there in time for members who want to purchase extra set(s).  I am not sure of the price of a full patch set but I am thinking around $85 for the back patch and both front patches.  I will let you know when I get the price quote from the vendor.

See you there.

Friday, October 7, 2011

OMC Fall Run 2011

Smooth, Bomber, Grim, G-Man, Big Easy, Cody M., Zeus

Gotta show the annual "Pickles" shot of the OMC.  This was after we left OUR table which Smooth kicked an 82 year old lady out.  What nerve she had to sit at our table...!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

OMC September 22nd Meeting Report

Mrs. Rip City, Rip City, Bomber, Mrs. Bomber, Mrs. Smooth, Grim, Smooth,
Big Easy, Mrs. G-Man and G-Man
(left to right)

The meeting was held at Bomber's "little shack" up on the mountain.   Actually, I became lost in the vastness of the Bomber's estate and had to be rescued several times.  The food and company was excellent and G-Man had gory pictures of a motorcycle wreck and regaled the spouses with the details (Gee thanks, G-Man).  Due to the great success and fun had by those in attendance, this will be an annual event for the September Meeting.  We will take turns hosting the barbeque every September as kind of an end of season special event.  Thanks to Bomber and Mrs. Bomber for hosting the event and spoiling us with all the great food and ambience.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What OGRES Do Best...

Breakfast in Haines
Lunch in Ketchum

It takes a lot to keep the OMC on the road.  Heavy fuel (Dire Straits song).  Check it out.  As long as it is really, really, really crispy.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

2011 OMC Fall Run


Smooth cruising on his Harley Davidson FLHRCI...Smoothly...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

2011 OMC Summer Run

Rip on the Silver Special

Rip City is the Club's noncomformist.  And he does have the coolest jumper cables.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

OMC Meeting Thursday September 22nd at 6 p.m.

OMC and Guests

This is a reminder that the next OMC meeting is this coming Thursday September 22nd at 6 p.m.  Note the earlier time due the days becoming shorter.  6 p.m.  Bomber is hosting the meeting at his house and has sent directions in a separate e-mail.

Spouse attendance is encouraged...!

Let me know if you did not get the directions and I will forward them to you.  So far, I have only seen a few RSVPs.  Hopefully, all members have done so.

2011 OMC Fall Run


Duke jammin" on his Harley Davidson FLHTCU...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

2011 OMC Fall Run


Bomber flying down the road on his Harley Davidson FLHTCU...

Friday, September 9, 2011

2011 OMC Fall Run

Big Easy

Big Easy taking it easy on his Harley Davidson FLHRCI...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

OMC Meeting Will Be On Thursday September 22nd...

Grim, Bomber, Smooth, Krome and Rip

The mandatory OMC Meeting will be on Thursday September 22nd at Bomber's home.  He will be hosting a barbeque.  Members are encouraged to be accompanied by their spouses.  Bomber will be putting out an e-mail with address and directions.

Be there or be square...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

2011 OMC Spring Run

Krome on his Harley Davidson FLHX

Krome doing his rendition of "You want some of this...!?!?..."

Monday, September 5, 2011

OMC Fall Run 2011


Zeus on his Harley Davidson FLHTCU somewhere between Arco and Challis.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fast Friends

Pretty Grim

My Street Glide and I are becoming fast friends.  I like it so much, I am just going to leave it stock.

Yeah, I know...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

2012 OMC Runs Now Posted on the Website

The 2012 OMC Run dates and itineraries are now posted on the OMC Website.  Check it out and put the dates on your calendars.  Yeah, I know...

OMC Spring Run 2011 Report

Grim, Big Easy, Smooth, Cody, Zeus, G-Man, Bomber

The run started off with 11 total riders.  G-Man, Bomber, Grim, Smooth, Big Easy, Zeus and son (Cody), Duke and his three guests.  Krome Pickle and Rip City were absent.  We rode to the Highway 93/75 Junction where Duke and his guests parted ways with the main group. 

The OMC ride continued to lunch at Pickles in Arco where Smooth kicked a 90 year old lady off our table.  After that near fracas,  lunch was uneventful and Smooth and G Man ate their tuna melts (!?!?) in relative peace.  It was thought a fight was going to break out when the waitress took Smooth's Coke but it was averted when the Coke was returned intact.

The OMC continued on to Challis Hot Springs where we were met by Gretchen.  The race for the best rooms began although it was not much of a race as all the rooms are great.  A great soak in the Hot Springs was enjoyed by all until the dinner bell rang. 

Gretchen put on a heck of a dinner for us (thanks to Krome Pickle) and we were almost too full to get up from the table.  Big Easy, G-Man and Grim were kicked out of the pool when it closed and everyone else had retired.

Gretchen outdid herself serving us a bitchin' breakfast but Bomber was the only one with forward thinking taking one of her excellent banana muffins to eat on the road.  The ride from Challis to Stanley was as great as usual.

The OMC continued past Lowman headed for Crouch.  As we rode between the two towns, a rather large Mexican passed us going the other way waving his hand over his hand like he had a lasso.  We soon found out his intent as we came up the tail pipe of the Idaho State Patrol.  The trooper did the 40 mile speed limit with us in tow for quite some time until he turned on some guy driving a cage in the other direction.  We picked it up a little after that.

Lunch was in Crouch where we found ourselves in the middle of an unknown motorcycle rally.  The town was full of bikes which explained why three ISP (remind me to tell you what ISP really means) troopers were also in town.  We had lunch but were unable to find the motorcycle show, wet t-shirt contest or rodeo.  However, Big Easy and G-Man did win the Two Man Motorcycle Lift.

We continued on to Boise where we all went our separate ways.  It was a great ride with great guys.

Monday, August 29, 2011

OMC Meeting on September 1st is Postponed...

Due to scheduling conflicts, the OMC mandatory meeting on Thursday September 1st, 2011 is postponed. The meeting will be mid or late September 2011.  The meeting will still be a barbecue at Bomber's home.  Details to follow when nailed down.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

OMC Fall Run 2011

Challis Hot Springs

The OMC Fall Run is quickly upon us.  We will leave at 8 a.m. on August 26th.  Please note the new start time.  8 a.m.  We will meet at the Chevron at Gowen and I-84 to start the Run.  The rest of the information about the ride can be found at

Grim, Bomber, G-Man, D. Meister, C. Meister, Chrome Pickle, Smooth and Big Easy have reservations.  Gretchen will be cooking for us Friday night at the Hot Springs.  She is a top notch chef so bring your appetite.  And don't forget your swim suit to lounge in the Hot Springs. 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

OMC 2011 Summer Run Report

G-Man, Grim, Smooth, Big Easy, Rip City, the Duke and Bomber

 The Club left town somewhat belatedly as, well you know who, showed up late.  But not last, as Big Easy was the last to arrive for departure.   It was a nice cruise up to Ketchum where The Kneadery was graced by our appearance at lunch time.  Most had breakfast and one had really, really, really crispy hash browns.  We continued down to Twin Falls where the motley crew went to Shoshone Falls and Snake Harley while the Prez tended to some family matters in Buhl.

We eventually arrived in Hagerman and had a great meal, although they were out of the Catfish Special.  We retired at Billingsley Creek Lodge and there was a short poker game where Grim and Rip City took Smooth for $2.50.

After breakfast, the crew headed for Grand View via King Hill, Hammett and Bruneau.  A great ride with great swooping curves.  We stopped in Grand View for a lackluster lunch and headed to Givens Hot Springs where the soak was greatly welcomed.  Rip City took the lead in Marsing and did an great job leading the crew into Caldwell where we stopped and checked out his bitchin' scooters and met his lovely bride.

Then on into Boise with everyone splitting off into different directions.  G-Man and I took the Massacre Loop into town and were welcomed by a light rain that felt really good after the long, hot day.

Can't wait until the Fall Run to Challis.  Chrome Pickle is picking up the tab for the  catered dinner at the Challis Hot Springs furnished by Gretchen.

'Nuff said.  Check out the pictures in the gallery on the OMC website.  If someone has more pictures, please send them.

(Parts of the story may not be true, but what good is truth if it's boring.)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

July 7th Meeting Report

OGRES in Marsing
The meeting started at the clubhouse with the presentation of the challenge coins.  All were presented and the Club's direction in the use of the coins was disseminated.  Money was also collected for the new vest patch and the patches were delivered a few days later after they arrived in the mail.  Rip City still owes me 4 bucks for the sewing labor.

The Club then took off for Marsing with Rip City in the lead.  Did you ever read "The Wild Ride of Mr. Toad" from "The Wind in the Willows"?  This ride was reminiscent with Rip City leading the pack to Marsing.  We did, however, arrive safely and had a great meal at the restaurant in Marsing.  We had a great waitress who met our quips and barbs with commensurate ones of her own which added to the entertainment.  Some of us had meals that were really, really, really, really crispy.  The ride back was more serene until Rip City made us all ride like madmen to get past the gravel truck before the two lane highway ended.  He has a thing about gravel trucks.  I didn't ask for more information.

The next meeting is September 1st, 7 p.m., at Bomber's house.  He is hosting a barbecue there for all members and their invited guests.  This would be a good one to bring the wives to.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

OMC Mandatory Meeting Tonight at Six P.M.

Glory Days

Please note the change in time for tonight's mandatory OMC Meeting.

We will meet at 6 p.m. and have a short business meeting.  We will then ride to Marsing and have dinner at the Sand Bar Restaurant.

If you want to invite a prospect, this might be a good ride.  Have them show up at the Clubhouse at 6:30 p.m. as they won't be invited to the business meeting.

If you don't want to invite anyone, I am okay with that too.  I am not on a membership drive and am ambivalent about the OMC getting bigger.

Bring your 15 bucks for the new patch.

Glory Days.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

New Patch at the July 7th Meeting

Bring 15 bucks to the OMC Meeting on July 7th at 6 p.m.  I won't have change so exact amount is required.  This patch will be available to the first 10 members of the OMC only.  This is a mandatory patch as the members voted this patch in at the last meeting.  It goes on the opposite side of the front of your vest from the OGRES patch.

Also, moniker and nickname patches are authorized but optional.  The above company, size and colors must be used for this patch.  The nickname patch goes above the "First 10" patch only.  The order for nickname patches must go through me per the by-laws.

See ya on the 7th.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Challenge Coins and the OMC

Original USAF Airman's Coin

Challenge coins will be presented to OMC members at the next meeting on July 7th at 6 p.m. at the Clubhouse.   Several of you have already had yours presented.  Challenges will then begin.

Origins of the challenge coin in the U.S.

Like many aspects of military tradition, the origins of the challenge coin are a matter of much debate with little supporting evidence. While many organizations and services claim to have been the originators of the challenge coin, the most commonly held view is that the tradition began in the Army Air Corps (a precursor of the current United States Air Force).
Air warfare was a new phenomenon during World War I. When the Army created flying squadrons they were manned with volunteer pilots from every walk of civilian life. While some of the early pilots came from working class or rural backgrounds, many were wealthy college students who withdrew from classes in the middle of the year, drawn by the adventure and romance of the new form of warfare.
As the legend goes, one such student, a wealthy lieutenant, ordered small, solid-bronze medallions (or coins) struck, which he then presented to the other pilots in his squadron as mementos of their service together. The coin was gold-plated, bore the squadron’s insignia, and was quite valuable. One of the pilots in the squadron, who had never owned anything like the coin, placed it in a leather pouch he wore around his neck for safekeeping. A short while later, this pilot’s aircraft was heavily damaged by ground fire (other sources claim it was an aerial dogfight), forcing him to land behind enemy lines, resulting in his capture by the Germans. The Germans confiscated the personal belongings from his pockets, but they didn’t catch the leather pouch around his neck. On his way to a permanent prisoner of war facility, he was held overnight in a small German-held French village near the front. During the night, the town was bombarded by the British, creating enough confusion to allow the pilot to escape.
The pilot avoided German patrols by donning civilian attire, but all of his identification had been confiscated so he had no way to prove his identity. With great difficulty, he crept across no-man’s land and made contact with a French patrol. Unfortunately for him, the French had been on the lookout for German saboteurs dressed as civilians. The French mistook the American pilot for a German saboteur and immediately prepared to execute him.
Desperate to prove his allegiance and without any identification, the pilot pulled out the coin from his leather pouch and showed it to his French captors. One of the Frenchmen recognized the unit insignia on the coin and delayed the execution long enough to confirm the pilot's identity.
Once the pilot safely returned to his squadron, it became a tradition for all members to carry their coin at all times. To ensure compliance, the pilots would challenge each other to produce the coin. If the challenged couldn’t produce the coin, he was required to buy a drink of choice for the challenger; if the challenged could produce the coin, the challenger would purchase the drink.


The tradition of a challenge is the most common way to ensure that members are carrying their unit's coin. The rules of a challenge are not always formalized for a unit, and may vary between organizations. The challenge only applies to those members that have been given a coin formally by their unit. This may lead to some controversy when challenges are initiated between members of different organizations and is not recommended. The tradition of the coin challenge is meant to be a source of morale in a unit, and forcing the challenge can cause a reverse effect.
The challenge, which can be made at any time, begins with the challenger drawing his/her coin, and slapping or placing the coin on the table or bar. In noisy environments, continuously rapping the challenge coin on a surface may initiate the challenge. (Accidentally dropping a challenge coin is considered to be a deliberate challenge to all present.) Everyone being challenged must immediately produce the coin for their organization and anyone failing to do so must buy a round of drinks for the challenger and everyone else who has their challenge coin. However, should everyone challenged be able to produce their coin, the challenger must buy a round of drinks for the group.
While most holders of challenge coins usually carry them in their pockets or in some other readily accessible place on their persons, most versions of the rules permit a challenged person "a step and a reach" (particularly useful if one is challenged in the shower, a tradition in the Navy).
Variants of the rules include the following. If you are able to steal a challenge coin, everyone in the group must buy you a drink. During a challenge, everyone in the group must buy you a drink if you are the holder of the highest ranking coin. Some units provide strict time limits to respond to a challenge.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

OMC Meeting on Thursday July 7th at 6 p.m.

Please note the changed time for the next mandatory OMC Meeting.

We will meet at 6 p.m. and have a short business meeting.  We will then ride to Marsing and have dinner at the Sand Bar Restaurant.

If you want to invite a prospect, this might be a good ride.  Have them show up at the Clubhouse at 6:30 p.m. as they won't be invited to the business meeting.

If you don't want to invite anyone, I am okay with that too.  I am not on a membership drive and am ambivalent about the OMC getting bigger.

Be there or be square.

Monday, June 6, 2011

OMC Spring Run Report

Side of the Road Between Baker City and Ontario
G-Man's Alter Ego....Moonbush
Smooth's Card Instruction

The OMC members met at the Chevron at I-84 and Eagle Road.  Present were Smooth, Chrome Pickle, Bomber, Grim and belatedly...G-Man.  We rode to Caldwell and picked up Rip City and we were on our way.  Big Easy caught up with us in Baker City.  More about that later.

As we winded our way towards Baker City, Bomber's FLH's charging system began to act up.  We made it into Baker City and to the Suzuki Dealer (the closest thing to a MC shop in the area).  They put in a new battery and we continued on our way.  We stopped in Haines Oregon where we had the best breakfast in recent memory.  The rest of the ride the first day was restful, relaxed and we stopped to tell stories (lies) often.

We made it to Joseph before the shops closed and made it to the "old" tin sign shop where G-Man was in heaven along with Chrome Pickle and Smooth.  We also stopped at a chocolate shop where G-Man spent a buck on a piece of chocolate about the size of a nickel.  So much for me thinkin' G-Man was so tight that when he blinked his feet lifted off the ground.  (I bought enough chocolate for everyone.)

We headed out to Wallowa Lake to check out the sights.  As we got to the business end of the lake, Bomber's bike began to have charging problems again.  Bomber, Rip City and I were able to get the bike back to town, however.  We hooked the bike up to a battery tender and hoped for the best in the morning.

Dinner found us across the street to our regular restaurant for a meal.  Everyone had a good meal and dessert.  Another walk around Main Street and then in for the night at the Indian Lodge Motel with the OCD female owner watching over us.  (There may have been a card game where Smooth taught us how to play cards.  I am not sure how the game went, but the OMC President's wallet was a little fatter the next day.)

We took off the next morning after a big breakfast at the Cheyenne Cafe.  We thought we found a Harley mechanic in Lostine but he turned out to be a little crazy and we didn't stop.  We headed straight for the Suzuki dealer in Baker City and almost made it.  However, a short electrical transfusion on the edge of town got us the rest of the way into Baker City.

We ate at the Oregon Trail cafe in Baker City while waiting for a new regulator to be fitted on Bomber's bike.  There was a mother - daughter waitress duo that was a "hoot" and we dined below the large elk, deer and fish mounted on the wall.  They had no Ding Dongs, so pie and ice cream was the order of the day.

Then we hung out at Baker City's very nice downtown park where there may have been some more card playing and definitely some attendance at the museum across the street.  We then went and picked up Bomber's bike and headed on our way.

We got about halfway between Baker City and Ontario when we found out the problem with Bomber's bike wasn't the regulator or the battery.  Unfortunately, Bomber's bike finished the journey on the back of a flatbed truck.

Bike problem's notwithstanding, all expressed having a great time and it was fun to have the time to talk, laugh, make fun of each other, tell stories (lies) and generally hang out together.  It was the best trip I have experienced since I caught the MC Bug.

More photos on the OMC website.

I can't wait for the OMC Summer Run and the next meeting on July 7th.

Message from Bomber and Rip City:

Hey Grim
In spite of the challanges, it was an awesome ride.  What a great group of guys that made a stinky situation a lot of fun.  My thanks to everyone for hanging in there and coming to the aid of a fellow OGRE.  Special thanks ought to go to Rip City and "Chrome" Pickles for being real "scouts" and being prepared with a charger and jumper cables that saved the day more than once and kept us on the road and moving.  I would love to have everyone up to my house for a low key BBQ one night soon just to say thanks, if I can get "Presidential" approval for an unofficial OGRES event.  Let me know what you think.
Also, attached are the pics I said I would send to you.
Thanks again.

I had a rare experience this weekend.  It was refreshing, relaxing, glutonous, restful, fun, funny, cool, reflective, and enjoyable with a group of very compatable men. Thx.  So sorry that Drew had to pay all that money to not fix his bike.  Looking forward to July meeting.
Rip City (hop sing) yaaaaaaamaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-----

'Nuff Said....

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Change In Venue for OMC Summer Run

Billingsley Creek Lodge
Miracle Hot Springs

The OMC Summer Run will still be on July 15 and 16, 2011.  The venue has changed.  As I was following the tow truck, carrying Bomber's bike from Baker City-ish to Boise, I had an epiphany about how much fun I had enjoyed the last two days and how I did not think about work and stuff at all.  This sentiment was shared by all 7 club members who made the ride.

The Iron Butt ride we had planned for the OMC Summer Run was cool but not as conducive to socializing, inviting prospects and just plain hanging with the club guys.  We will still try to do an Iron Butt ride but it won't be one of the three annual OMC sponsored runs.

So, here is the new OMC Summer Run:

We will leave the Chevron, at Highway 55/Beacon Light, no later than 7 a.m. on Friday July 15th.  We will go through Banks - Lowman - Stanley - Ketchum - Bellevue - Shoshone - Twin Falls - Buhl and end at Hagerman.  Google Maps says this ride is 317 miles long and should take 7 hours and 22 minutes.  The lunch stop will be decided on the way.

We will be staying at Billingsley Creek Lodge (208-837-4822) or the Hagerman Valley Inn (208-837-6196).  They are only about a mile apart.  There are two rooms/cottages left at Billingsley Creek Lodge.    You can camp out at Billingsley Creek Lodge.

When Billingsley runs out of the two rooms, the remainder of the party will stay at the Hagerman Valley Inn.  It is very nice and right next to the Snake River Grill where we will dine Friday night and have breakfast Saturday morning.  It is a very nice restaurant.

That evening we can soak in the natural hot Artesian Mineral Water at Miracle Hot Springs or 1000 Springs Resort.  We can decide when we get to Hagerman.

Saturday morning we will leave at a time designated by the Road Captain after having breakfast at the Snake River Grill.  We will then travel Hagerman - Bliss - Glenns Ferry - Mountain Home - Grand View - Murphy - Marsing - Homedale - Payette - Emmett and back to Boise.  We could stop at Givens Hot Springs, between Walter's Ferry and Marsing for another soak.  Google maps says this portion is 247 miles and should take about 5 hours and 16 minutes.

So there you have it.  Cancel your reservations in Coeur d' Alene and make them in Hagerman, Idaho instead.  Each member is responsible for making their own reservations.  I would make them right away.  This ride is only open to OGRES MC members and whoever they invite.

I have reserved the largest cottage at Billingsley Creek Lodge for socializing, card playing or whatever comes our way.  We can also hang out next to the Creek.  It is very beautiful.

More information will be covered at the mandatory Club meeting on July 7th at 6 pm.  Please note that change in time.  Six p.m.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Spring Run June 3-4 Friday

Joseph, Oregon

The OMC sponsored summer run is this coming Friday and Saturday, June 3rd and 4th.  We will leave promptly at 6:30 a.m. at the Chevron Station at Eagle and I-84.

Be there or be square.  Rain or shine.  So far the weather looks good.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

OMC Meeting Reminder

The next mandatory meeting of the OMC is Thursday May 5, 2011 at 7 p.m.  Send me any items you would like to be on the meeting agenda.  The meeting is at the Clubhouse.  More information is available on the website:

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Club Sponsored 2011 Summer Run Confirmed for Sure

OGRES MC Supports Our Troops

The OMC sponsored Summer Run will be Friday July 15th and Saturday July 16th, 2011.  This is the ride designed for those who really want to ride each day.  Each day will consist of around 750 miles.  Instead of doing a 1000 mile Iron Butt Ride in 24 hours, we are doing 1500 miles in two days.  This should be a lot more fun.

We will be spending Friday night in Coeur d' Alene, Idaho.  We will be staying at La Quinta Inn & Suites at 2209 East Sherman Avenue.  The reservation number is (208) 667-6777.  Each rider must make their own reservations.

This ride is only open to OMC members and whoever they chose to invite.  No cages.

Let me know if you have any questions.  More information is at

Saturday, April 16, 2011

It's Raining...It's Pouring...


Some guys don't know when to come out of the

Monday, April 11, 2011

Smooth's New Old Ride

Smooth's 1999 Road King Classic

Less than 1000 miles on this Road King.  Cobalt Blue.  Uh huh.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Lone Ranger

Rip City

Rip City is the last non-Harley OMC member.  Maybe we should call him "Lone" instead.  Oops...gotta go.  I smell rice burning.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bomber's Blue Bagger

OMC Brothers,

About a week and a half ago Brenda told me she wanted to get me an early birthday and anniversary gift.  (What a lucky guy).  The result is shown in the attached photo.  A 2000 Ultra Classic with 19000 miles on it and serviced at Boise Cycle since 2003.  Thanks to G-man for all his input and time spent helping me look around and finally locate the new addition to my garage.  I'm still keeping the old rod for local cruising.  Can't wait to go riding.


Friday, March 18, 2011

More and More Grim

Click to Enlarge Pictures

I just got Grim back from Boise Cycle.  New black cam cover, rocker box covers, derby cover, horn cover and Feuling Reaper 525 cams.  Also put new Pirelli tires on the beast.

Even more Grim now.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Big Easy and His Ultra Classic

Razorback Stadium

One thing about Big Easy...You never know when you will find him sleeping along the side of the road between Challis and Stanley.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bomber's Bobber

Smooth, Bomber and Grim

Bomber's Bobber

The top picture show Bomber's bike before the modifications.  The lower one's show the mods.  Pretty cool.  Almost looks like a Harley.   The solo seat is especially nice for keeping fat girls from asking for rides.

And I wasn't trying to shoot Steve N. although it was tempting.

Yeah, I know...