Thursday, December 13, 2012

Upcoming OMC Meeting on January 3rd, 2013

OMC Official Number Patch

Our first mandatory OMC meeting on 2013 will be on January 3rd.  It will be held at the Clubhouse at 7 p.m.  All members in good standing and prospects are invited.  Guests are not welcome.

Please bring your yearly dues of $25 to the meeting.  There is also a new "must have" patch for everyone to acquire for their cut.  These are $10 each.  Complete patch sets for cuts are now $65.  The new "15" patch is included in that price.  I will bring all patches to the meeting.

If you can't make it, make sure you let on of the primary officers know.

We have many maximum fun things to hash over.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

OMC November 1st Meeting Report

"Fear the Beard"

OMC members present: Duke, Rip City, Bomber and Grim.  Alex (prospect) was also present.

OMC members absent: Krome, Smooth, G-Man, Big Easy and Zeus.

The meeting was held at the Duke's headquarters in former radio land.  We opened the meeting by eating specially prepared Doritos tacos.  They were very yummy.  Big thanks to Duke.  By the way, he was the only member to ride his MC to the meeting.  One member (Rip) did not wear his cut and barely wore his britches.

The new official patch was introduced and distributed for a mere $10 per patch.  If you did not attend, bring your $10 per patch to the next meeting.  This patch is also approved for wear on other vests or approved clothing items by members.  It is kind of an "undercover" way to still represent membership in the club without wearing the complete cut.  However, it is mandatory on the each member's official cut.

Special patches were presented by the P to the Duke and Rip City.  G-Man and Krome were not present to receive their special patches.  Maybe if they show up to the meeting in January.

The P brought some special "toys" to the meeting.  A short manual of arms was presented concerning each "toy" and there was some discussion about the upcoming training this spring.  The training will be $80 per person and each person will need to bring 500 rounds and at least three magazines.  The class will be limited to the first six people who commit when we have a date.

The P also sported his black beard dyed for the World Series to help support his beloved Giants.  Sweet joy after having been a die hard fan since 1968.  "Fear the Beard" is from when Brian Wilson was the closer in 2010.  He was recovering from Tommy John surgery this year but was a riot in the dugout.  Sergio Romo filled in for him admirably.

SPECIAL NOTE:  The P screwed up on the date shopping for the November meeting.  It is not fair to those who change their schedules or work their schedules around to be able to attend the mandatory OMC meetings as scheduled.  I screwed up by shopping for an alternate date this month and I apologize.  Bad President.  Please check out the meeting dates on the OMC website.  The dates listed shall be the dates the mandatory meetings will be held.  OMC members are only allowed one (1) unexcused absence.  If you need to be excused, you must notify G-Man, Duke or Grim.  A phone call or e-mail buys a lot of forgiveness.  This is all in the by-laws that have been given to all members and the by-laws are also on the OMC website.  No secrets.

Kudos to Bomber for not missing a single OGRES activity since the inception of the OMC.  You rock!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

OMC Meeting Tomorrow Thursday November 1st (Alternate Location)

Harley Davidson CVO "Breakout" Softail

The November OMC Meeting will be held tomorrow on Thursday November 1st at 7 p.m.  The meeting will be held at Duke's HQ.  Directions have been sent in a separate e-mail.  Come hungry as a special treat is in store for attendees.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

OMC Meeting Upcoming on November 1st

OMC Spring Run 2012

Our OMC meeting is coming up on November 1st, 2012 at the Clubhouse at 7 p.m.  Members in good standing and prospects are invited.  Guests are not welcome.

There will be a new addition to the authorized patches for the OMC cuts.  Other patches will be presented to some of the members for past activity, accomplishments or predilections.

A discussion on the firearms training will be led and some firearms choices and manual of arms presented.

Pizza and beverages will be served so show up hungry.

Monday, October 1, 2012

2013 Runs and Meetings now on Website

2012 OMC Spring Run

The Events section of the OGRES website has been updated with the dates and times for 2013.  You can now update your calendar and set aside the dates so you don't miss any of the OGRES adventures. The rides have been updated and the summer and fall runs have some cool upgrades.  See more at:

Sunday, September 30, 2012

OMC September 14th Meeting Report

(left to right front row) Alex, Big Easy, Bomber, Grim, Duke, Rip City, Smooth and G-Man
(left to right back row) Kay, Brenda, Jeannelle, Pam, Stephanie, Pat and Sherry
(not shown) Claudia the photographer - Thanks!

The meeting was held at Pat and Smooth's palatial estate out in the boonies.  It was a perfect night and the setting could not have been nicer.  We got to check out Smooth's railroad and several members rode the "zip line".  We were all shocked when G-Man was the last to arrive.  He did, however, manage to lock his keys in his cage.

Grim and Duke received "points" for wearing their cuts.  Big Easy and Kay were the baddest as they arrived via Electra Glide instead of a cage.

Thanks to Pat and Smooth for sharing the great good and their fantastic home for the OGRES annual barbecue.

Kudos to whoever can decipher Grim's "gang" sign.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

OMC 2012 Fall Run Report

Big Easy, Rip City, Bomber, Smooth and Kay

Duke and Grim

Big Easy, Ken, Rip City, Smooth, Bomber and Kay

Grim, Rip City, Smooth and Duke

Duke, Grim, Bomber, Rip City, Ken (guest), Smooth, G-Man and Big Easy

Present: Duke, G-Man, Rip City, Grim, Big Easy, Bomber, Smooth, Kay (guest) and Ken (guest).  Absent: Zeus and Krome Pickle.

Krome Pickle came up with an new reason to miss a ride.  Breaking a femur while walking the dog while riding a bicycle.  Okay, not funny.  Well sort of in a sick way.  Sorry Krome.  Get better fast!!!

We left the Chevron at Eagle and I-94 at 8:07 a.m.  As we were rolling out, G-Man was just showing up.   Actually he would have been early if we had been leaving the next day.  As punishment, G-Man was assigned to lead for the day.  Yeah, I know.  Who was punishing who !?!?

Bomber had taken his daughter to Utah the previous day and caught up with us around Payette (I think).  I am not sure exactly where he hooked up with us but he made great time.  Bomber is the only member to have made every OMC ride, run and meeting.  That's commitment, bro.

We stopped in Haines Oregon for our midday repast (shown above).  The lunch, in my opinion, wasn't as good as the breakfast I had at that location last year.  But the company was unequaled.  Big Easy and his lovely bride, Kay, had to head back to Boise at that point.  Their company thereafter was sorely missed.

We continued taking the back roads until we finally had to ride 22 miles of freeway between Huntington and Baker City.  I fended off G-Man trying to give the lead to me until we hit the road between La Grande and Joseph.  I reminded him the Vice President was responsible for coordinating and running all meetings and events according to the By-laws.

Besides, G-Man was trying to break into the Guinness Book of Records for most stops during a 24 hour period on a motorcycle ride of less than 10 people.  The award will be given at the next OMC meeting on November 1st.

We stopped in Wallowa and waited in line for the "one holer" bathroom.  I think I had ice cream.  An old timer rolled up on a Evo Softail and started up a conversation with us like we were long lost brothers.  Such is the Harley Davidson brotherhood.  Yeah...Brotherhood.  Yeah, it's sexist and I can't apologize.

We finally made it to Joseph with the usual 20 minutes to spare before all the cool stores closed.  Bomber, Smooth, G-Man and Rip City managed to still grab up some very cool tin signs for their living rooms at home.

We checked into Walter Brennan's former motel and settled our stuff into our rooms.

Everyone went shopping and such until it was time for dinner.  They did not have a Shrimp Melt on the menu but everyone found something to eat.  We also had a fashion show by Rip City where the new "FS" collection was displayed and discussed.

Duke and I walked around Main Street checking out the sites.  There were more bronze statues than I remembered.   Everyone else rode out to Wallowa Lake and checked out the hotel and such for possible use next year.

Late evening found Smooth, Rip City and myself playing some cards.  We played until Smooth and I had to start telling Rip City when to fold so we would not take advantage of RC's grogginess.  New Rule: When Rip City is too tired to shuffle the cards...the game is over.  Smooth was the big winner and I lost $1.85.

Morning found us at the Cheyenne cafe having the usual great breakfast.  We then hit the road and headed for Hell's Canyon with the Prez back in the lead.  The overlook at Hell's Canyon was very popular with mc riders of many stripes.

The ride from Joseph to Cambridge was especially nice with low traffic and temperatures adding to pleasure of riding the twisty roads through the pine trees.  Nirvana on two wheels...!  My Street Glide outperforms my former Fatboys in a big way through the curves and the ABS brakes are now a must on my bikes.

We stopped in Cambridge for lunch at a restaurant with a funny name I can't remember now.  I tried to google the name but still can't remember.  Good food though.  Best salad bar in town.

We continued down to Payette where Bomber and G-Man went straight when the rest of the OGRES turned east to head Emmett way.  A vote will be taken to see if Bomber and G-Man get credit for this ride since they did not finish the ride but abandoned near the end. ;)

As usual, I was not ready to go home.  I stopped at Massacre Park on Lincoln Road by Middleton Road and had a bottle of water to delay ending the ride.  That is the magic of riding the HD motor scooter.  Too much is never enough.

That's all I got and it is probably too much and not enough.  I try to file this report in a more timely manner but I couldn't get anyone to send me pictures.

If I didn't offend at least one reader, then I didn't do a very good job on this report.

Yeah, I know.  Brenda...You know what I'm talkin' 'bout...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

OMC Meeting September 14th at 6 p.m.

Dyna Street Bob Custom

OMC September Meeting tomorrow night at Smooth's crib.  Members in good standing and their spouses are invited.  Prospects and their spouses are invited.  Guests are not invited.

Monday, August 20, 2012

OMC Fall Run 2012 This Coming Friday

Although all this information is on the website paid for by your club dues, a short summary will follow by popular demand.

We will meet at the Chevron at I-84 and Eagle at 7:45 a.m. for the safety meeting.  Kickstands up and running at 8 a.m.  On the dot according to the President's fine timepiece.  We will be using the freeway as little as possible.  We will be starting with the Massacre Loop to Notus unless G-Man has a better plan.

If you haven't made your reservations in Joseph, you are screwed.  You can sleep on the lawn with Big Easy or stay in Enterprise.

Further information is at the OMC Website under the event tab:

Several of you must make this ride or the Sergeant of Arms will be picking up your patches.

All OMC Members in good standing are invited.  Guests and prospects are welcome if invited by an OMC member in good standing.  Other guests are NOT welcome.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Change of OMC September Meeting to the 14th

Adult Monkey Bars

As voted upon at the last OMC meeting, the mandatory September meeting has been moved to Friday September 14th.  The barbecue will be at Smooth's home.  Details to follow.

OMC members and their spouses are invited.  Prospects and their spouses are also invited.  Guests are not welcome.

'Nuff said.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

OMC 2012 Summer Run Report

Big Easy, G-Man, RIP and Bomber in Hagerman

G-Man, Bomber and Big Easy at Redfish Lake Lodge

The summer ride began at the Beacon & 55 Chevron.       Rip then Bomber then Gman then The Big easy shows up for the ride with only a polo shirt.  but where is our leader …..crap the shoulder injury still has him recuperating.  The void was real. Thx to Rip for packing now the group still felt safe.  Where was everyone else?  The Duke’s father passed and we knew he would not make it.  The other founding members of the first 10 were MIA.  The four musketeers all agreed Gman would take the lead.  He was limping abit also cause his rear wheel of his bike was waiting for parts therefore he had to sell his soul to rent a bike for a cool $400.00 for two days…….but the show must go on….thanks Gman.  Hey Bomber no sun screen again?  The easy ride began with the group rotating the lead.  Horsehoebend, Banks, Garden Valley for devil eggs and advise from a cage driver that a speeding sting was lying ahead. Hey what is the story behind the 36 inch pepperoni on the Yamaha?   Rip took the lead cause he had the biggest speedometer….kept it right on 40 MPH.  Sure enough the motorcycle twins were waiting for us in the darkness of the trees.  Ogres blew by unharmed at 40 MPH.  Maybe next time boys.  On to Lowman for shedding layers, all but The Big Easy cause he always travels light.  On to Stanley for fuel, then to Red Fish for Lunch and needed rest again The Big Easy found people to talk to. Of course! Bomber took us over Galena Pass and down to SunValley where the boys needed more rest and ice cream.  The Big Easy then points out to Rip to lose the man purse and buy a vest for nerds.  Rip agreed and bought the vest of his dreams.  Pockets galore!  Onward the foursome rode to Gooding on the back roads, there we fueled and got a call from the motel.  Message see you in a hour.  Soon we pulled into Hagarman and checked in.  Easy was looking for grass to set up camp but the management said no campers so Rip begged for some companionship in room number 9.  Since the cost was zero Easy gave in.  We were on our way to eat but the City of Hagarman was shut down, blocked off from the public,,,, a gunman was shut up in a house and holding the police hostage outside his home.  We had to take the long way to dinner but made it in great style.  By the way Bomber by now looked like Rudolf.  Hey where is that sun block?  Dinner was great and then on to Miracle hot springs.  Question from the pool was “you guys want the private pool don’t you.  All looking at each other we grinned and said sure!  The Thueson boys just weren’t prepared for this.  Towels and swimming suit are a good idea guys.  Oh another thing Gman parked his bike pointing down hill……………………..Help!!! Easy muscled it in reverse.  Sleep was easy to do that night. 
Then the next morning we gathered for breakfast.  8:00am with a waitress that was mad at us.  I think it was Gman’s new hair do called the steel wool biker look.  To the river we drove till we came saw two head of deer in the river, then to a fork in the road.  Left to Grandview or right to Mountain Home and a milkshake.        MILKSHAKE!!!         Then after more rest Easy says” Hey guys would you like to go see a old car  ghost town?”  The 3 amigos began panting with anticipation.  Rip looked puzzled but once a musketter you are one of the guys.  Easy led the way.  By now the temp was 3 digits.  After a few miles we showed up at rust heaven.    After chewing the fat with the head junk dude the guys started begging to stroll around.  By now RIP was growing ill.  You see this is the closest RIP has ever been to rust .  Suddenly in a shrill voice Rip says he wants to go home.  So all alone RIP leaves for home and the ride is then officially over.  What a great trip!  Life Time memories just keep stacking up!
Can’t wait for Joseph!

Submitted by: Ripped City (Guest Blogger)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

OMC Joseph Oregon Fall Run Registration Reminder

Joseph, Oregon

The OMC Joseph Oregon Fall Run should be a huge one.  What makes me think so?  Well, there are three members of the OMC that have not attended a Run so far in order to keep their OMC membership in good standing.  Secondly, the Joseph Oregon run is also, in my opinion, the crown jewel of all the runs.  Thirdly, if you aren't riding that Harley, you might as well trade it in for a minivan.  Lastly, maximum fun will be attained on this run.

So if you have not made your reservation, call the Indian Lodge Motel as soon as possible and make your reservation.  The information is on the OMC website:

GUESTS AND PROSPECTS ARE INVITED if invited my an OMC member in good standing.

Only four members were present for the Summer Run.  Report to follow.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

2012 OMC Summer Run Friday July 20th

Billingsley Creek Lodge

The 2012 OMC Summer Run is this coming Friday July 20th.  The run will begin promptly at 8 a.m. at the Chevron Station at Beacon Light Road and Highway 55.

A safety briefing will be held at 7:50 a.m.  This should be a great time for all.

Details are at the OMC website under Events:

Prospects and guests are welcome.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

OMC July 5th Meeting Report

The Garage Cafe

Duke, Bomber, Krome and Alex met at the clubhouse and rode to the Garage Cafe for the meeting.  Smooth, Rip and myself traveled solo and met up with them.  Present: Duke, Bomber, Krome, Smooth, Rip, Alex (prospect)  and Grim.  Absent:  Big Easy, Zeus and G-Man.

We had a great meal and discussed the matters on the table.  We discussed the firearms training and I will talk to the trainer about have the training in September.  We will probably shoot (pun intended) to have the training on a Saturday afternoon unless it doesn't work for most.

We made fun of G-man, even though he wasn't there, because it just didn't feel right unless we did.

The members present also had a demonstration of Rip City's cat-like reflexes when the cafe owner came and asked for his keys to move his "silver Harley".  Little did Rip know the guy was pranking him when he asked and knew he would get a violent reaction by asking another MC riding for this keys.  That was just terribly funny...I don't know care who you are.

There was also a discussion about using the OMC Summer Run as a revolving three day ride.  Starting next year members would take turns planning a three day ride for that third weekend in July and would submit a three day ride plan to the primary officers for approval.  A different member would submit a ride plan each year.  We will talk about it over the winter as it is to late to make the change for 2012.

Smooth and Krome advised us they would only be able to take advantage of half the Summer Run riding only Friday with us.  Just a reminder that half a ride does not meet the standards set in the By-Laws.  Just the same, I am very glad they are able to make it for part of the Summer Run.

A great time was had by all even though the maximum fun meter is only pegged when all members are present.

We talked behind G-Man's back some more and then adjourned.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Mandatory OMC Meeting July 5th in Notus at Garage Cafe

The July 5th, 2012 OMC Meeting will be held at the Garage Cafe in Notus, Idaho at 7 p.m.

We will meet at the Clubhouse and leave at 6 p.m. sharp and ride over together.  If this arrangement does not work for you logistically, meeting the rest of the members in Notus by 7 p.m. is cool.

Prospects are invited to attend but guests are not welcome.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

OMC 2012 Spring Run Report

Alex, Will, Bomber, Grim, G-Man, Brian, Rip City, Zeus

G-Man and our fave Gretchen

Rip City Playing Strip Poker

Brian, Big Easy, Will, Zeus and Alex

Will, Zeus, Rip City, G-Man, Grim, Brian, Bomber, Big Easy 

Zeus, Rip City, Brian, Bomber, Grim, Will, Alex, G-Man and Big Easy
Very, very, very, very, very Crispy

'57 Chevy Nomad at Challis Car Show

We left promptly at 0800 hrs.  G-Man was last to show up but was 10 minutes early!

Present: Zeus, Rip City, Prospect Brian, Bomber, Grim, Guest Will, Prospect Alex, G-Man and Big Easy.  Absent: Krome Pickle, Duke and Smooth.

One could not have asked for a nicer day for riding a MC down the road.  It was a smooth, cathartic ride until Bomber heard strange noises inexplicably coming from his Ultra.  Thankfully it was just static pouring loudly from his radio.  Everyone settled in nicely after that and we cruised along with little or no traffic and stopped for lunch at Pickles in Arco.  Real men had buffalo burgers and thick french fries.  Others might have had a tuna melt (!?!?) and very (to the fifth power) crispy tater tots.  We then had our annual photo op around the big green chair.

We saddled back up and enjoyed a nice through Mackay and arrived at Challis Hot Springs.  Gretchen was there to greet us and check in.  Most of us hit the pool while some enjoyed a long conversation with Bob.

Gretchen and Anna cooked us a superlative dinner: steaks, twice baked potatoes, a great salad followed by a strawberry-rhubarb cobbler that even rhubarb haters could not resist.  Wow...!  I am still full.

A card game broke out shortly thereafter and, even though the dress code was suspended, four players emerged.  Smooth was sorely missed as I only won $3.75.  Zeus also had about the same gain making Will and Rip City a little lighter in the wallet.  Actually I think Rip City lost his shirt and tried to earn it back by doing pec dances.  Yeah, I know.

Breakfast the next morning was another Gretchen culinary delight.  We then hit the pool before hitting the road.  As we stopped to get ethanol free gas at the Phillips 66 station in town, we spotted a car show right on the main drag.  We had to check it out.  My fave is shown above.

The skies had turned threatening and we hastened down to Stanley and refilled.  Only one life was threatened en route when Rip City "played chicken" with a bad girl on a scooter.

It rained on us as we went over Banner Summit and there was also a huge bicycle event.  Also, I don't recall ever seeing as many rocks on the road.

Crouch was the stop for lunch and we ate barbeque and drank Arnold Palmers.  Lotsa bikers in Crouch and thereabouts due to a motorcycle rally being held in town.

Nice relaxing run with great brotherhood, food and frivolity.  Can't wait until the OMC Summer Run.  I had shoulder surgery yesterday and hope I am healed up in time.

If you haven't made your reservation at Billingsley Creek Lodge, I would make it happen.  It wouldn't hurt to make your reservation at the Indian Lodge Motel, in Joseph, for the OMC Fall Run.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

OMC Spring Run 2012

I hope this is not a shock to anyone as the OMC Spring Run begins tomorrow, Friday, June 1st at 0800 hrs. (8 a.m.).

The safety briefing will be at 7:50 a.m.  We will leave the Chevron, at I-84 and Gowen, promptly at 8 a.m.  If you are late and have to catch up, our first stop will be at the rest stop at the Highway 20/Highway 75 junction between Fairfield and Picabo.

More details on the ride will be covered at the aforementioned safety briefing.  We should have 8 or 9 riders.

According to the Weather Channel, the temperature in Challis tomorrow is 81 degrees with isolated thunderstorms.  On Saturday 80 degree weather is forecasted in Challis with scattered thunderstorms.  Yeah, business as usual concerning the weather in Challis.

Dinner is provided at the Hot Springs for an additional fee.  Bring some cash for Gretchen.  And for poker.

See you in the morning.  More at under Events.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

OMC May 10 Meeting Report

OMC members met at the Clubhouse and rode to Notus for a meeting at the Garage Cafe.  We met Rip at the Cafe.   Present: Rip City, Krome Pickle, Grim, Smooth, Bomber, Big Easy, G-Man and Prospect Alex.  Absent:  Duke and Zeus.

Huge portions of food were brought out and mostly eaten.  If you haven't had a blueberry pancake there, then you are really missing out.

We mostly listened to stories by Big Easy and made fun of G-Man even though he wasn't listening most of the time.  And we recalled Rip City's wardrobe choices and defined what being a "Fred" entails.  I will be writing a blog post soon about "Freds".

All eight rooms are full for the OMC Challis spring run.  One more bed might become available if the right person is invited.  Gretchen will provide the Friday evening meal at Challis.  Bring money for cards.

I had a great time and I hope y'all did also.  The only thing I could have passed on was the smell of burning rice when Rip City passed us before we turned off 20/26 on the way back.  I am more of a "potato potato" guy.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

OMC May 3rd Meeting Postponed Until May 10th

The weather sucks today and I don't want to drive a cage to the meeting.  Call me narcissistic.  The Duke, Krome Pickle and Zeus are also not able to make the meeting tonight.

Hence, tonight's meeting has been postponed one week until Thursday May 10th.  Otherwise the plan remains the same as previously outlined two posts down in the President's Blog.

Call me on my cell phone if you have any questions.  I hope this doesn't screw anybody up.  Guests are not invitied.  Prospects are welcome if invited by a member in good standing. 

Monday, April 30, 2012

Update on OMC Spring Run to Challis Hot Springs

Challis Hot Springs Octagon
Here is the count at this time.  Riders who have confirmed reservations:  Zeus, Krome Pickle, Bomber, G-Man, Rip City, Grim and guest Will Haver.  Not going:  Smooth and the Duke.  Who the hell knows: Big Easy.  (Big Easy...Are you still out there...?)

That leaves one room at the bed and breakfast.  Guest are welcome as long as they are invited by an OMC in good standing.  When the bed and breakfast are full, additional guests have to stay in town or camp out.

Let me know if you have knowledge that this information is incorrect.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

OMC Meeting on May 3rd at Garage Cafe in Notus

The May 3rd OMC meeting will be held at the Garage Cafe in Notus, Idaho.  It is a 42 mile ride from the Clubhouse.  The Garage Cafe is only open until 8 p.m.  

Thus we will meet at the Clubhouse and leave no later than 6 p.m.  Sharp.  We will ride together and the meeting will start at 7 p.m. at the Garage Cafe.  Or you can meet the rest of the members at the Garage Cafe if that works better for you.  Be there by 7 p.m. if you are going solo or separate.

Members or prospective members only.

This is a very cool place and the food is incredible.  Be there or be square.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

OMC Run Addendum

Remember the three OMC sponsored runs are not closed rides.  A guest(s) is welcome as long as they are invited by an OMC member in good standing.  Please just be conscientious in evaluating if they will fit in with the OMC membership.

That being said, Smooth is not going to be able to make it to the Spring Run.  That leaves two rooms available at Challis Hot Springs if you haven't made your reservation.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

OMC March Meeting Report

OGRES MC Guideline #34

The meeting was held at the Clubhouse at 7 p.m.  Present: Krome Pickle, Rip City, Zeus, Grim, Bomber, Smooth and G Man.  Absent: Big Easy and the Duke.  Big Easy...Where are you...???

The philosophy of the three OMC Runs was rediscussed and clarified concerning the mission and purpose for the three rides.  All those present actually got on the phone and called Challis Hot Springs for the OMC Spring Run and Billingsley Creek Lodge for the OMC Summer Run. 

There is one room left at Challis Hot Springs for the OMC Spring Run.  I am not sure about Billingsley Creek for the OMC Summer Run.  If you don't have a reservation at one or the other I would call right away.  It also wouldn't hurt to get your reservation in at the Indian Lodge Motel for the OMC Fall Run right now.

The OMC Run dates, times and details are on the website for your reference.

We had a great time after the food finally arrived (Sorry Krome...Didn't know you had to leave.  Get with me for that patch-set I didn't get to you).  It was a screw-up on the Prez....long story.  Thanks to Zeus for the bitchin' tacos...!!!  I know how you got your nickname for sure.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

OMC Meeting Thursday March 8th at 7 p.m. at Clubhouse

Best Foot Forward

There is a mandatory meeting this coming Thursday March 8th at 7 p.m. at the Clubhouse.  Pizza and soda will be furnished so come hungry. 

Also, please bring your dues if you haven't paid for them yet.  I will also bring patchsets in case anyone wants another set.

Guests are welcome only if they are prospective members.  See you there.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

OMC January Meeting Report

The meeting was held at the Clubhouse at 7 p.m.  Present: Smooth, Zeus, G-Man, Grim, Bomber, Duke and Rip City.  Absent: Krome Pickle and Big Easy.

The members had a great discussion about group riding and some new OMC riding rules were discussed and instituted.  It was decided there would be a training topic covered at each meeting.

Grim will research having an OMC firearms training course in mid June.  More to follow.

The OMC also decided that members would individually go to Shadows Embroidery and purchase their own OMC stuff.  The setup for the embroidery and screen printing has already been paid for.

If you haven't paid your dues, get them to Grim ASAP to renew your membership.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

OMC Meeting This Thursday January 5th at 7 p.m.

See you at the meeting at the Clubhouse.  Bring your $25 for the yearly dues.  Patchsets and such will also be available.  Main subject will be about group riding skills.  See ya there.