Tuesday, December 31, 2013

OMC Membership Dues Needed on January 2nd, 2014

Please bring your $25 OMC membership dues to the mandatory meeting on January 2nd.  If you cannot attend, get your dues to Grim as soon as possible.  Address is available if needed.

This money is used to pay for the website, food at the meetings and other expenses.  Just a reminder as everyone is great about paying promptly and Grim appreciates it.

Mandatory OMC Meeting January 2, 2014 @ 7 p.m.

1948 Panhead

The mandatory OMC meeting will be held on Thursday January 2nd, 2014 at 7 p.m.  The meeting will be held at the Clubhouse on Fairview west of Cloverdale.


Pizza and beverages will be served so come hungry.  Topics include ride plans, new patch designs and all pins and patches will be available.

There will be also be news on the upcoming OGRES night at the Stampede NBA game in the luxury suite.

See all y'all there.


Sunday, December 29, 2013

OGRES New Years Day Ride January 1, 2014


The OMC New Years Day Ride will start at the Egg Factory (16011 N. Idaho Center Blvd.*) at 11 a.m.  The usage of two or four wheelers are acceptable for this ride.  After breakfast, around 11:45 a.m., we will ride/drive to Given's Hot Springs for a soak.

After a nice swim, the remainder of the ride/drive will be decided by the participants.

Please let me know if you are able to attend OR if you are not able to attend.

If we do not get enough interest, the ride may be cancelled.

The forecast is 36 degrees with no chance of precipitation and no wind chill.

(*The Egg Factory is right off I-84 right next to the Idaho Center at the Garrity Exit.)

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

An OMC Merry Christmas

Duke, Grim and G-Man (taking the picture)

The OMC primary officers wish all the OMC members and their families much happiness during the Holiday season.

We are hoping to start the tradition of a New Year's Day ride but the roads may not be clear enough.  More to follow.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

New OGRES Pin Warnings and Kudos

The pins on the back of the new OGRES pins are NOT very robust.  I would definitely recommend making a "starter" hole with a stick pin before installing your pin.  I tried to push one through a Lil' Joes vest without a starter hole and bent the pin clear sideways and had to throw the pin away. 

Many thanks to Krome for fronting the cash for these pins.  He wanted everyone to have three pins up front as a freebie.  (Zeus......Duke has your pins.)  The remainder of the pins are $5 each and Krome wanted the proceeds to go into the OMC coffers to pay for meeting goodies, website rental and such.  Very generous of Krome.

Remember.....stick it before you stick it.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Veteran's Day Ride November 11, 2013

Guest, Duke, Rip City, and Grim
Rip City at Childhood (and more) Home

A call went out from the Sergeant-At-Arms for a Veteran's Day ride.  OMC members and guests met at the Shell station at Highway 44 and Sand Hollow Road.  OMC members present: Duke, Rip City and Grim.  Duke brought two guests along on the ride.

We rode through Notus towards Parma and then turned towards Wilder.  I always really enjoy riding by the beautiful horse ranch at this junction.  We rode through Wilder which happens to be the town that Rip City grew up in.  We stopped at his family home and the current owner was nice enough to smoke her cigarette in the driveway so we could get a cameo photo op of Rip City on the porch.

We then headed towards the drug store that was run by Rip City's father.  It had turned into a "classy" bar since those days.  The Wilder Lounge was closed so we moved out.

We passed by Homedale where I pointed out the Tango Saloon located behind the Moxie Java.  A great place to eat if you are in the area or on a ride.

We rolled through Marsing and proceeded along the river past Given's Hot Springs until we made a stop at Walter's Ferry.  Snacks and stories were exchanged before we headed through Melba and Kuna.

We headed for Meridian to have an afternoon repast at Ed's 50s Cafe.  Unfortunately, the cafe closes at 2:30 p.m. and we arrived at 3.  We went next door at Shari's Cafe.  Rip City had a BLT without L and the T.  And the bacon was very, very, very crispy.

We talked trash and said many disparaging things about all the OMC members who were not present. If an OMC member wants to avoid being trash-talked on rides, the best bet is to be on the ride.

It was a great time and probably the last decent day of the year.  I am glad to be part of making the best of it.  I was so happy I stopped at the Harley dealer and rewarded my Street Glide with a new color matched part.  I'll show it to you later.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

OMC November 2013 Meeting Report

Smooth and Big Easy

Rip (Rock) and Bomber (Opie)

The OMC November meeting was held as scheduled.  Present:  G-Man (Scarecrow), Duke, Bomber (Opie), Grim, Smooth, Big Easy and Rip City (Rock).  Absent: Zeus and Krome.

Bomber (I added Opie because Bomber looks just like Opie from the "Sons of Anarchy" television show in the above picture) arrived on his newly pinstriped Street Glide.  Super bitchin' bike.  Can't wait to see it on the road.

Members first enjoyed a splendid repast of pizza, soda and cinnamon sticks while exchanging stories, verbal jabs and general exaggerations.  There was also show and tell concerning very important motorcycle accessories.  Rip City and I need to hit the range until he is comfortable with "cocked and locked".

Members discussed the procedure to displace the Summer Run.  Anyone can present a written plan to the primary officers for approval.  The one main condition is that the ride or ride schedule cannot exclude any OMC member by design.  See the Events Section on the OMC website for what is required for this ride design.

Members also discussed a Route 66 two week ride for this coming summer.  Possible time frames are the first part of July or August.

A plan was also set for a Veteran's Day ride on Monday.  A separate email was sent to all OMC members with the details.  See you there.

Scarecrow.....er....G-Man came up with several ideas about Summer Run replacement rides.  Can't wait to see them on paper.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

OMC Meeting Thursday November 7

This is a reminder concerning the OMC November meeting tomorrow at 7 p.m.  The meeting will be held at the Fairview Clubhouse.  Pizza will be furnished along with beverages.

See all y'all there.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Lowman Lowdown October 23, 2013

Fun In Idaho City Before HD Motorcycles

The V.P. called for a ride last Wednesday.  Along with G-Man, the crew included Krome, Smooth, Grim and G-Man's son.

We left around 1 p.m. and headed for Highway 21 only to stop at the Chevron at Gowen and I-84.  One would think that the person who called the ride would have known the OMC was going for a ride and would have gassed his Harley beforehand.  D'oh.  Anyway, after G-Man and his kid gassed up, we headed up Highway 21 with G-Man in the lead.

Having not ridden in the pack for quite some time, I took advantage of the opportunity to hone my pack riding skills.  With Smooth ahead of me and Krome bringing up the "sweep", it was a very nice ride to Idaho City.

We stopped in Idaho City to rest our backsides and to get a treat.  I had a Nemo's Banana Cake and iced tea.

We then headed on up to Lowman without sighting a deer the entire time.  Traffic was non-existent.  We stopped at the rest stop by Lowman for a bio break and photo opportunities.  G-Man did not send me a picture for this blog post but I didn't ask him.  Do I still have to ask for everyone to send me pictures of the rides?!?!  Okay, I'll cut him a break.

I took the lead for the rest of the ride.  There was much construction and waiting at flag persons and automatic traffic lights but we eventually made it to Garden Valley.

We stopped in Crouch to eat and were going to try a different restaurant from the one we usually attend.  (G-Man and his kid stopped for gas at the Chevron while we scouted for food.)  As luck would have it, Two Rivers Grill is only open Thursday through Saturday.  We headed onwards to Wild Bill's only to find it closed at 4 p.m. and we were about a half hour past that.

So we headed to the old standby, The Longhorn, hoping the service and food would be better than usual.  The Longhorn's karma must have felt the vibration of the OMC's "force" because the service was a little better and most of the group enjoyed an above average meal (mine was the best I had ever had there.....elk burger with an egg.)  I did not ask for it really, really, really crispy.

The OMC and guest saddled back up and sailed into Boise with the wind at our backs and light traffic.

This was probably the last ride of the year with decent weather.  Not too hot and not too cold.  Just like my elk and egg burger.  Thanks guys.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

OMC September 2013 Meeting Report

OMC members gathered at Duke's country villa with G-Man, as usual, showing up 35 fashionable minutes late.  Present:  Duke and Pam, Smooth and Pat, Big Easy and Kay, G-Man and Sherry, Rip City and Stephanie, and Grim showed up stag.  Not present:  Zeus, Krome and Bomber.

The repast was excellent with ribs, chicken, potatoes, watermelon and a plethora of pie choices.  G-Man brought some cake from Germany.  I was careful to try everything to thoroughly taste test everything.  I can report all was above excellent.

The patio was perfect for conversation and snappy repartee.  As usual, it was too easy to make fun of G-Man so I picked on Sherry when possible while also throwing a few jabs at Rip City.  After all, he does own scooters.

The childrens' playhouse, in the backyard, was so nice the meeting was almost held in there.  I did try out the trampoline but had eaten too much.

Huge thanks to Pam and Duke for having all the OGRES to their digs.  It was a great time.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

OMC 2013 Fall Run Report

Joseph, Oregon

The OMC 2013 Fall Run to Joseph, Oregon was completed on August 23rd and 24th.  Those members who joined in the maximum fun were:  Krome, G-Man, Rip "Kid Rock" City, Smooth, Grim and Big Easy's guest.  Yep, you read it correctly.  Big Easy came to the breakfast at the Garage Cafe and brought a guest.  Then Big Easy went home.  Yeah, I know.  Not present: Big Easy, Zeus, Bomber and Duke.

The ride started with a "light" breakfast at the Garage Cafe in Notus.  The Vice President reported that Bomber had "forgotten" his Harley in Twin Falls while working a deal on a new Street Glide.  The VP said Bomber was going to try to make it on his rice burner but the rear tire was bald.  Turns out the quest for a newly installed rear tire stalled and Bomber had to stay home.  As previously reported, Big Easy introduced his guest and then went home due to family matters.

The group headed north but only made it to Fruitland as G-Man wanted to stop and deliver greetings to his son, Nate, who was on duty at the paramedic station.  After the family reunion, we headed past Payette and up through Huntington.  Just before Huntington, the front of the group encountered two deer, one of which ran directly across the road in front of us.  However, we were vigilant and there were no mishaps.  However, about 200 yards further, there were some rocks in the road from the adjacent hill side.  Rip City was conscientious about pointing out a cantaloupe sized rock with his foot. Unfortunately, his depth perception was not at it's best and he kicked the rock like a football, whipping his leg back.  Rip "Rock" City managed to stay on his bike but he limped like Walter Brennan for the rest of the trip.

G-Man suggested a route through Medicine Cup (or City or Hat) and we took that route.  It turned out to be a fantastic stretch of curvy road through the tall pines along a river.  Very nice.

We stopped for lunch in Union and went to the restaurant recommended by a random lady we contacted next to a clapboard drive-in dive.  Instead, we went back up the road and dined at a different dive but a tier up from the other one.  And it was next to a Sterling Bank....so, you know.

We continued on but I went left instead of right at the edge of town.  We should have gone to Cove which would have taken us far away from LaGrande.  And then I missed the turn on Pierce Road which would have achieved the aforementioned goal to a lesser degree.  But, no....I had to take us right through hot, nasty traffic in LaGrande.  Oh well, I was actually working to create more appreciation for the greatness of the rest of the route on the run.  Yeah, I know.

It was a very nice ride towards Enterprise even though both Krome and myself were stung in the face by a bee on this stretch.  No, it wasn't the same bee.  The ride into Joseph was other wise uneventful and we even gassed up in Enterprise to avoid the one hour gas up ordeal at the antiquated service station in Joseph.

The members then embarked on a foot tour and shopping spree in Joseph, Oregon.  The locals huddled in fear in their homes.  Several of us liberated very expensive cookies and chocolate at one of the stores.  The obligatory visit to the painted wall-tin store was made and we also spied a two speed bicycle that peddled backwards in second gear.  I wanted it.  Rip "Rock" City and I went to the outdoor wear store to possible purchase another "blue man" shirt but they no longer sold the shirt.  Bummer.  I was going to buy one also.  Yeah, I know.

Big Easy's guest, G-Man, Grim, Smooth, Krome and Rip "Rock" City

We then headed off for the obligatory ride to the far end of Wallowa Lake.  We went early enough to ride in the daylight and enjoy the lake.  We parked and spotted some folks trying to get a Ford pickup started.  We all pitched in and offered all the advice we had and eventually got the vehicle started.  Then we found a couple of teenagers who took pictures for us.

Back to town, we had our annual dinner at the Stubborn Mule.  The waitress was the same as last year and we waited a record time for our meals as she was the only one working the restaurant.  However, it was good food and great company.

There is a rumor that a card game occurred in Rip "Rock" City's room.  I am not sure what happened but my wallet was five bucks lighter the next morning.

Breakfast was had at the Cheyenne Cafe the next morning.  We loaded up and were on the road by 0830 hours.

The ride between Joseph and the Hell's Canyon Overlook was one of the best stretches of riding in recent memory.  Perfect temperature and speed along with almost no traffic was the menu for this part of the run.  We arrived to find the Overlook empty.

Big Easy's Guest and Rip City at Hell's Canyon

Smooth, Krome, G-Man and Rip City at Hell's Canyon

After enjoying the smoky view of Hell's Canyon we headed toward's the reservoir and lower climes.  The next stretch of road before we hit the main highway was pretty rough and full of potholes but the road department had circled each pothole with yellow paint making them a little easier to see among the shadows and road surface changes.  We made it to the little gas station located before the reservoir turn.

We stopped there to get treats and met several bicycle riders taking a break at the station.  Turns out they had started riding their touring bikes at Washington, D.C. on June 5th and there final destination was Florence, Oregon.  We asked a lot of questions and enjoyed the stories of their travels.  I was a little jealous.  G-Man used his usual suave charm and said, "You must not have jobs."  Slick.

We had a nice ride around the reservoir and down through the valley to Cambridge.  Again, it seemed like the nicest ride I had experienced through there.  Maybe passing up breakfast made my brain more clear.  Yeah, I know.

G-Man, Krome. Big Easy's guest, Smooth and Rip City

We lunched in Cambridge at Mrs. Gs Restaurant.  They immediately recognized us as the VIPs that we are and ensconced us in our own private dining room at a round table reminiscent of King Arthur's.  We ordered our food and some made use of the small salad bar.  During one of my trips to the salad bar, I spied homemade pies on the counter.  When we asked about the pies, the waitress said they were all for sale but the huckleberry pie.  She said that was her pie and she had paid for the huckleberries.  We offered her 50 bucks for it but she wouldn't budge, after only hesitating for a moment.  Rip City and I shared a piece of homemade peach pie.  Everyone else had chocolate cream pie.  The pieces were heaped with whipped cream and I can honestly say I have never seen a piece of pie as large as those.

We jumped back on our bikes and headed down towards Weiser.  We passed up our usual gas stop at the Sinclair in Cambridge.  The huckleberry waitress and informed us, when we inquired, that the Sinclair was closed due to a contentious divorce.  Many divorce jokes followed by members who are all still married.  At least G-Man had kept his apron strings tucked in for the whole trip.

After a gas stop in Weiser, we worked through several stops for road construction and eventually made it to Middleton.  Goodbyes were had and we all headed home.  As usual, the ride was not long enough.

In my humble opinion, this run ranks with the best thus far.  Many more will be had by the OGRES.  Thanks to everyone for making this run a very memorable. one.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

OMC September Meeting Tomorrow at Duke's at 6 p.m.


Just a reminder that the September meeting is tomorrow at the Sergeant at Arms' home at 6 p.m.

Be sure to arrive with your spouse.  Prospects and guests are NOT welcome.  See you there !

Thursday, August 29, 2013

OMC Meeting and Run Dates for 2014

2014 Indian Chieftain

This schedule can be found anytime at the OMC Website at:


OMC Meetings for 2014
January 2 (Yearly Dues Day: $25)
March 6
May 1
July 10 (Second Thursday due to July 4 Holiday)
September 5 – Friday – Barbecue – TBA
November 6
All meetings are at 7 p.m. at the Clubhouse on Fairview unless otherwise designated by the Club President.

O.M.C. Yearly Rides -2014
OMC Challis Spring Run 2014
Friday June 6
The ride will begin promptly at the Chevron at 8:00 a.m. at Gowen Rd. and I-84.
Overnight lodging will be at Challis Hot Springs for the first 8 guests who make reservations. Call the Challis Hot Springs at (208) 879-4442. The remaining riders will make arrangements to stay in town. Bring money to pay for dinner which will be prepared and served at Challis Hot Springs.
Saturday June 7
Breakfast will be at Challis Hot Springs. All but those 8 lucky folks who made reservations will have to pay for breakfast at the Hot Springs or eat in town.
We will depart at a time set the night before by the Ride Captain. Time is needed for soaking in the pool. Bring swim suit.
This ride is open only to OMC members and who they invite.

Iron Butt Ride 2014
There will be an 1000 mile Iron Butt Ride on Friday June 27 and Saturday June 28. 
This is not an OMC sanctioned ride nor does it take the place of the three OMC sanctioned rides.  Anybody and everybody is welcome.
Friday June 27
The ride will start at the Chevron at Gowen/I-84 at 0600 hrs. (6 a.m.).  Promptly.
The route is Boise - Pocatello - Idaho Falls - Missoula - Kellogg - Spokane - Ritzville - Tri Cities - Pendleton.  This loop is 1013 miles.  The entire ride is on the freeway but it is a very nice ride once we get past Idaho Falls. 
We will spend the night in Pendleton.  If you want to make reservations, you need to do this individually.
Saturday June 28
The second day will be a leisurely ride back through the Blue Mountains along the back roads.  Very nice.  We usually leave Pendleton about 0900 hrs. (9 a.m.).

OMC Hagerman Summer Run 2014
Friday July 25
The ride will begin promptly at 8 a.m. at the Garage Café in Notus, Idaho.
Overnight lodging will be in Hagerman, Idaho We will be staying at the Hagerman Valley Inn (208-837-6196). Each rider must make their own reservations.
Saturday July 26
The second day ride start will be determined by the Ride Captain.
This ride is open only to OMC members and who they invite.

OMC Joseph Fall Run 2014
Friday August 29
The ride will begin promptly at 8 a.m. at the Garage Café in Notus, Idaho.
Overnight lodging will be at the Indian Lodge Motel (541-432-2651) in Joseph, Oregon. Each rider must make their own reservations.
Saturday August 30
Departure time will be determined by the Ride Captain.
This ride is open only to OMC members and who they invite.

OMC 2013 Summer Run Report

Krome, Rip City, G-Man and Bomber at the Garage Cafe

Bomber, Krome and Rip City at the Owyhee Reservoir

Rip City, Bomber, Big Easy, and Krome at Billingsley Creek Lodge

Krome, Big Easy, Rip City and Bomber at the Gorge

Krome, G-Man, Big Easy, Rip City and Bomber at Galena Summit

Galena Summit

Rip City, Krome, Big Easy and Bomber at Red Fish Lake

The 2013 OMC Summer Run went down on the 19th and 20th of July.  About 541 miles were logged along with maximum fun.  Present:  Big Easy, G-Man, Rip City, Bomber and Krome.  Absent:  Grim, Duke, Zeus and Smooth.

Friday, 19th 

Met at the Chevron Station at Eagle and State Street.  Fantastic weather !  Those meeting there: G-Man, Bomber, Krome.

Arrived at Notus for Breakfast at the Garage Café, and met up with Rip.  Had a GREAT breakfast, as usual, and could hardly finish it.  Pictures afterward outside, with Rip doing his “BlueMan” impression.  Left at about 9:00 headed west.  

Diverted to Wilder to look at Rip’s childhood home and his Dad’s Pharmacy location.  Decided to head to Adrian, Oregon.  Once there, the morning so beautiful, we decided to head to Owyhee Reservoir.  Relaxed at the top of the dam, and then decided to continue to the marina at the other end.  Not too much there, but with Rip’s luck, we found a future “store” being prepared, and the Ranger offered us free Soda from last years stock.  As it was getting pretty hot out, it tasted pretty good.  

We soaked our vests in the sprinklers and headed back out the way we came, but diverted another way to the main highway, and stopped at the Owyhee Junction store, and snacked.  Getting HOT.  Headed south to just west of Marsing, gassed up and bought some more cold sodas and ice creams.  

Then we headed south as if going to Winnamuca, Nevada.  Pretty soon we hit the Summer Camp road turnoff, leaving 95 and followed it to 78 near Givens Hot Springs.  We rode until we hit Grandview.

Grandview for lunch.  Again, great food and visited for an hour or so in the air-conditioned restaurant.  Left an hour later, and my bike thermometer said 108 degrees in Bruneau, and headed on East on 78 to Hammett.

At Hammett, we knew that Big Easy was in Glenns Ferry waiting for us, and so we got on I-84 for a quick approach.  We met Big Easy and friend Van at the main grocery store, and caught them snoozing.  They had come on the freeway and been waiting for an hour or so.  Soaked our vests in the sink of the bathrooms, and headed on down the road to King Hill.  

Took a Ranch Road Loop there and finally got to Bliss, and dropped down to Hagerman.  On the way, we passed some kids that were messing around and crashed their old pickup into an orchard and really messed up the front end of their pick-up.  As we got to Billingsley Creek Lodge, we saw the police headed their way.  

At Billingsley, they had lost G-Man and Bombers room reservation.  She said the whole town was sold out.  We asked her to call the main motel in town, and they did have a room.  It was really nice.  An hour later Big Easy lead us to the town “swimming hole”, known as Fisher Lake, the old Vardis Fisher homestead.  Water was cold but really crystal clear and refreshing.  Supper at about 8:30 and to bed early.  Not sure if there was a card game or not at Billingsley.

Saturday, 20th

Breakfast at Billingsley, and the owners invited G-Man and Bomber for free.  It was fantastic as usual, with the fruit and cake, etc.

Headed down the road, just north of Billingsley, quickly up the grade to the top of the bluff, and then a few moments later to  Malad Gorge State Park, to look at the Devils Washbowl from the walking bridge.  Then we headed across the freewa I-84, and due north to Highway 26 east of Bliss, and headed to Gooding, gassed and got munchies, and soaked our vests with a hose at the side of the station. 

Then due north on 46 till we got just east of  Fairfield, then east on 20 till we hit the 75 Junction, and on north to Ketchum.  Munchies again at the Veltex station in town, and then on north to Galena Summit.  

Took some pictures, and a guy drove up and said that a “biker” just rolled off the highway about a mile down from the overlook.  We headed down to see if we could help. He was dazed, and had ridden his dual sport too hard in an inside corner, going to fast passing some cars, and rode off into the brush at the side of the road.  Driver he passed said the bike flipped twice with him rolling with it.  Another driver loaded him into his front seat, with some of his baggage and took him to be checked.  We then pulled his bike out of the hole it was down in. 

Stopped at Redfish Lake Lodge for lunch.  Great tacos and burgers outside and at the lawn tables.  Fun watching people and shooting the breeze…. 

Gas and restrooms at Stanley, lots of traffic.

Stop at Chevron in Garden Valley, more gas, more eats, and more fun…

Quick stop to say good-by at the Horseshoe Bend Chevron, and we then took off over the pass and waved good-by at State Street.  

See all of the Pics by G-Man.
Another GREAT ride, even though the weather was really HOT, but the “soaker” vests made it just fine.

By Guest Blogger:  V.P. G-Man

Monday, August 26, 2013

OMC Meeting - Barbecue at Duke's House - September 6 - 6 p.m.

Freedom Riders

The September 6th Meeting will be at Duke's house at 6 p.m.  Duke will be hosting the barbecue and shindig.

This event is for OMC members ONLY and their spouses.  Guests and prospects are not invited.

I will send out Duke's address on a separate e-mail.


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Change in Meeting Place for Beginning of Fall Run This Friday

Joseph, Oregon

Change in plans.  Everyone meet over at the Garage Cafe in Notus at 8 a.m.  There will be no rendezvous before that.  See you there.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

OMC Fall Run This Coming Friday August 23 and Saturday August 24

Joseph, Oregon

The OMC Fall Run begins this coming Friday August 23rd.

For those who want to ride together to the Garage Cafe in Notus, we will be leaving the Clubhouse on Fairview at 7:15 a.m. promptly.

Otherwise, the ride begins at the Garage Cafe in Notus at 8:00 a.m.  We will have breakfast there and then be on our way to Joseph, Oregon.  We will be taking backroads and highways through Nyssa, Payette, Baker and LeGrande.

After spending the night at the famous Indian Lodge Motel we will be coming back through Hells Canyon and Cambridge.

More information is available at the OMC wegsite at:


It promises to be an epic adventure.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Another Choice for OMC Members

2014 Indian Chieftain Faired Hard Bagger

Since all OMC members AND prospects are required to own and ride a motorcycle produced by a North American manufacturer, the choices have increased with the reintroduction of the Indian motorcycle line.  Interestingly enough, Polaris is the money behind the line of Indian Motorcycles as they are for the Victory motorcycles.

Now OMC members and prospects now have three choices of production motorcycles:  Harley-Davidson, Victory or Indian.  You are not a prospect unless you OWN one of the three.

The new Indians look pretty cool and I would like to try the 111 cubic inch engine, blue tooth stereo system and electrically adjustable windshield.  Iconic styling.

One of each brand would work for me if I could afford it.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

OMC Summer Run 2013 Report

Rip City and Krome
Rip City, Krome and Bomber 

Really, really crispy

The OMC Summer Run transpired on July 19th and 20th.  Present: Bomber, G-Man, Krome, Rip City and Big Easy.  Absent: Grim, Duke, Zeus and Smooth.

That's all I know as promised reports have not arrived on my desk.

I also would appreciate any photos from the Spring Run and this Summer Run ANYONE might have so I can post them in the photo gallery on the website:


I am really sorry I missed it.  We will talk about this Run at our November meeting.

What were those "wussy" unauthorized vests I see in the photos !?!?

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

OMC Fall Run August 23rd and 24th 2013

Joseph, Oregon

The OMC Fall Run is coming up in less than a month.  If you are going, make sure your reservations have been made at the Indian Lodge Motel (541-432-2651).  This run has always been a great adventure.

See the details of the OMC Fall Run at:


If you haven't made your "one membership ride" for the year, this is the last chance.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

2013 OMC Summer Run Friday July 19th and Saturday July 20th

The 2013 OMC Summer Run is this coming Friday July 19th and Saturday July 20th.

The ride begins promptly at the Garage Cafe in Notus at 8 a.m.

Contact the V.P. if you have any questions.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

OGRES Challenge Coin and Pins Report

I have worked with this vendor for many years.  Randy, the vendor, has done coins for me and the Police Department.  He also has done pins for the N.B.A. that I ordered through him.  He is the one who vendored the coins I have given the Club:


He did receive the pins about ten days ago.  They were not done to the above specs that I insisted upon.  Especially the number 15 that I really wanted to "pop"  It was merely engraved on the front of the pin.  I also did not like the finish.  Randy immediately got with the makers and the new pins are supposed to be in production as we speak.  He sent the incorrect ones to me but I don't want them and will send them back to him.  I am not happy.

The coins are en route to Idaho right now.  Yesterday they were in Tennessee and they are supposed to arrive in Moscow on Saturday.  Randy says he is driving them down to me on Monday.  I am not happy.

Randy says the coin and pin facility has been backed up lengthening the delivery time of the coins and pins.  We ordered the coins on March 15th and the pins on March 18th.  I am not happy.

I will update you as I am able to get more information from Randy.

Monday, July 1, 2013

OMC Meeting July 11 at 6:30 P.M.

REMINDER !  The July meeting will be on July 11 due to Independence Day falling on the first Thursday of the month.  We will meet at the Clubhouse at 6:30 p.m. to ride together to a meeting place yet to be determined.  OGRES challenge coins will be distributed.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

OMC Iron Butt Ride 2013

Our intrepid Vice President, G-Man, pulled the trigger and started his solo adventure on June 21st at 5:30 a.m.  He officially was not late since he was the only one riding!  G-Man rode until 1:15 on June 22nd.  His route included Pendleton, Deer Lodge, Dillon and Jerome.

That's 19 hours and 45 minutes on the bike for 1232 miles.  G-Man did stop for a 15 minute lunch break and a 20 minute supper break.  (Hopefully there were some other breaks.)  This set a new record for consecutive miles for G-Man.  A gauntlet has been thrown.  At least to me.

There is that old saying:  If you want to travel far, travel with others.  If you want to travel fast, travel alone.

Nicely done, V.P. !

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

OMC 2013 Spring Ride Report

President Grim
Ogres and Guests
(L. to R.) Jay, G-Man, Lance, Duke Krome, Chris, Grim, Brennan,
Rip City, Nolan, Smooth, Bomber and Big Easy

The OMC 2013 Spring Run began almost as planned on Friday morning.  Present: Duke, Grim, Rip City, Bomber, Big Easy, Smooth and Krome.  Guests: Jay, Lance, Nolan, Chris and Brennan.  Absent:  Zeus.

The main group left the starting point belatedly after V.P. G-Man finally arrived to get the show on the road. G-man, Rip City, Smooth, Big Easy, Krome, Bomber, Chris and Jay were in the initial group. Club members who are on time (early) are hereby cleared to leave the V.P. behind when the starting time arrives.

The ride to Arco reportedly was uneventful and the group stopped to eat at Pickles in Arco.  I have not received the official group shot by the giant rocking chair as of yet.  One lady at the restaurant did identify the members as the Orgies.  Hopefully they were not demonstrating the name at the time.  As far as I know the first group arrived at the Challis Hot Springs without incident.

Grim, Duke, Lance, Nolan and Brennan left Boise at 1100 hrs.  The late start was due to a business emergency on the part of the guests and a philanthropic mission on the part of the members.  We stopped for gas at Picabo and the President neglected to tell the rest of the guys that lunch was in Arco. Hence, the others had ordered lunch although the Sergeant at Arms had taken this trip before and knew the drill.  However, the President is very flexible and quickly ordered food.  This group continued on through Arco, a quick pit stop in Mackay (where Duke lost his glasses), and on to Challis Hot Springs.

The two groups were united at Challis and friendly jibes and lies were exchanged.  All the rooms were full and after a great meal put on by Pam and Dave, our stomachs were also full.  Shortly after dinner, the pool was soon full of OGRES.  More lies and jibes followed with some rule breaking in the form of tossed rocks.  Or maybe those rocks just dropped out of the heavens.  Yeah, that's it.

Krome, Chris, Smooth, Grim and Rip City soon adjourned to the Octagon for a friendly game of cards. Rip City had two Diet Pepsi bottles in a vain attempt to stay awake so his fellow card players would not have to protect him from himself.  A curfew of 12 midnight was set for the end of the game.  As luck would have it, Rip City did not make it to the witching hour "donating" his chips to the other players.  Pure humility and good manners precludes me from disclosing who the "big" winner turned out to be.

I apologize as I don't know what others activities transpired during the game.  I do know G-Man was present for a little tutoring in the art of card playing so he will be in on the game at Hagerman.  Bring your money, V.P.

The next morning found the club in the pool around 7 a.m.  The fresh water felt grand and it was difficult to get out but breakfast called at 8 a.m.  Kathy had fixed a great coffee cake and hash brown/cheese/meat delight in a pan.  (I can't remember what she called it.....much more grand of a name.)  We left way too much food behind but motorcycles have a weight limit.

The thirteen strong motorcade left the Hot Springs after the obligatory photography session and goodbyes to the staff.  Gretchen, Bob and Lorna were missed by the Club as they were out of town for the duration of our visit.  A short safety briefing preceded our departure.

The sight of the sixteen motorcycles along the way was very cool and we passed a lot of riders going the other way.  Sailing was smooth until the Club ventured upon a scene from Rawhide.  There were cattle along the road between Challis and Clayton and after the bovines were spooked they crossed the road many times amongst the riders.  Everyone made it past the beasts without collision and we rolled in safely to Stanley.  No regrouping was needed as it seemed most of the traffic was uphill and not down.

The Club and guests continued on to Lowman running into only one "bump in the road" where there had been a landslide and the road was down to one lane.  We caught up to the motorcycle that had passed us earlier.  I was pretty sure it was a Yamahaaa as I could smell the rice burning when the couple aboard passed us.

We rolled into Crouch and had to park in various areas because the business parking lots we parked in last year had blocked their parking with chairs and such! Molotov cocktails were in order but glass bottles are hard to find.

Some had barbecue and some did not.  The service was lousy but the ribs were tasty.  It's a good thing we were not in a hurry.  I was disappointed that Rip did not model his foreskin shirt as he has in years past at this juncture in the trip.  Duke...thanks again for lunch.

We loaded back up and continued down to the lowlands.  Our large group had stayed together pretty much the whole way.  I think the lack of the motorcycle rally in Crouch and the Lyle Pearson bicycle race being moved the previous week cut down on the traffic greatly and made for some smooth sailing.

A smooth ride and a great time.  And no one got arrested.  That I know of.

Rip City....thanks for being my wingman.